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Example sentences for "ellipsis"

Lexicographically close words:
eller; elles; elli; ellipse; ellipses; ellipsoid; ellipsoidal; ellipsoids; elliptic; elliptical
  1. Inelegantly used as a noun by ellipsis of some noun as “He wrote the above,” for “the above phrase.

  2. In the place of an ellipsis of the verb, a comma must be inserted.

  3. But now the terminations are generally retained, except when the ellipsis of shall or should is implied; as, If he obey, i.

  4. But let not the reader believe the common doctrine of our grammarians, respecting either the ellipsis of nominatives or the ellipsis of verbs.

  5. In this example, as in thousands more, of various forms, the verb to be may be inserted without affecting the sense; but I doubt the necessity of supposing an ellipsis in such sentences.

  6. In some very emphatical expressions, no ellipsis should be allowed.

  7. If we supply the ellipsis as above, there is nothing put absolute.

  8. The ellipsis may be supplied thus; co e am fear a ta thu ciallachadh?

  9. Hence arises a more compendious form of expression, giving origin to an ellipsis of a peculiar kind.

  10. Greek, and perfundit gelido (understand latice), from the Latin, we find that the present ellipsis was used with greater latitude in the classical languages than our own.

  11. It is not necessary, here, to suppose the ellipsis of the words part (or some).

  12. What is pleonasm in a single sentence, is ellipsis in a double one.

  13. The ellipsis of the relative is also somewhat harsh.

  14. Delitzsch leaves the ellipsis unfilled, and takes the whole to mean that the psalmist says to himself that the affliction allotted will only last for the time which the mighty hand of God has determined.

  15. This will not be the case, however, until the practice of supplying an ellipsis after these words is entirely dropped.

  16. This ellipsis of the relative was very common in Elizabethan English.

  17. This ellipsis was common in Elizabethan English.

  18. Others regard the supposed ellipsis as too great to be natural, and take an entirely different view.

  19. When an ellipsis of the words, namely, that is, to wit, etc.

  20. Ellipsis that are obviously errors have been standardized to common usage.

  21. Because of the propensity in this text for quotations starting and ending in the middle of a sentence, ellipsis have been rendered as found in the text with no assumptions made as to the ending of sentences within quotations.

  22. The use of the form de mariage is easily explained by the ellipsis of the concluding words, que celui-ci.

  23. There is an ellipsis here: Pour ce qui est de soupçons.

  24. An ellipsis for the more complete expression which later editions print, foi d'homme d'honneur.

  25. The ellipsis is best explained by giving the sentence another turn: "Get away you man who are so foolish that you can come," etc.

  26. The ellipsis of the relative is not uncommon.

  27. The ellipsis is somewhat peculiar from the fact that the relative is expressed in the next line.

  28. This paratactic construction with hatan is confined to names of persons and places; it is colloquial and does not involve ellipsis of a relative.

  29. For the ellipsis compare the similar construction of side: half apparently follows the analogy of pound and similar words of measure.

  30. It is not an auxiliary verb with ellipsis of a verb of motion (H.

  31. So sacrificed, the young virgin sister of lofty ideals and delicate spiritual sensibility, experienced unhappiness, the intensity of which is revealed by the ellipsis contained in the magic line: "And God doth know what my life became.

  32. Fallacies of ellipsis usually go by learned names, as; (1) a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter.

  33. A clause or sentence that shows ellipsis is said to be elliptical.

  34. But it is not necessary to supply the ellipsis in analyzing.

  35. Many constructions, originally elliptical, have become established idioms in which no ellipsis is felt.

  36. The examples in § 528 show that most cases of ellipsis fall under two heads: 1.

  37. Yet in strictness this construction is an ellipsis for “He eats as [he would eat] if he were famished.

  38. With regard to the ellipsis of the substantive verb, nothing can be more common.

  39. Of such ellipsis examples might be given without number.

  40. In the above examples ellipsis takes place both in Esperanto and English, some such words as mi deziras, ke .

  41. When the verb following ĉu is in the Imperative mood, it shows the ellipsis of some other verb expressing "wish, desire, etc.

  42. A predicative adjective shows that ellipsis has taken place, and the omitted verb is generally esti.

  43. When there is a diversity of case, it is due to ellipsis (see par.

  44. When, however, the omission of words is productive of obscurity, weakens the sentence, or involves a violation of some grammatical principle, the ellipsis must not be used.

  45. There is, however, a kind of ellipsis which those who indulge in that style of epistolary writing, wherein sentiments of a tender nature are conveyed, will do well to avoid with the greatest care.

  46. In common discourse, in which the meaning can be eked out by gestures, signs, and inarticulate sounds variously modified, the ellipsis is much more liberally and more extensively employed than in written composition.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ellipsis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abbreviation; abridgment; abstract; clipping; comma; compression; condensation; conspectus; contraction; curtailment; cutting; elision; ellipsis; epitome; mark; punctuation; recapitulation; reduction; retrenchment; summary; summation; syncope; synopsis