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Example sentences for "conspicuousness"

Lexicographically close words:
conspectu; conspectus; conspicious; conspicuous; conspicuously; conspiracie; conspiracies; conspiracy; conspiration; conspirator
  1. In southern architecture the roof is of far less importance; but here the soul of domestic building is in the largeness and conspicuousness of the protection against the ponderous snow and driving sleet.

  2. The conspicuousness of the corolla does not suffice to induce repeated visits from insects, unless nectar is at the same time secreted, together perhaps with some odour emitted.

  3. The fact of a larger proportion of white flowers smelling sweetly may depend in part on those which are fertilised by moths requiring the double aid of conspicuousness in the dusk and of odour.

  4. With some flowers conspicuousness is gained at the expense even of the reproductive organs, as with the ray-florets of many Compositae, the exterior flowers of Hydrangea, and the terminal flowers of the Feather-hyacinth or Muscari.

  5. Relation between the structure and conspicuousness of flowers, the visits of insects, and the advantages of cross-fertilisation.

  6. On the other hand, if conspicuousness is an advantage to the plant, the exact opposite happens, and the tendency becomes developed into a confirmed habit.

  7. Robert Toombs--then in his fortieth year, and having as yet attained but little conspicuousness in congress--is the man I mean.

  8. One is able by this means to promote a beautiful art and increase one's social conspicuousness at the same time.

  9. One was that her husband's law practice was somewhat increased by her conspicuousness and popularity.

  10. Nevertheless, its ubiquity and conspicuousness long impeded progress.

  11. In the mob you won't be singled out simply for your pretty face--there are too many pretty faces; so it is the woman who strikes some high note of conspicuousness who attracts attention.

  12. Birds are exceptionally available animals for the special attention of beginning students, because of their abundance and conspicuousness and the readiness with which their varied and interesting habits may be observed.

  13. There is no attempt at concealment; it is obvious that conspicuousness is the object sought or at least produced by the coloration.

  14. That even where conspicuousness is useful, it furnishes no complete account of the whole beauty of the flower.

  15. That conspicuousness is a step towards fertilization in one mode, and might, therefore, well be used by an artist loving at once beauty and fertility.

  16. We have presented to our notice three kinds of attraction which operate upon insects--the conspicuousness of colour and form, the beauty of the smell, and the pleasant taste of the honey.

  17. Also, there have been, and indeed still are, other Hebrews who have entered public life in England, and attained conspicuousness in it.

  18. His labor and sacrifice deserve recognition alongside that given of men whose stations in life gave them great conspicuousness in the public eye.

  19. His military career had served to bring him into increased conspicuousness and to enhance his popularity.

  20. He was so preoccupied by his own intimate sensations that the idea of applauding never occurred to him, until he perceived his conspicuousness in not applauding, whereupon he clapped self-consciously.

  21. He pointed out that conspicuousness (unless, as we have seen, accompanied by some protective character, such as a sting or a bitter taste) increased the risk of elimination by enemies.

  22. Where Conspicuousness carries with it a Power which, by the light of our own observation and experience, we are able to measure and comprehend, I think our envy of the possessor is as deep and as passionate as is that of any other nation.

  23. It is a combination of power and conspicuousness which the man understands.

  24. There the figure of a giant woodpecker hung, drumming loudly, and inviting a trial shot, by the very conspicuousness of its red, black and white plumage.

  25. In a city whose public is surfeited with a show of splendor, the man who would find himself underscored must pitch such conspicuousness to a scale of rajah-like magnificence.

  26. At first, he thought of the conspicuousness of wealth as a credential tending to enlarge the scope and standing of its possessor.

  27. The fact of a large proportion of white flowers smelling sweetly may depend in part on those which are fertilized by moths requiring the double aid of conspicuousness in the dusk and of odor.

  28. Exaggeration is conspicuous in the newer poetry, and is so far, therefore, successful, conspicuousness being its aim.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conspicuousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.