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Example sentences for "cachemire"

Lexicographically close words:
cach; cachalot; cache; cachectic; cached; cacher; caches; cachet; cachexia; caching
  1. But he had unfortunately seen the princess of Cachemire at the fair of Kaboul, which is the most considerable fair in the world, and much more frequented than those of Bassora and Astracan.

  2. Tell me, I entreat you," continued he, "why the prince of Cachemire is obstinately bent upon giving his daughter to lord Barbabou whom she does not love?

  3. After dinner, Rustan mounted her, and took the road to Cachemire with his servants, who followed him, some on foot and some upon the elephant.

  4. Is that a proper way of speaking to a duke of Cachemire of a son-in-law of whom he has made choice?

  5. One dagger for a pinch, slippers powdered with pearls,66 a caftan of cloth of gold, a Cachemire girdle, and a pelisse of sables.

  6. His turban, formed by a scarlet Cachemire shawl, was of great breadth, and concealing half of his white forehead, increased by the contrast the radiant height of the other.

  7. He kept her hand until she had again seated herself on the cachemire lounge.

  8. She rose from a deep cachemire lounge to receive Goldwin.

  9. It is when they wear 'le cachemire d'osier.

  10. It is a mockery like the 'cachemire d'osier.

  11. The cachemire was added--so was the black servant-man.

  12. The divan was of flesh-coloured satin, and the carpet as delicately wrought and patterned as a cachemire shawl.

  13. These robes, which are made in one piece, are divided at the hip on either side to their extreme length, and are girt about the waist with a cachemire shawl.

  14. At its head walked the Chèïk Islam, with the golden circlet about his brow, and his graceful robes of white cachemire falling around him in heavy folds; a party of the principal Imams followed.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cachemire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.