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Example sentences for "colchicine"

Lexicographically close words:
coking; col; colaborers; colampadius; colander; colchicum; cold; colde; colder; coldest
  1. Provided picrotoxine has not been found, the ethereal solution obtained by agitating the alkaline fluid with ether is to be examined for colchicine and digitaline.

  2. Seedlings of pecan were available and out of this experience a schedule is submitted that may be of use for other members of this association confronted with particular problems applicable to colchicine techniques.

  3. The concentration of colchicine need not be exact as in an analytical experiment in chemistry.

  4. Following the treatment of a growing point with colchicine the outer layer of cells may be doubled by colchicine but the lower layers may remain unchanged.

  5. Colchicine project was not carried to final completion.

  6. Place drop of colchicine on cotton morning and evening for four days.

  7. Then during the two-year period, all I did was turn over some Colchicine to Mr. Best.

  8. The local pharmacist or physician is well acquainted with colchicine in the practise of medicine since this drug is a standard for gout.

  9. This is a promising field and whenever such hybrids are discovered, efforts should be made to apply the colchicine technique.

  10. Taken internally, colchicum or colchicine markedly increases the amount of bile poured into the alimentary canal, being amongst the most powerful of known cholagogues.

  11. When that is done, colchicine may be found to exhibit a definite chemical interaction with this hitherto undiscovered substance.

  12. The salicylate of colchicine is stable in water and may be given in doses of about one-thirtieth of a grain.

  13. This latter is the preparation still most generally used, though the presence of veratrine both in the corm and the seeds renders the use of colchicine itself theoretically preferable.

  14. If the solution is diluted so that there is about one part of colchicine in 600 of the solution, then each c.

  15. In medico-legal researches, it must be remembered that colchicine is absorbed but slowly, a not insignificant portion remaining in the bowels, with the faeces.

  16. The researches of Rossbach show that the carnivorae are more sensitive to colchicine than any other order of mammals.

  17. Colchicine is now precipitated as a tannate.

  18. Casper puts the lethal dose of colchicine at from 25 to 30 mgrms.

  19. It is, therefore, evident that there are in man no constant pathological changes from colchicine poisoning.

  20. The residue is then dissolved in water, the solution purified by shaking with light petroleum, and the colchicine finally extracted with chloroform.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colchicine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.