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Example sentences for "chiliastic"

Lexicographically close words:
childrens; childun; chile; chilen; chiliasm; chill; chilled; chillen; chillens; chiller
  1. Neither in the primitive days of Christianity nor in its later stages has the profession of Chiliastic views been found inconsistent with the fullest recognition of St Paul’s Apostolic claims.

  2. The gross Chiliastic doctrine ascribed to him[325], even though it may have been exaggerated in the representations of adverse writers, can only be explained by a Jewish origin.

  3. Subsequently he adopted Baptist views, and lost himself in fantastic chiliastic speculations.

  4. The fame of the wonderful conversion, moreover, attracted other members of the chiliastic fraternity, among them Fontaines, who brought with him the prophetess Marie Kummer.

  5. By him she was instructed in the chiliastic faith and in the mysteries of the supernatural world.

  6. The Apologists were silent about chiliastic hopes, Justin even denied them in Apol.

  7. Footnote 223: In the West the Chiliastic hopes were little or not at all affected by the Montanist struggle.

  8. Footnote 635: With the chiliastic view of history this newly acquired theory has nothing in common.

  9. This is not the proper place to demonstrate to what extent the two have been blended, and how the chiliastic scheme of history has been emptied of its content and utilised in the service of theological apologetics.

  10. This account shews that wherever philosophical theology had not yet made its way the chiliastic hopes were not only cherished and defended against being explained away, but were emphatically regarded as Christianity itself.

  11. As the chiliastic hopes were gradually obliged to recede in exactly the same proportion as philosophic theology became naturalised, so also their subsidence denotes the progressive tutelage of the laity.

  12. A clearly chiliastic element is found only in Justin.

  13. Overbeck has also, in my opinion, shown the probability of chiliastic portions having been removed at a later period both from Hippolytus' book and the great work of Irenæus.

  14. Nor does this nation appear any further even in the chiliastic train of thought.

  15. Chiliastic ideas are also found in the epistle from Lyons in Eusebius, H.

  16. Irenæus enthusiastically adopted chiliastic views and gave a full though fairly moderate exposition of them in his great work against the Gnostics (v.

  17. The Apocalypse of St. John was chiefly influential in elaborating the Christian chiliastic theory.

  18. He also set forth a spiritualistic theory of the Lord’s Supper, contended against the Lutheran doctrine of justification and the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination, sketched out a scheme of chiliastic expectations, etc.

  19. He now returned to Jülich, but after labouring there for a considerable time, he was arrested on a charge of preaching revolutionary and chiliastic sermons, and died in prison after twenty years’ confinement at Cleves about A.

  20. The Chiliastic teaching of his work is the subject of severe comment with Eusebius, who accuses him of misinterpreting figurative sayings in the Apostolic writings and assigning to them a literal sense.

  21. Chiliastic Expectations Primitive Christianity was marked by great chiliastic enthusiasm, traces of which may be found in the New Testament.

  22. That Papias was not to be regarded as a man of small power simply because he held chiliastic ideas is sufficiently refuted by the fact that Justin Martyr falls but little behind Papias in extravagance of expression.

  23. The Chiliastic Controversy During the third century the belief in chiliasm as a part of the Church’s faith died out in nearly all parts of the Church.

  24. The Chiliastic writers are perhaps more inclined to view Montanism leniently.

  25. There was no very powerful Second Adventist or other Chiliastic influence in the heathen world with which the early Christians were in contact.

  26. One arresting feature of the Chiliastic passages that have come down to us, is their uniformity.

  27. By the tact and conciliatory attitude of the Bishop the Chiliasts were either won over to the non-Chiliastic view or at least expressed their gratification at the conference.

  28. The Apocaliptic and Chiliastic literature of the period was extensive.

  29. For the first time in the attack on Montanism at the end of the second and early part of the third Century we find Chiliastic beliefs referred to as 'carnal and Jewish.

  30. For the rest Lactantius repeats the traditional Christian and pre-Christian Jewish Chiliastic concepts with very little variation, but it is evident that the fact that the fall of Rome is dreaded will work out a change.

  31. Some of them, at least in the earlier stages of the movement, were influenced more by Chiliastic concepts than by monastic ones.

  32. A more direct reason was that he had an idea of his own as to how the Chiliastic Scriptural passage[30] should be interpreted.

  33. The Chiliastic passages in the Church literature up to and including Augustine, though rather widely scattered, are not great in bulk.

  34. The discussion in which he vanquishes the Chiliastic concept is a model of contraversial method.

  35. The condemnation of Origen came too late to save the Chiliastic apologetic in the East but it very possibly may have had an indirect influence in the matter of continuing the repute of western Chiliasm.

  36. They were frequently influenced by chiliastic ideas, which not unnaturally lead to socialism.

  37. He also accused him of obtaining large sums from the De Geers family by means of "pansophic hope and chiliastic smoke.

  38. The mystic and now openly professed chiliastic views of Komensky involved him during the last years of his life in numerous theological controversies.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chiliastic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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