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Example sentences for "builds"

Lexicographically close words:
builders; buildest; buildeth; building; buildings; buildup; built; buits; buka; buke
  1. It builds a particularly deep nest, of the usual warbler construction, on the ground, but its eggs are rosy rather than the bluish white of others.

  2. How does the chimney-swallow get the twigs it builds its nest with?

  3. This bird builds its nest in low bushes on the margin of ponds or low in the bog grass of marshes.

  4. She is clever as well, and quickly builds a new bottom on her nest, thus sealing up the cowbird's egg, and depositing her own on the soft, spongy floor above it.

  5. It builds its nest in the tussocks on the bank of a ditch, or in the drift left by the tide, rather than in the grassier sites chosen by its neighbors, the seaside sparrows.

  6. The contented plowman who whistles as he rides to the field and sings as he plows, and builds his little paradise on the farm, gets more out of life than the richest Shylock on earth.

  7. It is the false ideal that builds the "Paradise of Fools.

  8. It is through a series of such divisions as these that the zygote or fertilized egg-cell builds up the tissues and organs of the new organism.

  9. Each pair, after they have coupled, builds its own nest; and, instead of helping, they are very apt to steal the materials from one another.

  10. Soft peace she brings wherever she arrives; She builds our quiet, as she forms our lives; Lays the rough paths of peevish nature even, And opens in each heart a little heaven.

  11. The weaker end then goes off and builds itself another village, keeping an eye lifting for any member of the stronger end who may come conveniently into its neighbourhood to be killed and eaten.

  12. The Igalwa builds his house like that of the M'pongwe, of bamboo, and he surrounds himself with European-made articles.

  13. I'm sorry for her, deluded woman, if she builds on you.

  14. Since what she builds on is the gradual process of your alienation, she may take the view that the process constantly requires me.

  15. King Edwin, of Northumberland, embraces Christianity and builds the first minster of wood, at York.

  16. Oswald builds the first minster of stone at York.

  17. Ida founds the kingdom of Bernicia, in Northumberland, and builds Bamborough.

  18. The powerful stream of the Po of course builds forward the fastest; on each side of it, north and south, there is a tract of marsh, fed by more feeble streams, and less liable to rapid change than the delta of the central river.

  19. Each of these pigs builds himself a house of dirt, except Tiny Pig, who, though the runt of the litter, is a sensible little fellow and the hero of the tale.

  20. He builds his house of stone, with good strong doors and a substantial chimney.

  21. Day by day, he sees visions and dreams dreams, and so builds for himself a world in which he finds delight and profit.

  22. Every man builds his own world and is confined, throughout life, to the world which he himself builds.

  23. The farmer who builds a silo has faith that the products of the summer will bring joy and health to the winter.

  24. Show how the world that one builds depends upon one's own choosing.

  25. The miserable delusion of Homoeopathy builds itself upon an axiom directly the opposite of this; namely, that the sick are to be cured by poisons.

  26. It was the same thing in Italy and America: a rich man builds himself a mausoleum, and calls it a place of entertainment.

  27. Old bachelor Gridley lets them come up into his room, and builds forts and castles for them with his big books!

  28. It builds a garment cut to the pattern of an Idea, and trusts that Nature will model a material shape to fit it.

  29. There is a shell-fish which builds all manner of smaller shells into the walls of its own.

  30. Alcohol destroys healthy normal action of all the bodily functions, and builds up impure fat, fatty degeneration, instead of strong, firm muscle.

  31. He who builds in India builds not in the comfortable acceptation of the term which obtains at home.

  32. He sends not for his Barry or his Basevi; calls not for a design and specifications, and then beholds his house, and pays his bill; but he builds as Noah may have built the Ark.

  33. This fine bird lives chiefly in the marshes and by the water-side, where it builds its nest.

  34. Like the medieval freemasons, this respectable corporation of architects toils and builds on the principles of a profound geometry.

  35. With it the Danakil builds his house; with it he slays the animal, and flays the carcase.

  36. Chenalopex Egyptiacus builds its nest upon high trees on the river side in Efat.

  37. I appeal to Amherst men to reiterate and sustain the Amherst doctrine, that the man who builds a factory builds a temple, that the man who works there worships there, and to each is due, not scorn and blame, but reverence and praise.

  38. The law that builds up the people is the law that builds up industry.

  39. True it is that except the Lord builds the house they labour in vain as builds it.

  40. Builds his light town of canvas, and at once The whole scene moves and bustles momently.

  41. What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?

  42. Who builds stronger than a mason, a shipwright, or a carpenter?

  43. Mr. Snyder builds New York's schools, and he does that which no other architect before his time ever did or tried; he "builds them beautiful.

  44. He builds a permanent house and keeps it clean and in repair.

  45. The beaver not only builds his mound-like house, but uses the basin thus formed in excavating earthy material for the house for a winter food depository.

  46. Our food is creative, it builds our body; but not so wine, which stimulates.

  47. Is the instinct of the West right, where she builds her national welfare behind the barricade of a universal distrust of humanity?

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "builds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.