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Example sentences for "races"

Lexicographically close words:
racemic; racemis; racemose; racer; racers; racetrack; rach; rachis; rachitic; rachitis
  1. It was not all at once that the Aryan races connected these two ideas--that of death and that of necessity.

  2. The spontaneous and unconscious genius of growing races refuses obedience to neither of these great instincts.

  3. Thus the fact remains, that no intermediate form between the ape and the lowest man has been discovered, and that there is nothing like any progressive development in the races of man.

  4. Such were the varying fortunes of the two races in Leinster and Munster, and such the men who rose and fell.

  5. In returning from the chariot-races at the Curragh of Kildare, he was surprised and slain in an ambuscade laid for him by Godfrid at a place on the banks of the Liffey called Tyraris or Teeraris house.

  6. Mechanic wares were disposed of at those stated gatherings, which combined popular games, chariot races for the nobles, and markets for the merchants.

  7. Let us admit that the scenes of that century are stirring and stimulating; two gallant races of men, in all points strongly contrasted, contend for the most part in the open field, for the possession of a beautiful and fertile island.

  8. The wakening life of the sixteenth century shifted the center westward but the blight of papal despotism kept the Latin races from their full share in the developments and democracy of the modern age.

  9. From Dante to the great South American leaders and scholars of to-day the Latin races have been neither sleeping nor idle.

  10. Our Oriental interest is confined to the races that have impressed themselves upon our imagination.

  11. American character is a most complicated composite of many races, but from Tokyo to Bombay there is no Oriental factor that will blend with the mixture of races that makes up America.

  12. There is nothing to attract our sympathies in any of the rulers, with the exception perhaps of Yunus; and all our commiseration is monopolised for the unhappy races who peopled that region.

  13. The other races are ill disposed towards them, and attribute all the vices they can think of to their doors.

  14. There was perfect equality too between all the various races in respect to trade.

  15. During these five eventful years of rebellion amongst the races of Western Turkestan, Yakoob Beg preserved his neutrality.

  16. In Eastern Turkestan the rivalry of races has become less bitter, and in nothing is this better manifested than in the fact that there a man is described by his native town.

  17. The Chinese, as we did in India in the dark hours of 1857, asserted their superiority over the semi-barbarous races under their sway, even when all hopes of a recovery seemed to be abandoned.

  18. To erect a powerful state on the ruins of the Chinese power, and to unite in some sort of settled government turbulent races and antagonistic sects, was no mean achievement; and to all the credit due to such Yakoob Beg has indisputable claims.

  19. The people themselves seem to be frugal and honest, but indeed there are so many races to be met with in this "middle land," that no general description can be given of them all.

  20. They therefore arranged among themselves how many and which races were, as a matter of course, to be won by the green, and the rest of the races were open to be fairly contested.

  21. Negroes as well as whites were admitted until 1904, when education of the two races at the same institution was prohibited by an act of the state legislature (upheld by the U.

  22. Tribes which have remained in low stages of culture do not necessarily retain all the characteristics of primitive life among races which had the germs of rapidly developing culture.

  23. Civilization is a new condition imposed upon man by the course of events, just as in the history of geological changes new conditions have continually been imposed on different races of animals.

  24. It is hardly needful to show that races and nations cannot be defined by the merely political arrangements which group men under various governments.

  25. Meadows says that the Chinese call the barbarous races on their borders by a phrase which means "hither and thither," "not fixed.

  26. Probably in no former period of the world has the destruction of the races of any animal whatever been effected over such wide areas, and with such startling rapidity, as in the case of savage man.

  27. In his writings on Irish and colonial questions he evinces the Englishman's love of the right, but sometimes, unfortunately, the Englishman's inability to do justice to other races in points which distinguish them from his own.

  28. Was it indeed too much for a king who could raise a hundred conquered races by the hair of their heads, and from his high throne corrected the nations with his whip; for a living sun burning their dazzled eyes; for a god, almost eternal?

  29. The number of the races of mankind that have been entirely destroyed under the pressure of the requirements of an incoming civilization, reads us a terrible lesson.

  30. Miss Venner did not know what magnum opus meant; but she knew that Captain Kerrington had won three races at the last Gymkhana.

  31. Sithee There and White Otter had crushed the life out of poor Whalley, and the dust hid a small hell of men and horses, no one marvelled that Brunt had dropped jump-races and Australia together.

  32. The Social and Religious Condition of the Lower Races of Man: An Address to the Workingmen of Liverpool.

  33. The Races of the Indo-Pacific Oceans: Polynesians.

  34. The Races of Man and Their Geographical Distribution.

  35. He told me that these Negroes were probably natives of Africa, bozales, except the youngest, and that the signs of the races were known to all planters.

  36. The slave benefits by the division of power and property between the two rival and even hostile races of whites, the Creoles and the Spaniards.

  37. The white races of North America are descended from England, Ireland, Scotland and the nations of Continental Europe.

  38. Individual differences have often been regarded as distinctive of species; varieties also are very deceptive, and races come very near to species.

  39. The full title of this work is--The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection: or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

  40. The science of Anthropology," according to Topinard, "is that branch of natural history which treats of man, and the races of men.

  41. She follows the proud and golden races after, As high as theirs her spirit, as high will be her doom.

  42. The aim of this series of publications is to put within the reach of scholars authentic materials for the study of the languages and culture of the native races of America.

  43. But among such races the notion of transmigration does not go beyond a belief in the continuance of human existence in animals and trees.

  44. The gulf between the two races need not have been wider than that which at the present day, in the United States, divides the whites from the negroes.

  45. The right of Federal citizenship thus to be conferred on the several excepted races before mentioned is now for the first time proposed to be given by law.

  46. Every individual of these races born in the United States is by the bill made a citizen of the United States.

  47. Thus a perfect equality of the white and colored races is attempted to be fixed by Federal law in every State of the Union over the vast field of State jurisdiction covered by these enumerated rights.

  48. The great difference between the two races in physical, mental, and moral characteristics will prevent an amalgamation or fusion of them together in one homogeneous mass.

  49. We must equally avoid hasty assumptions of any natural impossibility for the two races to live side by side in a state of mutual benefit and good will.

  50. The plan of instruction in the seminary has recently been enlarged so as to include the training of native agents for the Greek-speaking races of southwestern Asia Minor.

  51. He has more of manliness, self-respect, and religious feeling, than some races for whose salvation our labors have been blest.

  52. Of the various races in European Turkey, the Bulgarians, properly so called, who are estimated at four millions, speaking the Bulgarian language, claim our first attention.

  53. Eminently wise to win souls to Christ, it is believed that many, among the different races in Turkey, will rise up and call him blessed.

  54. The tyrannical rule of their rabbis rendered them less accessible, perhaps, than any other people in Turkey, the Moslems alone excepted; and intellectually they were among the most degraded races in the East.

  55. Experience has also developed the great law here, as well as elsewhere, that the main work of winning races to Christianity must be performed by men of the same race.

  56. The races are here to stay; we cannot change that if we would.

  57. Then, at twelve or thirteen or fourteen, differing with different races and different individuals, all normal children enter the fairyland of adolescence.

  58. The otter was held sacred by Norsefolk and figures in the myth and legend of most races besides; to this day its killing is held a great crime by the Parsees (Haug.

  59. Were there more races than one upon Earth?

  60. Their own most ancient legends described just such a world as his: a world of many races of many colors, who fought many wars among themselves.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "races" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.