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Example sentences for "conspectus"

Lexicographically close words:
consorting; consortium; consorts; conspecific; conspectu; conspicious; conspicuous; conspicuously; conspicuousness; conspiracie
  1. We can only say that what our journal can do in the way of affirming and applying principles of criticism, and giving a conspectus of the best contemporary work, we shall attempt to do.

  2. On the other hand, as an ethnographic conspectus it will be very serviceable to the student.

  3. When these works came to be regarded as an orderly revelation, even orthodoxy could not shut its eyes to their divergences, and a comprehensive exegesis became necessary to give a conspectus of the whole body of truth.

  4. I-Ching, though he does not furnish statistics, gives a clear conspectus of Buddhist sects as they existed in his time.

  5. No modern book in the English tongue gives him a conspectus of the past; he is compelled to study violently hostile authorities, North German (or English copying North German), whose knowledge is never that of the true and balanced European.

  6. It is the latest conspectus of library history and activity and if printed separately might have made a book of several hundred pages which would have been duly reviewed in all the professional journals.

  7. No other document is so valuable for a complete conspectus of Jefferson's mind and theories at that time.

  8. In the conspectus of contents we have had occasion to direct attention to the important Sûtra II, 1, 22, which distinctly enunciates that the Lord is adhika, i.

  9. The following is merely an appreciation of some of the sides of his character, not a general conspectus of his morals.

  10. Such a conspectus will only become possible at the conclusion of our work.

  11. I do not know whether anyone has yet attempted to draw up a complete conspectus of the Latin literature that has been preserved in MSS.

  12. The audile phenomena were so frequent and so various, that a conspectus of them is given in an appendix.

  13. None of this causation is brought into Schumpeter's conspectus picture.

  14. Schumpeter seems to rise to a higher conspectus picture, which, in form, avoids the circle.

  15. At this moment came one of those political acts which so considerably disturb any purely military conspectus of the revolutionary wars.

  16. But just as the treason of Dumouriez is, in the military sense, abnormal and disturbing to any general conspectus of the campaign, so was the action of his army.

  17. The main features of international copyright arrangements are tabulated in condensed form in the conspectus of copyright by countries given in the preliminary pages.

  18. The original author, whom all who have given any account of the alchymists have followed, is Olaus Borrichius, in his Conspectus Scriptorum Chemicorum Celebriorum.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conspectus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abbreviation; abridgment; abstract; brief; capsule; compendium; compression; condensation; conspectus; curtailment; digest; draft; draught; draughtsman; draughty; elision; ellipsis; epitome; head; outline; overview; prospectus; recapitulation; reduction; retrenchment; review; rubric; skeleton; sketch; summary; summation; survey; syllabus; syncope; synopsis