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Example sentences for "cisterns"

Lexicographically close words:
cise; cision; cist; cista; cistern; cists; cistus; cita; citadel; citadels
  1. The contents are then stirred up, and pumped off into 3 stone cisterns, 7 feet square and 4 feet deep; as much water being added, with agitation, as will fill the cisterns to the brim.

  2. It is raked out, and when cooled, lixiviated in great iron cisterns with false bottoms, covered with mats.

  3. The oil is run off from the channels of the ground-sill, into casks, or into stone cisterns called pizes, two-thirds filled with water.

  4. The stopcocks on the pipes and cisterns containing this liquor, are all made of glass.

  5. It often partakes more of the appearance of pea-soup than of the pure element; fills our cisterns and pipes with mud and dirt, and, even when cleared by subsidence, is extremely unpalatable.

  6. The residuary matter in the sacks or cisterns contains much vegetable albumen and gluten, along with the husks; when exposed to fermentation, it affords a small quantity of starch of rather inferior quality.

  7. With this view, two cisterns should be placed above, so that one of them may always contain liquor sufficiently hot, and thus the process will suffer no interruption.

  8. They ought to be erected in the neighbourhood of the calcining heaps, to save the labour of transport, and so arranged that the solutions from the higher cisterns may spontaneously flow into the lower.

  9. The cisterns C, C, are made of copper, and contain each about 400 gallons.

  10. The contents of the long crystallizing cisterns are stirred backwards and forwards with wooden paddles, in order to quicken the cooling, and the consequent precipitation of the nitre in minute crystals.

  11. He speaks of vineyards flourishing within the city bounds, and adds, "There are innumerable churches and cisterns throughout the city, remarkably large and constructed with much labour, and found in ruin.

  12. Ladies of fashion, for instance, saw nothing unbecoming in taking a swim in the public cisterns of the city.

  13. Aqueducts and cisterns provided an abundant supply of water for numerous public baths and fountains, as well as for private use.

  14. Therein were four cisterns of alabaster, one facing other, and the ceiling of the bath was of glass coloured with all manner colours, such as confounded the understanding of the folk of understanding and amazed the wit.

  15. When their cisterns were empty, they had the river at the bottom of the valley and a spring that flowed at certain seasons, as it does now, at the foot of the rock on which they had built their little town.

  16. Their almost exclusively vegetable diet, their excessive toil, and the habit of drinking half-putrid rain-water from cisterns which they very rarely clean, may possibly explain this physical degeneration of the Cadurci.

  17. Broken cisterns that can hold no water.

  18. Hence, a coarse sort of plaster or mortar, durable in water, and used to line cisterns and other reservoirs of water.

  19. For twenty miles from Pleasant Hill toward Natchitoches there was little or no water; and at Pleasant Hill itself we had exhausted the wells and reduced the store in cisterns during our stay.

  20. Bee picketed the field with his cavalry, his forage wagons were ordered up from the mill stream, and it was hoped that water for his two regiments could be found in the wells and cisterns of the village.

  21. It has three cisterns for collecting rainwater; two are 17-18 ft.

  22. Moorish caverns or cisterns are still to be seen.

  23. Whatever may remain of the ancient Saguntum, what is visible is mostly Moorish, as, for instance, cisterns on the site of a Roman temple.

  24. Nausicaa making her maids get up into the coach with her, lashed the mules, till they brought her to the cisterns which stood a little on the outside of the town, and were supplied with water from the river Callicoe.

  25. Show him the cisterns where he may wash him from the sea-weeds and foam that hang about him, and let him have garments that fit him out of those which we have brought with us to the cisterns.

  26. But there were some things which must be brought to the house by the dealers, such as water for drinking and cooking, which is drawn from public cisterns in the squares, and carried by stout young girls to all the houses.

  27. The water is very good, for it is the rain which falls on the shelving surface of the campo, and soaks through a bed of sea-sand around the cisterns into the cool depths below.

  28. He Cures an Infirm man by the Cisterns with the Five Porches.

  29. The fountain of living waters, and not the broken cisterns alluded to in Jeremiah 2:13.

  30. Its pans and overhead cisterns were made of pottery.

  31. The wealthy had basement cisterns filled by a commercial company.

  32. There remained the third clue, the cisterns in the cave.

  33. One day I got orders to take delivery of some large cisterns from a firm in Germany, paying for them by cheque drawn on my own account.

  34. The cisterns were, indeed, still in the cavern, but no change took place in them.

  35. He piles up scrap iron and ridiculous-looking cisterns in a cave.

  36. Her imagination flew to a vision of the men who had brought the tanks and cisterns there in a "mucky ship.

  37. She ought, no doubt, to have gone straight to her father and told him about the cisterns in the cave.

  38. By the way, is his cave the one the cisterns are in?

  39. It was at all events possible to find out what the cisterns contained.

  40. What the devil did you put cisterns into a cave for?

  41. He was to land those cisterns in Salissa.

  42. It took some time to persuade Phillips to go on; and all Gorman's sophistries would not induce the boy to say another word about the cisterns in the cave.

  43. I think," said Gorman, "that when I get to the island I'll have a look at those cisterns of yours.

  44. The cisterns stood exactly where the Queen and Phillips had seen them before.

  45. The water they gather up in cisterns for the city's needs, or loose it at will, whence it floweth away, to sink in the thirsty sands beyond.

  46. I look upon a tepid spring--a fountain fed by cisterns on the palace roof.

  47. So the eunuch Neb went out and cleared the passage-ways of all who lolled therein, while Ura covered Menon with a cloak and bore him on his back to a distant chamber where the city cisterns were.

  48. Keep the cisterns clean and in proper order, and keep the structure of ashpit in proper order.

  49. But the hidden cisterns of the soul may be filling fast with sweet tears, while the windows through which it looks are undimmed by a drop or a film of moisture.

  50. Other sources of illumination seem cisterns only; these are fountains.

  51. Below the parecclesion are two long narrow cisterns having their entrance on the outside of the apse.

  52. Demetrius of Salonica, and elsewhere, but never it would seem in Constantinople, except in the underground cisterns of the city.

  53. It was the custom on the breaking out of a fire to allow the water to run from the cisterns or the fountains to the streets which were endangered.

  54. They built cisterns and reservoirs to store it up against the time of need.

  55. Scattered about over this platform were found excavations much like well-made cisterns in shape.

  56. From these reservoirs the water was distributed to the public through routes more or less circuitous and left the cisterns through pipes, the diameter of which was reckoned in either twelfths or sixteenths of a Roman foot.

  57. As adjuncts to these channels there were cisterns (or castella, as they were called).

  58. Yet still some spell held up the suspended rain, and the drops that fell seemed to be only the leakage of the airy cisterns before they burst.

  59. But the rain still came down with a volume which threatened soon to exhaust the cisterns of the air, and in that hope he compelled himself to wait a little.

  60. From the cool cisterns of the midnight air My spirit drank repose; The fountain of perpetual peace flows there,-- From those deep cisterns flows.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cisterns" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.