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Example sentences for "bote"

Lexicographically close words:
botany; botas; botch; botched; botches; botes; both; bothe; bother; botheration
  1. The passage was then “by a bote and a rope bent over ye haven, so yt in ye fery bote they use no ores.

  2. But he paid Quiamo Dono 10 taies of it, in parte bote hier to cary those goods above to Osekay, the rest to make it up 35 taies Mr. Eaton is to pay at Osekay.

  3. But sowne after our bote retorned and the Capt.

  4. We're bote on de same trail, so let's get down to it.

  5. When bale is hext, then bote is next,' i.

  6. He must do three things in respect of his land, namely, fyrdfare, burh-bote and bridge-work.

  7. Cawcaw he padled the bote towards the shore and i gumped out lively and gumped into a deep place and went down way under.

  8. Cawcaw went fishing agen today in the bote ferst i padled and he skiped and then he padeled and i skiped.

  9. Shipp and takyAEsAEs they dight, Stede and armo{ur} ffor to ffyght To the bote they bare.

  10. So I drug de man ober de side of de bote into the water, and mashed him down in the mud, an dat man never cum up any more.

  11. Nay, bote hit be for the platen that he habben wolde.

  12. I nul sulle my loverd for nones cunnes eiste, Bote hit be for the thritti platen that he me bi taiste.

  13. I spose you say you see notheeng bote large peas board: zat peas board was one táble for two, tree hundret yars; all zat time ze pickshoor was unbeknounst undair ze táble.

  14. Zere is one in ze Sciarra palace, bote betwane you and I, I don't believe it is gin'wine.

  15. Started at larst very suddent, causin the bote for to lurch vilently and knockin me orf from my pins.

  16. Bote tearin threu the briny waters at the rate of 2 Nots a hour, when the boy on the leadin hoss shoutid-- "Sale hoe!

  17. Didn't rest well last night on account of a uprore made by the capting, who stopt the Bote to go ashore and smash in the windows of a grosery.

  18. Their fire bote is brought out of the Wight, and other places, yet doo they burne much cow doong dried in the sunne, for there is I saie no wood in the Ile, except a few elmes that be about the church.

  19. Ich wene ther ne beth in al the world · contreyes none That ne holdeth to hor owe speche · bote Engelonde one.

  20. The see geth him al aboute · he stond as in an yle, Of fon hii dorre the lasse doute · bote hit be thorgh gyle .

  21. Bote and Bock, but have now come to the conclusion that they must be the purchasers of my operas whom my Berlin agent had in his eye when necessity compelled me last winter to apply to him.

  22. I declare that at present I should not sell my operas to Bote and Bock or anybody else, for reasons which I need scarcely tell you.

  23. Hir ounded heer, that sonnish was of hewe, She rente, and eek hir fingres longe and smale She wrong ful ofte, and bad god on hir rewe, And with the deeth to doon bote on hir bale.

  24. What scholde I thanne of joies yelpe, 3410 Whan ther no bote is of mi care?

  25. For were it wrong or were it riht, Me lakketh nothing bote myht, That I ne wolde longe er this Of other mannes love ywiss Be weie of Supplantacioun Have mad apropriacioun And holde that I nevere boghte, Thogh it an other man forthoghte.

  26. For it is seid thus overal, That nedes mot that nede schal Of that a lif doth after kinde, Wherof he mai no bote finde.

  27. I'll git bote on yer or chase yer all over the Nort!

  28. It was some job to cotch bote on em, 'cause one allus flies away soon's a sound is hearn.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bote" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.