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Example sentences for "documentary evidence"

  • Santini names many of these families, and supports his statements by documentary evidence.

  • I may now add that in my opinion Ranke was exaggeratedly hostile to Guicciardini, whose historic merits are proved by documentary evidence.

  • We follow Villani, for otherwise it would be impossible to explain the captivity of Count Alberto in 1184, an event confirmed by documentary evidence.

  • This monopoly would account for none of the Communes having a civic guild of architecture; and their secrecy explains the want of documentary evidence in the earlier centuries, while the monopoly was undisputed.

  • That the western half of Ghent Cathedral was the work of a Brabant architect, is more than likely, for though there is no documentary evidence to show who was its author, it has all the characteristic features of the Brabant style.

  • Guicciardini says that Memling was Roger's pupil, but there is no documentary evidence to show that such was the case.

  • But, apart from its application to documentary evidence, it does not seem to be more than a useful guiding principle which underlies, or may be used in support of, several rules.

  • In this form the rule is a rule of exclusion, but may be most conveniently dealt with in connexion with the special subject of documentary evidence.

  • Documentary evidence consists of documents submitted to the judge or jury by way of proof.

  • The distinction between primary and secondary evidence relates only to documentary evidence, and will be noticed in the section under that head.

  • The first attempt to deal with the subject on documentary evidence is A.

  • The coincidence is so striking that, only that it is supported by documentary evidence of the best kind, we could scarcely believe it.

  • Ultimate history cannot be obtained in this generation; but, so far as documentary evidence is at command, conventional history can be discarded, and the point can be shown that has been reached on the road from one to the other.

  • Ultimate history cannot be obtained in this generation; but, so far as documentary evidence is at command, conventional history can be discarded, and the point can be shown that has been reached on the road from one to the other.

  • We shall see later by documentary evidence that it never ceased to exist, and that twenty-five years later not only the Illuminati but Weishaupt himself were still as active as ever behind the scenes in Freemasonry.

  • The answer is that the most important Ba'al Shem of the day, known as "the Chief of all the Jews," is shown by documentary evidence to have been an initiate of Freemasonry and in direct contact with the leaders of the secret societies.

  • Many writers on the subject have confined themselves to documentary evidence, while others have only written about such examples as have been spared by time and rust.

  • There is, however, no documentary evidence to support this.

  • Let the study of Documentary Evidence be allowed to take its place.

  • There is no documentary evidence bearing on the question.

  • For the history of the fabric we have to trust almost entirely to the architectural features of the church itself, as documentary evidence is unusually scanty.

  • Three of the Kavanaghs appeared, but they had, of course, no documentary evidence to advance against Sir Peter, who was adjudged the heir of Dygon, Baron of Idrone in the early part of the fourteenth century.

  • The weight of documentary evidence, a prescription of at least 170 years being allowed no weight at all, seems to have been on Sir Peter's side, and Cheevers offered him eighteen years' purchase for the lands in dispute.

  • Records were made away with or altered, so that of seven attainders affecting the Crown's title to land, not one could be proved by documentary evidence.

  • In the absence of documentary evidence no one is bound to believe this, and in any case, promises extracted by torture could hardly be thought binding.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "documentary evidence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    blue clay; boil together; civil laws; direct attack; distinguish himself; documentary evidence; fine form; finger prints; firm ground; gold piece; had fallen; human flesh; immediately began; maple leaves; ordinary generation; ride away; secret prayer; something that; subarticular tubercles; vice premier; violent earthquake; when their