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Example sentences for "bloomer"

Lexicographically close words:
bloodwood; bloody; bloodye; bloom; bloomed; bloomeries; bloomers; bloometh; bloomin; blooming
  1. However, she made up her mind that immediately after the convention she would take off the bloomer forever.

  2. Among those who wore the bloomer costume were Angelina and Sarah Grimké, many women in sanitoriums and some of the Lowell, Mass.

  3. In spite of the fact that the bloomer costume made it easier for her to get about in the snowy streets, she now found it a real burden because it always attracted unfavorable attention.

  4. To her surprise Susan found Amelia in the bloomer costume about which she had read in The Lily.

  5. Even so she did not let down the hem of her skirt, but wore her bloomer costume heroically during the entire convention, determined that she would not be stampeded into a long skirt by the jeers of Albany men or the ridicule of the women.

  6. Garrison, Phillips, and William Henry Channing disapproved of the bloomer costume, but Gerrit Smith continued to champion it and his daughter wore it at fashionable receptions in Washington during his term in Congress.

  7. During one of these visits, Susan finally put on the bloomer and cut her long thick brown hair as part of the stern task of winning freedom for women.

  8. Thoroughly interested, Susan left Seneca Falls with much to think about, but not yet converted to the bloomer costume, or even to woman suffrage.

  9. The New York Sun spoke of Susan's "ungainly form rigged out in the bloomer costume and provoking the thoughtless to laughter and ridicule by her very motions on the platform.

  10. Let any mind, unwarped by prejudice and untrammelled by custom, decide whether the costume of the Rochester Bloomer or of the old lady be the more sensible.

  11. Do not girls wear a Bloomer constantly till they are fourteen or fifteen, then generally commence the longer dress?

  12. The double flowering plum has always been hardy with us, and usually has been a splendid bloomer in the latter part of April, but last winter was so severe that it did not bloom at all this spring.

  13. A woman who, unaided and alone, had worn the Bloomer costume for twenty years in the heart of a commentative community like Willoughby Pastures, was not likely to be without a cutting tongue for her defence.

  14. The very image and presentment of a Corporal of his country's army, in the line of his shoulders, the line of his waist, the broadest line of his Bloomer trousers, and their narrowest line at the calf of his leg.

  15. There was much fun and enthusiasm, when the assumed Hogan would be asked to gain through Cooney, or Bloomer would make a run, and the make-believe Foster Rockwell would urge the pseudo Yale team on to victory.

  16. Sallie Ward, then the wife of Bigelow Lawrence, appeared in a costume designed on the Bloomer pattern.

  17. At a ball given in Boston about the time Mrs. Bloomer was seeking to introduce her reform in woman's dress, and while the subject was being widely discussed.

  18. And I must admit I didn't like the bloomer girl myself.

  19. It is a free bloomer out-of-doors in summer and forces readily in winter.

  20. It promises to become a general favorite, as in addition to the qualities referred to, it is a free autumnal bloomer outside.

  21. Bloomer used to go up every night to see the work done.

  22. Bloomer had an unpleasant job, which kept him out late at nights, and I did not envy him.

  23. Although she wore the bloomer dress, its originator was Elizabeth Smith Miller, the only daughter of Gerrit Smith.

  24. Bloomer is now a recognized word in the English language.

  25. The names of those who wore the bloomer costume, besides those already mentioned, were Paulina Wright Davis, Lucy Stone, Susan B.

  26. Walking home, after the adjournment, we met Mrs. Bloomer and Miss Anthony on the corner of the street, waiting to greet us.

  27. They usually ride in dainty bloomer costumes, even when they don't ride astride.

  28. Deborah looked very piquante in a bloomer dress of dark blue, with masses of shining hair in natural ringlets falling over the collar, mixing with her lei of red rose-buds.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloomer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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