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Example sentences for "bleeve"

Lexicographically close words:
bleeders; bleeding; bleedings; bleeds; bleeged; bleeze; bleiben; bleibt; blemish; blemished
  1. A little anxiously Pinkey asked: "Don't you bleeve he's had enough?

  2. Didn't bleeve in nigger equality, and wuz in favor uv a imediate change in the post orfice at the Corners.

  3. Do yoo bleeve the present Congris a rump, and that (eleven states bein unrepresented) all their acts are unconstooshnel and illegal, ceptin them wich provides for payin salaries?

  4. Sed one to me (I bleeve he wuz a Kernel under Gen.

  5. He's an animal uv the bull kind; and criticism and opposition is to him the red flag wich the Spanish matadors, I bleeve they call em, waves afore the animals they wish to infooriate, and they may drive him into our ranks.

  6. Doo yoo bleeve that there is a partikelerly hot place reserved in the next world for Trumbull, a hotter for Wade, and the hottest for Sumner and Thad Stevens?

  7. I never saw His Imperial Highness in better spirits, and he delivered his speech to better advantage than I ever heard him do it before, and I bleeve I've heard it a hundred times.

  8. The aristocracy bleeve in freedom uv speech, but they desire to exercise a supervision over it, that they may not be led astray.

  9. Do you bleeve that the Philadelphia Convenshun will be a convocashen uv saints, all actuated by pure motives, and devoted to the salvation uv our wunst happy, but now distractid country?

  10. Iago makes him bleeve she does this because she thinks more of Mike than she does of hisself.

  11. But a low cuss named Iago, who I bleeve wants to git Otheller out of his snug government birth, now goes to work & upsets the Otheller family in the most outrajus stile.

  12. But a low cuss named Iago, who I bleeve wants to git Otheller out of his snug government birth, now goes to work & upsets the Otheller family in most outrajus stile.

  13. I don' bleeve but that Laban's mistook wat the Squire said.

  14. Brer Fox feel mighty sorry, he did, but he say he bleeve he try his han' enny how, en off he put.

  15. Brer Wolf he up'n say he bleedzd ter bleeve Brer Rabbit got dem fishes.

  16. I do'ant bleeve in makin' fish o' waun and flesh of t'other.

  17. I've zaid I doan't bleeve in et, zo I 'ave.

  18. I doan't bleeve he saw owt, if yo ast me.

  19. Now they're coomin, an I bleeve they're coomin this way!

  20. For hinstance, he acshally tried to make me bleeve that his Country is about 20 times as big as ours!

  21. In the coorse 'of two or three years you would hardly bleeve how he got on, and his wife was every bit aquil to him.

  22. I bleeve you've killed him outright,' says he, lifting the boy, and striving to bring him to life.

  23. Well, it is supposed as it ull be on to-morrer; but I bleeve there’s no sartinty about thic.

  24. Mr. Bumpkin turned his eyes first towards one speaker and then towards another without moving his head, as he thought: “Danged if I doan’t bleeve thee means I.

  25. It is endorsed in a contemporaneous hand--'Billa Prioris Norwic' pro missa perpetue fundanda.

  26. I dew bleeve I seed some on 't growin' not more'n er mile back.

  27. I don't bleeve the Guvvermunt knows anything about it.

  28. I told Ramony I didn't bleeve yer knowed it, or ye'd hev made him go.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bleeve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.