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Example sentences for "colder"

Lexicographically close words:
colander; colchicine; colchicum; cold; colde; coldest; coldframe; coldly; coldness; coldnesse
  1. The inspiration and uplift of the morning were gone; the sun was sinking to a colder and colder setting.

  2. It was supposed that these men were to act as scouts, to reconnoitre shrewdly in the Enemy's country, to spy out the land, so that in the autumn the Company might throw into the wilderness new posts, to be inhabited during the colder months.

  3. His mother's face seemed to him to grow colder and colder, paler and paler, till she scarcely looked a living woman.

  4. As her great weakness left her, there came upon her features the colder darker look of her race, the look which he who had betrayed her had always feared.

  5. I suppose you are really anxious to take this walk, for your letter is colder than usual.

  6. In the above cases the seeds were carried from a warm to a colder climate.

  7. The fog was thicker, and wetter, and colder than ever; the night as wretched a one for a walk as could well be imagined, and the bleak sea wind blew raw in their faces all the way.

  8. A shivering through the Warrior flew, Colder than the nightly blast, Colder than the evening dew, 195 When the hour of twilight's past.

  9. We find, from the testimony of ancient writers, that Britain, Germany, and France were much colder than at present, and that their great rivers were annually frozen over.

  10. But to those to whom that tale had been told it was a darkening unearthly and portentous, bringing with it a colder air and a deepened silence.

  11. It grew colder and stiller, but the light dwelt in the heavens, and was reflected in the bosom of the river.

  12. It is better to pour water at a moderate degree of coldness over the surface for ten or fifteen minutes than to pour a colder fluid for a shorter time.

  13. Epidemics of relapsing fever prevail at all seasons, but more commonly they are at their height during the colder months of the year.

  14. It was colder than ever and a biting wind blew through our very souls.

  15. Just before Christmas the weather grew colder and more boisterous.

  16. On the other hand there is not any foundation for supposing that in a globe which has received, or which possesses a certain degree of heat, there might be some parts of it much colder than others.

  17. He attracted her mentally, and his character fascinated her, but stone could not be colder than her heart.

  18. The grayness of the day entered into her and enveloped her; life in the Brooklyn flat had never looked colder and barer than in this palace which her will and her wealth had created.

  19. And O'Brien, thinking of the man and of the position he had seen him occupying for the past months, grew colder and more furious still.

  20. But something deadlier, colder and deeper stirred in O'Brien's blood.

  21. The energy, zeal, and enthusiasm they throw into their work for God are very captivating to colder natures.

  22. Some of the people, however, sleep on bear-skins in winter, as it keeps them warm, and the colder the night the closer all the members of the family pack together to warm each other with their natural heat.

  23. Instead of preventing the snow from resting on their roofs, the Ainu of the colder regions do all they can to let it remain, for by thus forming an air-tight vault it renders the hut much warmer in winter.

  24. It is growing colder and colder every moment.

  25. Therefore prudence will approve what humanity suggests; and those who in kindly feeling can discover no motive, will in the colder reason find every inducement for the adoption of the gentler measure.

  26. The colder the water, the better, and the more grateful it will be to the animal.

  27. Does not mud cover the roadways in this country during the colder season for a far longer period than the snow?

  28. He does not put out his hand, however, and Paul Rodney, having acknowledged his salutation by a bow colder and infinitely more distant than his own, turns to Mona.

  29. And then follow one or two bequests to those friends he had left in Australia and some to the few from whom he had received kindness in colder England.

  30. A harp stood neglected at the farther end of the room, and just above hung the slender prison of one of those golden wanderers from the Canary Isles which hear to our colder land some of the gentlest music of their skies and zephyrs.

  31. They are genuine Wild Geese, some of them having been {52} wounded and captured from the great flocks which frequent these waters during the colder months of the year.

  32. The majority of land birds that pass the winter in Canada or in the colder parts of the United States feed mainly upon seeds.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "colder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.