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Example sentences for "cavalry force"

  • I think it advisable, therefore, that you prepare as much of a cavalry force as you can spare, and hold it in readiness to go south.

  • This raid had the effect of drawing off the whole of the enemy's cavalry force, making it comparatively easy to guard our trains.

  • As he approached he met a cavalry force of the enemy moving towards the Confederate left rear, and was successful in arresting it.

  • Hood had a brush with a cavalry force at Manassas Gap, and part of McLaws's division a similar experience at the east end of Chester Gap.

  • With a cavalry force of two or three thousand men to hold the enemy in check, I think that our infantry may be able to overtake the raiding column.

  • I want Sheridan to send a cavalry force of at least half a brigade, if not a whole brigade, at 5 A.

  • Sooy Smith with a cavalry force to destroy Forrest's Confederate cavalry, which was very audacious in its frequent raids, and liable at any time to dash upon the National railroad communication in middle Tennessee.

  • The Confederates being discovered here to the number of six or seven thousand, together with two batteries and a cavalry force, the Nineteenth Corps advanced to take them.

  • Stuart was sent with a cavalry force on June 8th to cover the route by which the former was to march, and to ascertain whether the enemy had any defensive works or troops in position to interfere with the advance of those forces.

  • They knew that there was a cavalry force in their front, as we had had skirmishes with them, participated in by small detachments on each side.

  • With a cavalry force and a few field pieces of artillery, General Forrest had captured and sunk several gunboats and transports on a navigable river and under the protection of a fort.

  • Our enemy had no cavalry force in this theater of the war that could cope with us, and his slow-moving infantry and artillery found us a moving target, too swift and restless for their sluggish aim.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cavalry force" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    above directed; carefully removed; cavalry charge; cavalry divisions; cavalry expedition; cavalry force; cavalry were; certain knowledge; certain sections; cubits high; documentary evidence; each phase; full minute; improper food; light thing; local rates; magical ceremony; more rows; narrow passage; neither does; parliamentary reform; reaches the; religious ideas; room door; special notice; why don