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Example sentences for "chile"

Lexicographically close words:
childlike; childre; children; childrens; childun; chilen; chiliasm; chiliastic; chill; chilled
  1. But I didn't t'ink of hit, an' de chile did.

  2. Train up a chile in de way w'at he wants ter go, an' w'en he is ole he won't depart from it!

  3. Denyin' a little chile all his innercent pleasures fo' de sake ob scrapin' a few censes togedder!

  4. I was in Virginia a play-chile when the ships come down to get the gopher wood to build the war ships.

  5. Mistress' baby chile wuz a boy an he wuz jes six months olduh dan ah wuz.

  6. One time ah wuz comin down de stairs wid a chile in each arm and de snake wuz crawlin erlong sides me.

  7. I just raised one chile and now she's dead.

  8. Ah makes mah home here with Charity, she is mah baby chile and she is fifty.

  9. For a time the outbreak of war was considered likely, but eventually Chile yielded, apologized for its acts and made a financial return for the victims of the riot.

  10. The American minister to Chile was Patrick Egan, an Irish agitator who sympathized with President Balmaceda against the revolutionists and who was persona non grata to the strong English and German colonies there.

  11. Afterwards, the Spaniards gave the name of Chile to the whole country on the Pacific coast, from Copiapo to Valdivia.

  12. In Chile he built some edifices, and received, as tribute from those parts, much gold.

  13. The name of Chile was long applied only to the valley of Aconcagua, including Quillota; and that was no doubt the sense in which it was used by the natives and by their Ynca conquerors.

  14. The name Chile did not belong to the whole country included in the present Republic of Chile, nor even to any large part of it.

  15. The affairs of Chile having been put in order, he appointed his delegates and governors, and instructed them always to report what happened in that province to the court of Cuzco.

  16. This chile hev thort o' a shorter an' better way o' findin' out thar warabouts.

  17. This chile chances to know one o' Yellur Chief's private campin' grouns'.

  18. Yes, an be right smart about it, dis chile most froze.

  19. And tell them well in Santiago that between Gaspar Ruiz, colonel of the King of Spain, and the republican carrion-crows of Chile there is war to the last breath--war!

  20. Blow a blast at this word that shall be heard from one end of Chile to the other,' he said, in an extraordinarily strong voice.

  21. De berry chile you say she witched hes hed 'leptis fits all its life an' Cheerity ain't dun nuffin' but take it medicine to kwore it.

  22. Dat sure am an angel chile straight from Hebben," she whispered.

  23. At Nombre de Dios goods and treasure from Peru and Chile were taken on.

  24. Early in the century Dutch ships harassed the coasts of Chile and Peru.

  25. Some time mother who had only one chile wus separated fur life.

  26. Lil chile what jus' could talk good gived me a penny dis mawning.

  27. On the north of San Carlos de Chiloe, in the whole length of Chile to the desert of Atacama, the low western regions not having been overwhelmed by floods, the Andes there appear farther from the coast.

  28. The principal Cordillera of Chile and Upper Peru is, for the first time, ramified very distinctly into two branches, in the group of Porco and Potosi, between latitude 19 and 20 degrees.

  29. These are the limit-numbers, the minimum of elevation, which the ridge of the Andes of Chile must attain in different degrees of latitude, to enable their summits to rise above the line of perpetual snow.

  30. In this space, 360 leagues in length, the system of the Brazil mountains corresponds geologically in form and position with the Andes of Chile and Peru.

  31. The same survey has made known the minimum of height at Chile of the lower limit of snow, in 33 degrees south latitude.

  32. Clar' to goodness, dat chile look like she was jes' a-gwine to speak.

  33. I see right away dat dat woman was up to one of her tricks; she didn't 'tend to let dat chile come no other way 'cept like a servant; she was dat dirt mean.

  34. After his wonderful achievement in crushing the power of Spain, in Argentina, Chile and Peru, he retired to private life, refusing to serve in any civil capacity.

  35. With his army of five thousand men, and in the face of public derision, for the undertaking seemed impossible, he crossed the rugged Cordilleras in twenty-five days; met the Spanish general in charge of Chile and defeated him.

  36. It was he who originated the plan of crossing the Andes and liberating Chile and Peru from the Spanish yoke.

  37. To the north were Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia; to the west Chile and Peru; all Spanish colonies.

  38. Christobal had time to find out, through men whom he could trust, that Elsie's small estate in Chile contained one of the richest mines in the country.

  39. Copper remains vital to the health of the economy; Chile is the world's largest producer and exporter of copper.

  40. The distinctly "Northern" character of Chile and the Chileans strike foreign observers.

  41. Chile and Argentina repulse Oriental immigration, and the white oligarchs of Peru dread keenly Japanese designs directed so specifically against their country.

  42. Unlike Chile again, not only were there dense Indian masses, but there was also an appreciable negro element.

  43. Chile is thus the prime example of social stability and progress attained through white oligarchic rule.

  44. Chile rapidly evolved a stable society, essentially oligarchic and consciously patterned on aristocratic England.

  45. A land of cool climate, no gold, and warlike Araucanian Indians, Chile attracted the pioneering settler rather than the swashbuckling seeker of treasure-trove.

  46. The kingdom of Chili or Chile is the last and most southerly of the governments which compose the empire of Spanish America.

  47. The coal deposits of Chile are found chiefly in the provinces of Concepcion and Arauco, the principal mines being on the coast of the Bay of Arauco at Coronel and Lota.

  48. Early in 1892 an amnesty was granted to the officers of the Balmaceda regime, and they were freely permitted to return to Chile without any attempt being made to molest them.

  49. Chile may be divided longitudinally into two regions which differ from each other in their geological structure.

  50. Maize and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) were known in Chile before the arrival of Europeans, but it is not certain that they are indigenous.

  51. The government of Bolivia also attempted to negotiate a treaty of peace with Chile in 1884, and for this purpose sent representatives to Santiago.

  52. The strawberry is also indigenous to these latitudes on both sides of the Andes, and Chile is credited with a species from which the cultivated strawberry derives some of its best qualities.

  53. Those of the first-named province have been discovered since the war between Chile and Peru, and have greatly extended the prospective life of the industry.

  54. In this respect Chile may be divided into at least four great earthquake areas, two in the desert region, the third enclosing Valparaiso, and the fourth extending from Concepcion to Chiloe.

  55. The political organization of the country has not been favourable to the development of artistic or scientific tastes, though Chile has produced political leaders, statesmen and polemical writers in abundance.

  56. There were two mountains, one leaning over the other, and three adobe houses with red chile hanging from the roofs, making bands of red.

  57. Speck some day I fin' dat chile stanin' down yonder on de cawner sellin' candy an' stuff.

  58. I hates ter tote any home agin, an' dat chile tryin' so hard ter holp her ma.

  59. Before she could frame a speech both positive and polite as a suggestion for his next move, her ears were assailed by: "Bress Gawd, ef dar aint dat pesterin' chile dis very minit!

  60. After the establishment of the independence of Chile at the beginning of the 19th century, Juan Fernandez passed into the possession of that country.

  61. He soon, however, appears to have abandoned his possessions, which were afterwards for many years only visited occasionally by fishermen from the coasts of Chile and Peru.

  62. Chile and included in the province of Valparaiso.

  63. We order that those thus examined in Chile be sent to the tribunal of accounts in Lima, and those of the Filipinas to that of MĂ©jico.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.