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Example sentences for "productive"

Lexicographically close words:
producible; producing; product; production; productions; productively; productiveness; productivity; products; productus
  1. They have performed a necessary police duty for society, and their labors, as we shall see, have been productive of psychological discoveries of great practical importance.

  2. There is no doubt that mixed marriages of the white with the yellow races will be productive of good to both sides.

  3. Its advocates declare their policy to be productive of good to the world, inasmuch as it secures regular supplies of commodities of the best kind at fair and reasonable prices.

  4. And you must understand that the central life of each tattva is the preceding tattva with its tanmatra; that, with the new tanmatra, makes up the life; and the outer form is the new tattva that by that productive action comes into existence.

  5. Report, says, "It still works well, and is productive of much saving to the Company.

  6. But he had no productive force, and I do not believe that his unproductiveness was a productiveness checked by a fastidious taste; I believe that it was real, that he was not organized for production.

  7. The intellectual class grows in numbers and in influence along with the numbers and influence of the materially productive population of the State.

  8. But may it not be doubted whether these minds have productive power of any kind?

  9. He is engaged in the productive work of helping to haul in the harvest of the deep.

  10. The adventure was productive of some good.

  11. Ours is the most productive in the world.

  12. The country is agreeably diversified with plain and mountain, and the soil is fertile, though far less productive than it should be.

  13. As we ride on, we pass the valley of Jezreel, a fertile spot, which might be made productive in the hands of some other people than these lazy, shiftless Syrians.

  14. But by this time I had learned that the mere threat to make Russian officials inspect my passport was productive of much the same effect as drawing a pistol on them would have had.

  15. In the greater part of these events, so productive of glory and good, the Corps of Marines bore a share, as well as in the many inferior but distinguished Naval contests that took place in 1759.

  16. It is needless to enlarge upon the merits of the brilliant victory of the 11th of October, achieved under the most hazardous circumstances, and signally productive of the most important consequences.

  17. Possessing, in each, a great advantage in numbers, the utmost height of valour, but productive of no immediate effects, was exhibited in all by the British Fleet.

  18. Idleness is disreputable under any circumstances; productive of no good, even when unaccompanied by vicious habits.

  19. From a Letter, 1793 "If it can be esteemed a happiness to live in an age productive of great and interesting events, we of the present age are very highly favored.

  20. Why keep this matter from me--why withhold any particular, the knowledge of which might be productive of a remedy for all the difficulty.

  21. The pledge which Munro had given to his niece in behalf of Colleton was productive of no small inconvenience to the former personage.

  22. And why should you think, my sweet girl, and with an air of such profound sorrow, that such a thought must be productive of such an emotion.

  23. Only by a frank policy of mutual coöperation can the nations hope to regain their old prosperity, and in order to secure that result, the whole resources of each country must be devoted to strictly productive purposes.

  24. The third was doubtless an intruder, and from that day to this how many a paradise has been lost by admittance of the visitor who completes this uneven number, unaccountably supposed to be so productive of good fortune.

  25. And yet how could she be so inhuman as to admit a pleasure which must be cruelly productive of another's pain?

  26. The fact that the method most productive of good in Africa is not the same as the method most productive of good at home is no evidence of the inadvisability of its adoption.

  27. They were originally from Virginia, from whence they had emigrated in quest of a clime more genial, and a soil more productive than that in which their fathers toiled.

  28. Betsy is a good cook, yet beefsteaks have been productive of strangulation.

  29. This intelligence does not of itself yield a body of truth; it merely contains the germs of the higher ideas, and these are made productive by being brought into contact with revealed facts.

  30. They had a right, too, he thought, to insist that productive labor should receive a larger share of the wealth it produced.

  31. Introspective analysis on the part of the poet might reasonably be expected to be as productive of æsthetic revelation as the more objective criticism of the mere observer of literary phenomena.

  32. But we have manifold confessions that it is not commonly thus with the non-productive poet.

  33. The commencement of the year 1614 was productive of new anxieties to the Queen-Regent.

  34. Even to-day probably no other cause is more productive of murder and suicide.

  35. In the early history of most countries there comes a pressure of population upon the productive powers of the land.

  36. It will leave every man working in the industry in which he is; it will leave those who are engaged in competition still engaged in competition where it is not productive of injurious result.

  37. This plan is not only productive of misery to a large number of individuals in every community, but is necessarily an extremely wasteful one.

  38. This, however, may perhaps be accounted for by the function of money capital, which can become operative only in connection with the other forms of capitalistic ownership, but has no independent productive existence.

  39. They bring ever larger masses of working people under their control, reducing them to the point where muscle and brain are their only productive property.

  40. Summary of the Productive Side of Economic Construction 286 7.

  41. Evils, which the extremes of wealth and indigence are ever productive of in free countries.

  42. Luxury, when introduced into free states, and suffered to be diffused without controul through the body of the people, was ever productive of that degeneracy of manners, which extinguished publick virtue, and put a final period to liberty.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "productive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    able; abundant; adequate; advantageous; affluent; ample; aplenty; bottomless; bountiful; bursting; capable; competent; conceptual; constructive; copious; creation; diffuse; economic; effective; effectual; efficacious; efficient; effuse; effusive; epidemic; extravagant; exuberant; fat; fecund; fertile; flourishing; flush; formative; formless; fruitful; full; gainful; galore; generative; generous; germinal; golden; gushing; helpful; ideational; imaginative; inexhaustible; ingenious; inspired; inventive; lavish; liberal; lucrative; lush; luxuriant; many; maximal; much; notional; numerous; opulent; original; originative; overflowing; paying; persuasive; plentiful; plenty; positive; pregnant; prevailing; prevalent; prodigal; productive; proficient; profitable; profuse; prolific; rampant; rank; redundant; remunerative; repetitive; replete; rewarding; rich; rife; riotous; seminal; streamlined; superabundant; swarming; teeming; thriving; useful; wealthy; wholesale; worthwhile

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    productive industry; productive labor; productive labour; productive power; productive work