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Example sentences for "carriere"

Lexicographically close words:
carrid; carridge; carried; carrieng; carrier; carriers; carries; carriest; carrieth; carriole
  1. On the wall Madame Alfred Carriere was more beautiful than she had ever before seen her, her pale flowers and buds making a constellation against the darkness.

  2. Even if she hadn't, the Madame Alfred Carriere and the Prince Charlie roses would be out, and the last tulips, and the pansies, of course.

  3. When she was older, too old to dig a little, divide the pansies in autumn and sow the penny packets in spring, too old to care for the Madame Alfred Carriere or the Pyrus japonica, would be time enough to go.

  4. Madame Alfred Carriere made Miss Glover think of a Chopin waltz, and she hoped that Florrie might at all events remark favourably on her abundance.

  5. Vilmorin's experiments with wild carrots and those of Carriere with radishes lead to the same conclusion as regards roots.

  6. The double fuchsias originated about the same time (1854) and ten years later the range of double varieties of this plant had become so large that Carriere found it impossible to enumerate all of them.

  7. This view is adopted by Carriere 'Production et Fix.

  8. My friend, I've told you already that I regret nothing, ma carriere est finie.

  9. His "Espoir," in which he dreams of a sweetheart, is a veritable Eugene Carriere in verse.

  10. Carriere gives (page 37) numerous analogous cases, and one of the same tree bearing three kinds of fruit.

  11. Carriere (page 65), behaves in nearly the same manner, as do so many tulips.

  12. Carriere under the name of persica intermedia, I know not; this variety is said to be intermediate in nearly all its characters between the almond and peach; it produces during successive years very different kinds of fruit.

  13. Carriere states (page 36) that he himself knows of five varieties thus produced by the Baronne Prevost.

  14. At a sale of his work in the Hotel Drouot in 1895 so small a sum was realised that his friends again took pity on him, and Carriere secured him a cheap passage back to his beloved islands.

  15. In the classes of Bouguereau and Carriere at the Beaux-Arts he had seen to what an impasse a too great love of antiquity would lead.

  16. It was at this time that Carriere arranged the passage.

  17. This last picture sums up what Carriere aspired to but failed to attain.

  18. Carriere is an example of a painter who is general and nothing more.

  19. La carriere ouverte aux talens: that great true Message, which has yet to articulate and fulfil itself everywhere, he left in a most inarticulate state.

  20. Carriere was wise, yet his art of portraiture was influenced by Rodin; swimming in shadow his enigmatic heads have more the quality of Rodin's than the mortuary art of academic sculpture.

  21. His friend Eugene Carriere warned young sculptors not to study Rodin too curiously.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carriere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.