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Example sentences for "blushingly"

Lexicographically close words:
blush; blushed; blushes; blushful; blushing; blusht; bluster; blustered; blustering; blusterous
  1. She remained silent and blushingly laid her innocent head on her beloved father's breast.

  2. And I won't deny, sir, as we're proud of 'im.

  3. Comethup, roused at last, and shaking him fiercely by the arm.

  4. Blushingly she turned her face, and their lips met; and Comethup stumbled somehow out of the house.

  5. Comethup opened it tremblingly, and floundered about for a moment among the strange, cramped handwriting; then blushingly confessed that he had not been used to reading writing.

  6. Theodore, my dear fellow, when I'm led blushingly to the altar, you'll be proud of my choice.

  7. The old couple had not yet retired, and Juana blushingly admitted us.

  8. Cartouche, when the captain made the last remark, blushingly protested against it, and pleaded his extreme youth as a reason why his comrades could never put entire trust in him.

  9. Charley, with her best curtsy, blushingly tied on her bonnet and went her way.

  10. Then Ada blushingly asked me how did I know that, my dear.

  11. She was so very pretty that I might have known her by her beauty even if I had not seen how blushingly conscious she was of the eyes of the young fisherman, whom I discovered not far off.

  12. To this tentative kind of inquiry Alice did not reply, but looked blushingly into the judge's earnest face and sweetly laughed, like the artless girl she was.

  13. Now that I have survived those ridiculous sensations that quite overpowered me," Alice blushingly remarked "will you accompany me for a moment?

  14. Martha had obtained employment in two or three milliner's establishments in the city; and, as she blushingly told me, had good reasons for leaving them all.

  15. She blushingly held down her head, without making reply.

  16. Well, not all the time," she blushingly answered.

  17. Oh, yes, I confessed that I had met someone that had the first place in my heart," she blushingly admitted.

  18. I suppose not," Ellen timidly replies; blushingly too, for she knows how nearly the subject concerns herself, and half believes the interrogatory aimed at her.

  19. Stepping over the threshold, the young waterman is warmly received by his older brother of the oar, and blushingly by the girl, whose cheeks are already of a high colour, caught from the fire over which she has been stooping.

  20. The young man joyously obeyed and in a very short space of time Monte-Cristo's daughter came timidly and blushingly into the presence of the Count Massetti, leaning upon the arm of her betrothed, whose countenance fairly shone with happiness.

  21. The girl arose and, smiling at Espérance, tripped blushingly away.

  22. The doctor has actually asked the question, and I blushingly referred him to mamma, but he seemed to think this unnecessary, took alarm at once, and pressed the matter until I said yea.

  23. I know it will please you both," and she glanced archly at Alice, who blushingly kissed the little boy who was to bear the name dearest to her of all others.

  24. The tzin looked surprised, but not displeased; Teochma smiled a loving approval, while Itlza blushingly showed her gratification in the pleased look which lit up her face.

  25. Oxie, who had fallen behind for a moment, to pluck a few flowers which she arranged into a neat little bouquet, on coming to the window, blushingly handed them to him.

  26. You have surmised it," she blushingly replied.

  27. I have not come prepared financially," she blushingly and faintly replied.

  28. Martha let me read them, and only once did she blushingly cover a postscript with her hand.

  29. Charlotte blushingly hid her face on his bosom, but he gently raised her head, and pressed an ardent kiss on the lips which uttered no refusal.

  30. Behind her stood her two lovely daughters; the eyes of both fastened on Frederick Schiller, to whom they extended their hands, blushingly bidding him welcome.

  31. Illustration: She blushingly knelt before me, presenting on a silken cushion, a wreath.

  32. Burkhard rose from the stool, and stood blushingly before her.

  33. When she had read and reread it many times, she blushingly kissed it, and hid it in her bosom.

  34. They released the trembling Irwin, and Nita blushingly apologized for her extreme nervousness.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blushingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.