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Example sentences for "cataclysms"

Lexicographically close words:
casus; cat; cata; cataclysm; cataclysmic; catacomb; catacombs; catafalque; catalectic; catalepsy
  1. There may have been many successive cataclysms blended in this, as this has been often mistaken in date for Noah's.

  2. In America, it is often difficult to distinguish which is meant by the various imperfect traditions: yet in Mexico and Peru, there are at least two cataclysms mentioned by the annals or traditions.

  3. It would be impossible to tell the anguish of mind these eight men endured; they felt their own impotence in the presence of these cataclysms of nature so far beyond all human power.

  4. It was one of those cataclysms frequent in Chili, and in this very region where Copiapo had been twice destroyed, and Santiago four times laid in ruins in fourteen years.

  5. Some of a man's most terrible experiences--volcanic cataclysms that ravaged the landscape and left a trail of bitter ashes in their rear--were begun as a joke.

  6. Everywhere," we are told, "are found traces of stupendous cataclysms and a disarrangement and intermixture of primitive and sedimentary rocks, which assume to put all classification at defiance.

  7. The annihilation of this huge metropolis is one of the most astounding cataclysms in all the world's history.

  8. In the midst of the roar and thunder of cataclysms to talk about a mere girl 'in trouble' appears disproportionate.

  9. There were those who were taking cataclysms lightly and she was among them.

  10. Squalls charged with rain and cold are passing over and immensifying it; and there are rivers and cataclysms of clamor along the trajectories of the shells.

  11. So long as universal cataclysms were in vogue, and all life upon the earth was thought to have been suddenly destroyed and renewed many times in succession, such a view could not be thought of.

  12. To the imagination a thousand or a million years is but as a wink; it can see in the corrugated skin of a parched apple all the vast cataclysms of a continent.

  13. As Amiens Cathedral suffered comparatively little during the two cataclysms which emptied the churches of France, it is still a museum of treasures.

  14. And these cataclysms they regard as perfectly natural, though of course very unusual, events.

  15. The Central American books state that a part of the American continent extended far into the Atlantic Ocean, and that this region was destroyed by a series of frightful cataclysms at long intervals apart.

  16. The seismic cataclysms which followed the volcanic eruptions caused such wide-spread damage that by the second map period a large portion of the southern part of the continent had been submerged.

  17. Two other columns give the contemporary races of man, and such of the great cataclysms as are known to occult students.

  18. Hence Cuvier's theory of cataclysms was very soon driven out of the province of geology, though it remained for another thirty years in undisputed authority in biology.

  19. Cuvier was all the more interested in these catastrophes or cataclysms as geology was just beginning to assert itself, and great progress was being made in our knowledge of the structure and formation of the earth's crust.

  20. But it also has its cataclysms (however we may account for them), of which the Greek apotheosis of all art is a shining example, and the total disappearance of classical influence in Europe before the Renaissance is another.

  21. But immobility in art is a Chinese characteristic, and no national cataclysms seem to have disturbed it.

  22. Who, then, shall say positively that the Yahgan race has not lived through the cataclysms that destroyed the opossum and the monkey and left the ostrich and the camel?

  23. The cataclysms that occur seem to have only ideal grounds and only dramatic meaning.

  24. Its phlegm is sheerly imperturbable, its serenity of that large-souled order which cataclysms cannot ruffle nor revolutions disturb.

  25. If the cataclysms did occur, even through no fault of our own, we felt as guilty as if we had murdered babies in their sleep, Madame being an orderly soul who detested irregularity.

  26. She came to her work punctually at seven; going home, unless cataclysms happened, at twelve.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cataclysms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.