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Example sentences for "capi"

Lexicographically close words:
capered; capering; capers; capes; capful; capias; capillaries; capillarity; capillary; capillitium
  1. By the orders of Capi I was sent prisoner as a contemptible common deserter, and was unable to call him to account.

  2. The song of the Capi is extremely insignificant, and except during the breeding season scarcely deserves to be called by that name.

  3. Michel Steno, One of the three Capi of the Forty.

  4. Sala della Bussola is a small chamber (Stanza dei tre Capi del Consiglio) where sat the three chiefs of the Ten.

  5. In 1591 the Senate permitted the Ten to make use of a floor above the Sala de' Capi in order that the detained might be in more comfortable, lighter and better-ventilated cells than those allotted to the condemned.

  6. These two brethren be almost become ‘Capi de Guelphi et Gibellini.

  7. Our illustration presents the gate Capi Arasi, leading from the first to the second court of the seraglio, where the Divan is held, and so it is the entrance to it.

  8. He took with him his Capi Tchocadar, who always attended him to the Seraglio, and proceeded to pay his visit, apprising his family that he would return when he had prescribed for his patient.

  9. It is also the place where delinquents are led for punishment, and thus originated the Turkish expression of a man deserving to be sent “between gates,” which the name Capi Arasi signifies.

  10. In my joy I had not noticed that Capi was almost as pleased as myself.

  11. I was out of breath, but I still continued to dance, for I was not to stop until Capi had returned.

  12. Signor Capi will have the honor of introducing his friends to the esteemed company here present.

  13. A cattle driver's dog would have jumped at her nose, but Capi was a genius, so he jumped at her legs.

  14. We had to get Capi back and we would not spare ourselves, neither one of us.

  15. When we were far enough away from the village, I signed to them to stop, and the three dogs made a circle round me, Capi in the middle, his eyes on mine.

  16. When Vitalis saw me, he put Capi down quickly, and threw his arms around me.

  17. Vitalis then handed me a piece of bread, and while eating his own he broke little pieces for Pretty-Heart, Capi and Dulcie.

  18. Hearing his name mentioned, dear Capi came beside us: he put his paw to his ear in military salute, then placed it on his heart, as though to tell us that we could count on his devotion.

  19. Any one else in his place would have questioned me, but Capi was too well bred to be indiscreet.

  20. The dogs settled themselves to go to sleep, Capi with his nose in the cinders.

  21. He at once took a liking to Capi and myself.

  22. More sure, although less supple than the other two, Capi had jumped straight into his master's arms, while Zerbino and Dulcie jumped at his feet.

  23. Capi won't work well with any one but me," I said quickly.

  24. And let me tell you, you must not try to run away, because if you do Capi and Zerbino would soon catch you.

  25. One day succeeded another, and each morning saw Arnoldo Meschini crossing the Ponte Quattro Capi on his way to the apothecary's.

  26. On that morning he had been as usual to the Ponte Quattro Capi and had returned with the means of sleep in his pocket.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "capi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    capillary attraction; capital account; capital city; capital crime; capital district; capital employed; capital fellow; capital goods; capital invested; capital letter; capital letters; capital offence; capital punishment; capital stock; capitalist production; capitalist society