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Example sentences for "chronologically"

Lexicographically close words:
chronographers; chronologer; chronologers; chronologic; chronological; chronologies; chronologique; chronologists; chronology; chronometer
  1. Tudot originally classified the Gaulish terracottas chronologically in three periods according to style, and in this he has been followed by M.

  2. Chronologically and ethnographically he was wrong, but artistically he was right; and as Signor Patroni has pointed out, parallels to nearly all the ornamental motives of local Apulian fabrics may be traced in Mycenaean pottery.

  3. Spenser is the foremost chronologically of those great spirits who towards the close of the sixteenth century lifted up their immortal voices, and spoke words to be heard for all time.

  4. These circumstances are to accounted for partly by the character of Spenser's genius, partly by the fact already stated that chronologically Spenser is the earliest of the great spirits of his day.

  5. True Stories from English History, Chronologically arranged from the Invasion of the Romans to the Present Time.

  6. True Stories from Ancient History, Chronologically arranged from the Creation of the World to the Death of Charlemagne.

  7. True Stories from Modern History, Chronologically arranged from the Death of Charlemagne to the present Time.

  8. Within the various articles he arranges the titles chronologically and thus suggests the historical growth of knowledge and bibliography in a particular field.

  9. The foregoing discussion of these annual or otherwise chronologically limited surveys of bibliography is incidental to the main historical purpose of this essay.

  10. Bibliographies of Bibliographies, chronologically arranged with occasional notes and an index.

  11. With the earliest and best work of Philip Massinger, however, we are at any rate chronologically still at a distance from the lamentable close of a great period.

  12. Its voluminous pamphleteering, though much of it, especially the Martin Marprelate controversy, might come chronologically within the limit of this chapter, will be better reserved for a notice in Chapter VI.

  13. But there has to be mentioned first the feebler but chronologically more certain work of Thomas Lodge, A Fig for Momus, which fulfils both the requirements of known date and of composition in couplets.

  14. The next great architect chronologically is Bramante d' Urbino, to whom was entrusted the commencement of the church of St Peter at Rome.

  15. The migrations narrated may all be supposed to date back to a common beginning, but are arranged by the authorities chronologically according to the dates of their termination.

  16. There are only three possible courses open to an editor, who wishes to give--along with the text selected--all the various readings chronologically arranged as footnotes.

  17. In such a case, it is placed in this edition as if it belonged chronologically to 1803, and retains its place in the series of Poems which memorialise the Tour in Scotland of that year.

  18. A New Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain with Indexes of Authors and Subjects, and a list of Historical Pamphlets, Chronologically arranged.

  19. It would be highly desirable, did space allow, to review chronologically the important reforms which were made in the organization, scope and jurisdiction of the Audiencia of Manila throughout its history.

  20. Chronologically the two former flourished nearly during the same centuries, while Gothic, coming from without, suspended their development.

  21. Chronologically speaking, Titian, the contemporary of Giorgione, precedes Tintoretto, and Tintoretto is somewhat earlier than Veronese.

  22. Lionardo da Vinci, though belonging chronologically to the former epoch, ranks first among the masters of the latter; and to this also may be given Tintoretto, though his life extended far beyond it to the last years of the century.

  23. Specimens of British Poetesses; selected and chronologically arranged, by the Rev.

  24. This claims our first attention, inasmuch as it lies, chronologically at least, at the foundation of all our cognitive powers, and in truth, of our entire mental activity.

  25. Roman list demonstrably coincides, not indeed in detail but yet on the whole, with the Roman calendar, and is thus chronologically certain, so far as the defectiveness of the calendar itself allows.

  26. As we remove ourselves chronologically from the origin of the art, more perceptible modifications are introduced into the technique, and new foreign influences are revealed in Persian work.

  27. This series of figurines is chronologically terminated by the statuettes of the Achæmenid or Parthian epoch, modelled of the same clay, but showing all the characteristics of decadence.

  28. Happily the beacon light of history now begins to guide our footsteps, and enables us to classify chronologically those remains, which are discovered in disorder.

  29. M23) The first epoch is to be considered as one period only because its contribution to the subject is as yet small and chronologically precedes the first great group.

  30. It would, however, be an error to regard the Assyrian documents as the intermediate link between the old and new Babylonian documents, though they belong chronologically to an interval which precedes the latter immediately.

  31. These did not long keep their secrets to themselves, and their interpretation enables us to classify chronologically the works of architecture and sculpture which have been discovered.

  32. In enumerating and analysing the remains of Egyptian art, we shall classify them chronologically as well as locally.

  33. He has observed that the pyramids are, so to speak, grouped chronologically from north to south; those of the fourth dynasty at Gizeh, those of the fifth at Abooseer, those of the twelfth in the Fayoum.

  34. The Galleries of the Exposition Retrospective Art It would seem only logical to begin our investigation with the pictures chronologically oldest, at the same time recognizing that European art has the right to first consideration.

  35. Chronologically a typical old Charles Le Brun presides over a very interesting lot of pictures, mostly French.

  36. Antithesis of the soul and the body: what there is objective in this--Relations of the individual soul with the collective soul--The idea of the soul is not chronologically after that of mana 262 V.

  37. Democritus of Abdera, to whom reference has been made above, belongs chronologically to this latter period, but his way of thinking makes us class him with the earlier philosophers.

  38. The lower floor forms a series of halls devoted to sculpture, the examples of which are arranged chronologically in various rooms beginning with the early Greek and Roman schools and terminating with the productions of the nineteenth century.

  39. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford," edited by Peter Cunningham, now first chronologically arranged, ix.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chronologically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.