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Example sentences for "capias"

Lexicographically close words:
capering; capers; capes; capful; capi; capillaries; capillarity; capillary; capillitium; capit
  1. Capias ad satisfaciendum=--You may take him 40 to satisfy your claim.

  2. Capias ad respondendum=--You may take him to answer your complaint.

  3. The arrest must be by virtue of a precept or order out of some court, and must be effected by corporal seizing or touching the defendant's body, or as directed by the writ, capias et attachias, take and catch hold of.

  4. Reasons for the continuance of the writs of capias and proces of arrest against peremptory summons, etc.

  5. The antient legall fundamentall and necessary rights of courts of justice in their writs of capias arrests and proces of outlawry against peremptory summons and citations: printed 1676.

  6. But when you come to our other writ, the capias satisfaciendum, or "ca.

  7. A ca sa was short for a writ of Capias ad Satisfaciendum, which gave a warrant to the officers to seize the goods.

  8. There were various kinds of this machinery, but what affected Mr. Pickwick was a Capias ad Satisfaciendum, to enforce attendance at the Court.

  9. Bagsley, "have they also lodged a capias against him!

  10. He met Squire Capias one morning on the street.

  11. Squire Capias sat down by his round table in his dingy office, ran his fingers through his long black hair, and thought over his speech.

  12. Esquire Capias was making a speech when Paul entered; but he left off suddenly, saying: "I know that you want to hear from Colonel Parker, and it will give me greater pleasure to listen to him than to talk myself.

  13. Judge Adams welcomed him to the platform, and Father Surplice, Colonel Dare, and Esquire Capias rose and shook hands with him.

  14. Mr. Capias was so eloquent that the people stamped till the house fairly shook with applause.

  15. Here Mr. Capias bowed most deferentially, gathered his papers together, said that he trusted in a few days to have the honour of another interview with his lordship, and then vanished from the room.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "capias" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    caveat; injunction; interdict; mandate; notice; notification; precept; process; warrant; writ