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Example sentences for "buryed"

Lexicographically close words:
burthening; burthens; burthensome; bury; buryas; burying; buryingplace; bus; busca; buscar
  1. What wronge hath bene done to many symple Women, for being buryed in the Tombe of dark obliuion, which for their vertue and pudique Lyfe, meryted Eternall prayse?

  2. Then Roderico caused the body of the dead to be buryed in a lyttle Countrey Chappell, not farre out of theyr way.

  3. But now young Andrew he is dead, But he was neuer buryed vnder mold, For ther as the wolfe devoured him, There lyes all this great erles gold.

  4. Have they not slayne one another and buryed themselves?

  5. But he is nowe past thynkinge on for that, And were he buryed all were perfytted.

  6. This buryed here is noble Ferdinand, His fathers comfort and his Countryes hope.

  7. Dye all my hopes, & in thys masse of shame Be buryed both my memorye & name.

  8. For hys deathe I murderd theise: thys temporyzinge knave Buryed him last nyght; all I can aleadge Agaynst hym is concealment of the murther.

  9. Sarah, his wife, who was slayne 1º Junii at Maydestone Fight, was buryed on the third daye of June, anno predicto.

  10. Nay by my faith, quod the frere, he is a broder of ours, and therefore he must nedys be buryed in oure cloyster.

  11. There they buryed Abraha and Sara his wyfe/ there they buryed Isaac & Rebecca his wyfe.

  12. And thus dyed Rahel ad was buryed in the waye to Ephrath which now is called Bethlehem.

  13. Than dyed Debora Rebeccas norse/ and was buryed benethe Bethell vnder an ooke.

  14. And his sonnes caried him in to the land of Canaan and buryed him in the double caue which Abraha had boughte with the felde to be a place to burye in/ of Ephron the Hethite before Mamre.

  15. And Ioseph returned to Egipte agayne and his brethern/ and all that went vp with him to burye his father/ assone as he had buryed him.

  16. Buckingham runs out of all with the Lady Shrewsbury, by whom he believes he had a son, to whom the King stood godfather; it dyed, young Earl of Coventry, and was buryed in the sepulchre of his fathers.

  17. Memorandum:--Isaac Casaubon was buryed at the entrance of the same chapell.

  18. Buryed at Otterhampton neare Stockland out of his house at Comage where he kept his worke.

  19. I very much desire to find his buriall: he was not buryed in the Tower chapelle.

  20. He was buryed (according to his owne desire) with the singing service for the buriall of dead, by the singing men of Sarum.

  21. Obiit about 20 yeares since and buryed in Convent Garden.

  22. He was buryed with his ancestors at Skippon Castle.

  23. Major John Graunt dyed on Easter-eve 1674, and was buryed the Wednesday followeing in St. Dunstan's church in Fleet street in the body of the said church under the piewes towards the gallery on the north side, i.

  24. One of the men that guarded her on the way, told her that Mr. Sheriff would not let her be buryed under the gallows, upon which she railed at the man extremely that told her so, and said she would be buryed there.

  25. In the Mount Syon weren buryed Kyng David and Kyng Salomon, and many othere kynges, Jewes of Jerusalem.

  26. And nyghe besyde is the tombe of Josephe the sone of Jacob, that governed Egypt: for the Jewes baren his bones from Egypt, and buryed hem there.

  27. And from that mountayne men passen a gret valeye, for to gon to another mountayne, where Seynt Kateryne was buryed of the aungeles of oure Lord.

  28. Faste by that cytee, is the Feld Magede, in the whiche the Kyng Joras was slayn of the Kyng of Samarie, and aftre was translated and buryed in the Mount Syon.

  29. There was born this prophete: and aftre his dethe, he was buryed at Mount Joye, as I have seyd you before.

  30. And there dyede Seynte Johne and was buryed behynde the highe awtiere, in a toumbe.

  31. And there was y buryed Ysaye the prophete.

  32. And in that same clothe so y wrapped, the aungeles beren hire body to the Mount Synay, and there thei buryed hire with it.

  33. The exec{n} of corses buryed of the plage within the cite of London syns &c.

  34. That they suffer not any deade corps dying of the plague to be buryed in tyme of divine service or sermon.

  35. I am enformed at the place where he dyed, which was by the Bankes side neer the then playhouse, that he was buryed about the middle of the Bullhead-churchyard--i.

  36. Captain Robert Pugh[151] assures me that Sir John Mandeville, the famous traveller, lyes buryed at Liege in Germany, with which note amend lib.

  37. Buryed privately under the high alter at St. Margaret's church, in Westminster, on .

  38. At this place he dyed and lyes ☞ buryed at Wilton, but no memoriall of him--vide the Register.

  39. He was buryed as soon as you are removed from the top of the steps towards the altar, not under the altar.

  40. I have enquired of Mr. Kent; and hee sayth that Mr. Potter is buryed in Killmanton church, but in what part of the church hee knoweth not.

  41. And be as ye were deed amonge them & as ye were buryed in your sepulcre the whiche betokeneth your monastery / to the tyme ye aryse & appere afore your spouse to haue your rewarde of his glory.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buryed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.