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Example sentences for "combustions"

Lexicographically close words:
combs; combustibility; combustible; combustibles; combustion; come; comeback; comed; comedia; comedian
  1. And are not all combustions instances of the change of temperature produced by the chemical combination of two bodies?

  2. But this cannot be the case with combustions in general; for when any substance is burnt in the common air, so far from increasing in weight, it is evidently diminished, and sometimes entirely consumed.

  3. But how can you explain the various combustions which take place in oxy-muriatic gas, if you consider it as containing no oxygen?

  4. But, what is most extraordinary, these combustions take place without the metal or phosphorus being previously lighted, or even in the least heated.

  5. I understood that flame was the caloric produced by the union of the two electricities, in all combustions whatever?

  6. Volcanoes are secondary combustions of masses that have originated through the primary combustion, and are therefore only of local occurrence.

  7. By the heat of these combustions the masses of earth have been fused, forming lavas.

  8. But in the sublimation of sulphur, the frequent combustions inseparable from this operation carry the loss of weight in flowers to about twenty per cent.

  9. Different from these compounds, it could not behave like them, and accomplish slow combustions of the same type.

  10. You observe a multitude of little combustions going on, but no flame.

  11. But it does not affect merely the combustion of hydrogen, or carbon, or the candle; but it exalts all combustions of the common kind.

  12. As long as organic matter and air are present, these combustions will continue.

  13. In these combustions we begin by filling a jar, capable at least of holding six pints, with oxygen gas in the water apparatus, Pl.

  14. Hence, no new combustions or oxygenations can happen without destroying this equilibrium, and raising the combustible substances to a superior degree of temperature.

  15. Nature is at present in a state of equilibrium, which cannot have been attained until all the spontaneous combustions or oxygenations possible in the ordinary degrees of temperature had taken place.

  16. From all these difficulties, I have been hitherto obliged to confine myself to experiments upon very small quantities of alkohol, or at least to combustions made in open vessels, such as that represented in Pl.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "combustions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.