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Example sentences for "compassing"

Lexicographically close words:
compass; compasse; compassed; compasses; compasseth; compassion; compassionate; compassionated; compassionately; compassionating
  1. He prayed the Lords to believe, and to represent to her Majesty, that he had received with horror the suggestion of compassing her death, and had only been brought to believe it a terrible necessity by the persuasions of this Ballard.

  2. Unequal and faint opposition strengthens the adversary, as cold, compassing springs, makes them hotter.

  3. And under the brim of it round about there were knops compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about: the knops were cast in two rows, when it was cast.

  4. And under it was the similitude of oxen, which did compass it round about: ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about.

  5. And there were a hundred Arches to the compassing of this garden.

  6. And then immediately we tended our walke toward the fresh fountains and shady riuers, compassing about the flourshing fields with chrystalline currents and gratious streames.

  7. The playne labiall compassing about the quadrant Orchyard comming out from the walles as a seate for these aforesayde garden pottes and trees to stande vppon, was subcoronized with golde by excellent lyneamentes wrought and adorned.

  8. Because the circumduct and compassing coulers, meeting together in the selfe same smoothe and cleane stones, did yeeld a reflection, no part being faultie, eyther of the square checkers or scutuls and Trigons.

  9. And casting my eyes further on forward into the plaine before mee, and leauing this fore discribed place, I might perceiue a building of Marble, shewing the roofe thereof ouer the tender toppes of the compassing trees.

  10. In the 'Calendar of State Papers,' under date 1593, there is a reference to a more ingenious method of compassing the enlargement of a prisoner.

  11. He was found guilty of compassing the death of the king, and suffered the cruel sentence then in force for the crime.

  12. Where she deserves blame is in her use of her power for personal patronage, as in compassing the promotions of Chamillart and Villeroi, and the frequent assistance given to her brother Comte Charles d'Aubigne.

  13. Another vpon the surface of the earth passing through your feete just vnder the Sunne, and so compassing the earth round till it meete at your feete againe, and these are Meridians answering one to another.

  14. An Isthmus, a streight necke of land which ioynes two countreys together, and keepes the Sea from compassing the one.

  15. The substance of the rich man is the city of his strength, and as a strong wall compassing him about.

  16. And it goeth out towards the ascent of the Scorpion, and passeth on to Sina: and ascendeth into Cadesbarne, and reacheth into Esron, going up to Addar, and compassing Carcaa.

  17. And there was a wall round about compassing the four little courts, and there were kitchens built under the rows round about.

  18. The head of them compassing me about: the labour of their lips shall overwhelm them.

  19. Why will not men be brought to see that in abusing their horses they are compassing their own loss?

  20. In his pride of wit and cleverness, he had looked with scorn upon plain common people as no better than blockheads; and had only thought to use them, and even his own powers of mind, for compassing the means of animal gratification.

  21. Giletta, hearing of this, was very glad, as it suggested an apt reason for visiting Paris, and offered a chance of compassing her secret and cherished wish.

  22. Thou didst not gaze like me upon that end Till thine own powers for compassing the bliss Were blind with glory; nor grow mad to grasp At once the prize long patient toil should claim, Nor spurn all granted short of that.

  23. And for the better compassing of this matter, I shall briefly enquire, First, What in this place is meant by the dead.

  24. CXIII He kept no more the way, as he before Proposed, for compassing the whole of Spain: But stopt his courser on the neighbouring shore Where lesser Britain runs into the main.

  25. Inflamed with rage like a wrathful lion and unable to brook the assaults of the Rakshasa, Karna took up that foremost of victory-giving and invincible darts, desirous of compassing the destruction of Ghatotkacha.

  26. Bhimasena, vomiting forth the fire of wrath (which these enraged) and which he had restrained for thirteen years, is now compassing the destruction of thy sons.

  27. Filled with wrath and desirous of compassing the destruction of those brave Panchalas, that mighty car-warrior, that scorcher of foes, viz.

  28. Having pierced Satyaki with ten shafts, Somadatta's son sped many other keen shafts at that bull amongst the Sinis, from a desire of compassing his destruction.

  29. Tell me, therefore, everything about what Arjuna did for compassing the slaughter of the ruler of the Sindhus.

  30. As those lines of arrows advanced for compassing the death of Duryodhana, the latter, O king, cut them in pieces, at which the troops shouted loudly.

  31. The remnant of the Pandava host, beholding the pacification of the Narayana weapon, once more stood prepared on the field for compassing the destruction of thy sons.

  32. A Pavement compassing three sides of the Peoples Court, upon which stood the Buildings for the People, with Cloysters under them.

  33. A Pavement compassing three sides of the foremention'd Courts, and upon which stood the Buildings for the Priests, with Cloysters under them.

  34. The inner margin of the Pavement compassing three sides of the Peoples Court.

  35. Weary of running thus fruitlessly along the south side of the island to the eastward I resolved to return the way I came; and compassing the west end of the island, make a search along the north side of it.

  36. But that way it was not possible for me to go by reason of the time of year in which I came out; for I must have been compassing the south of America in a very high latitude in the depth of the winter there.

  37. O not to day, not to day รด God, 5 Thinke on the fault my father made, In compassing the crowne.

  38. When he found himself thus far advanced in his designs, he judged it a proper time to set his last engines to work for the compassing his point.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compassing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.