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Example sentences for "broadcaster"

Lexicographically close words:
broaching; broad; broadaxe; broadcast; broadcasted; broadcasters; broadcasting; broadcasts; broadcloth; broadcloths
  1. The harsh-voiced broadcaster continued to harangue the population of Tralee, of which the least of his words was high treason.

  2. There came a roar of anger and the harsh-voiced broadcaster returned to the air.

  3. The brisk, raceless broadcaster of the earlier broadcast--not the bearded man--came back.

  4. This tower broadcaster could only reach the local area, yet ships and land vehicles with Robot operators would doubtless pick it up and relay it further.

  5. The broadcaster of the Power House tower was blending his threats against the Robots with the voice of Greggson from the tower over the laboratory.

  6. There was one particular broadcaster whose code messages fairly rang in her ears.

  7. Every broadcaster of the enemy subs was trying to talk to every other.

  8. By working on her record of messages and her German dictionary, she was able to tell that this particular broadcaster was directing the course of several other subs.

  9. The OWI men were the first to admit that their glee was pointless, since it was the Japanese broadcaster and not the Japanese audience who responded.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broadcaster" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    announcer; commentator; journalist; programmer; reporter