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Example sentences for "products"

Lexicographically close words:
productions; productive; productively; productiveness; productivity; productus; produire; produit; produits; proelia
  1. In some cases they were nomadic, and used the natural products without taking possession of the land; in others they occupied districts differently defined.

  2. If the area under grain were increased, it would be preceded by an increase in the growth of turnips, and followed by a greater growth of clover; and these cattle-feeding products would materially add to the meat supply.

  3. Each sept or tribe in the early enjoyment of the products of the district it selected was governed by its own customary laws.

  4. WAGES are a portion of the value of the products of a joint combination of employer and employed.

  5. Only in this way can progress escape being clogged by the products of the security it creates.

  6. Thus inflammation and its products on the interior of the skull proceed from “injuries of the scalp alone.

  7. Her letters are skilful but, owing to their allusions and antitheses, far from perspicuous products of reflection, although succinct and rich in matter.

  8. But we also see other grand products of the age far transcending the limits of the present struggle.

  9. The products of the Park, the Home Farm, the hothouses, and the kitchen-garden kept the family supplied with food.

  10. The pony-boy and the scullery-maid were pretty sure to be products of the village.

  11. It is a very beautiful country, on the whole, and when acclimatised, Europeans find that they can live splendidly on the products of the country.

  12. The Government has however, disposed of part of these to Concessionary Companies in this sense, that the Companies have the right to exploit all the products of the forest in these areas.

  13. At the extreme end of the point, and extending inwards for several hundred yards, are the grounds of the Dutch Trading Company, which has been established here for more than fifty years and ships many of the products of the country.

  14. The effect of the embargo was to depress the products of our own country one half, and increase those of foreign countries in the same proportion.

  15. Besides, being forced to seek elsewhere for the products she had been accustomed to take from us, other channels of trade began to be opened, which threatened to become permanent.

  16. In that year they devoured not only crops and garden products but almost completely ate up the grass on the prairie to such an extent as to make it useless for hay.

  17. As they have no tires, and the section of the wheel part or crowd together, according to the moisture, a train of these carts bringing in the products of the hunt is a strange sight.

  18. His book is universally considered one of the most finished products of the human mind.

  19. Balzac's novels do not please him, either as products of genius or as works of art.

  20. Sermons are literary products in which change from fashion to fashion of thought and of form makes itself felt more than in almost any other kind of literature.

  21. The poisons of fatigue, acid products of the contraction of muscles, are antagonized and neutralized by substances formed in the course of the oxidation of the sugar.

  22. Besides, there are the products of the interstitial cells, the creations of a special layer of cells around the ovum, the membrana granulosa.

  23. Male and female emerge as final by-products of endocrine heredity, environmental treatment and adaptation.

  24. All the tissues (glands and other organs) have thus a special internal secretion, and so give to the blood something more than the waste products of metabolism.

  25. Most characters, somatic or psychic, are the products not of the action of one internal secretion alone, but of the interlinked activities of all of them.

  26. Secondarily other effects appear as by-products of the adaptation.

  27. The climate is favorable to nearly all of the products of the middle and northern portions of the Union, with some kinds of fruit excepted.

  28. The chief products are wheat, corn, potatoes; while wine and oranges are raised in large quantities for exportation.

  29. The West furnished bountiful supplies, and readily floated these products to a market, where competition was not only not thought of, but entirely out of the question.

  30. Beyond being an outlet for surplus products of the back country, it has no importance and no attractions.

  31. Since 1850 the number of factories in this industry has more than doubled, while the value of the products has increased over fourfold.

  32. The purpose of the ceremony is to cause agricultural products to grow well, and it is always celebrated some time between rice planting and rice harvesting, generally soon after the planting has been finished.

  33. At the age of twenty-one, Mr. Pike, though he still spent his winters for some years in teaching, became a trader in cattle and a merchant in the products of the soil.

  34. Without railway facilities, with scanty water power, its inhabitants depend for a livelihood upon the products of the soil, from which by industry they gain a substantial income.

  35. The Windsor calicoes, and other products of the Freeman Manufacturing Company, already stand in the market among the foremost of their class.

  36. This does not include the value of the products of the village and city gardens.

  37. Most states have laws which do not allow the sale of food products that are decayed.

  38. A conservative estimate of the actual value of the products from a half-acre garden is fifty dollars.

  39. From apple cider many different products are obtained, chief of these being vinegar and others being bottled cider, boiled cider, apple butter and, more recently, concentrated cider and cider syrup.

  40. As citizens, we rejoice; as horticulturists, and citizens as well, we want our products to stand high in the estimation of others.

  41. Four years ago or more I decided that in order to receive the top price for the products off my place I must produce a first class article, and so to that end I have worked.

  42. Of the total real and personal property in the United States more than two-thirds was owned by the rural population, and the value of manufactures was insignificant, compared with the products of agriculture.

  43. Fishing vessels from abroad were customers for the agricultural products of the colony, and gradually the colonists built their own vessels and absorbed the fisheries themselves.

  44. I am afraid these products of Nature will never reach maturity, for the natives are continually burning the rough grass and spinifex, and on a favourably windy occasion these will consume everything green or dry, down to the water's edge.

  45. Both are the products of the owner's property.

  46. If the rate of interest were lowered the employing business men would be able to raise wages; if the prices of products rose a further increase of wages would become possible.

  47. It is, therefore, quite erroneous to infer that, since the Marxian theory attributes all value and products to the action of labour, Marxian Socialists must condemn the interest-taker as a robber.

  48. It is concerned solely with products and results.

  49. Whenever the charges imposed by monopolistic concerns upon their products are higher than those that would have prevailed under competition, the surplus gains are obviously to that extent not due to superior efficiency.

  50. Those who purchase the products of industry must give prices sufficiently high to provide interest in addition to the other expenses of production.

  51. This means that all those consumers of products who are not landowners must pay an increasing tribute to those who are landed proprietors.

  52. The value of products is neither created nor adequately measured by labour; it is determined by utility and scarcity.

  53. Were general managers relatively as abundant as section foremen their remuneration would be quite as low; and the same principle holds good of every pair of men whose occupations and products are different in kind.

  54. If men are unequal in productive power their products are obviously not in proportion to their efforts.

  55. We are agriculturists, and so are the Yankees; and consequently the utmost we can do is to show off the clever inventions and cunning products of our neighbors.

  56. They are the common products of the soil, and they do not rise to the rank of luxuries with even the poor!

  57. If, for instance, the sample is to represent the immediate products of combustion, it is placed near to the contact-maker.

  58. So valuable are these products that there is a brisk demand for the tar, in other directions than the manufacture of oils, but oils of various kinds are also obtained from it.

  59. The heat, or else the chemical products of the explosion, seem to destroy the fungus germs in the ground.

  60. This loss of the public wealth, of course, does not exclude the losses of the families worth $5,000 and over; nor does it include any relation to exports of the products of these trades.

  61. These tens of millions of individuals become weaker and weaker consumers of their own products and products of the nation.

  62. And while the distribution of these products is carried on by cheap laborers, we have not represented here the few monopolists that grow into multi-millionaires behind the busy work of the distribution.

  63. For as the raw materials, or the products of any kind, continue to acquire their consumable state in the hands of the operators, more and more energy is being spent upon them or added to them.

  64. And it is just and meet that the persons who thus add their energy to the products should be paid for it, whether engaged in the factory, in the plant, in transportation or in the final distribution among consumers.

  65. Mr. Pownall, in the course of his evidence before the Royal Commission on Vegetable Products in Victoria, also drew attention to this same want of uniformity.

  66. His remarks, moreover, open up a vista of what a great trade might be done with India in connection with our wines; indeed, it is this interchange of products which keeps the circulation going in the blood-vessels of commercial life.

  67. In addition to these two main products of glucose by fermentation, namely, alcohol and carbonic acid gas, there are glycerine and succinic acid, as well as a lesser proportion of other derivatives, very much akin to alcohol.

  68. Moreover, it was very unlike the artificial sweet and burning products commonly called port wine.

  69. Under the influence of fermentation glucose undergoes a great change, of which the principal products are alcohol and carbonic acid gas.

  70. Pownall, the representative of the Australian Wine Company, explained before the Vegetable Products Commission in Victoria, a knowledge of cellar routine and cellar work would aroid the spoiling of much good wine.

  71. The use of the scarf skin is manifestly to protect the more delicate true skin, while at the same time it allows the waste products and used-up material to escape from the body.

  72. The majority of the witnesses examined by the Royal Commission on Vegetable Products in Victoria, 1889, admitted that cuttings ultimately produced a better vine.

  73. The effect of exercise is thus to remove used up products from the system, and so afford an opportunity for renewed material to take their place.

  74. Supernatural sanctions and emotional coloring are products of general experience and feeling.

  75. Those who believe in the predictive power of dreams regard them as messages from God or as products of telepathy.

  76. These stories are partly attempts to account for phenomena and partly are simply products of fancy; the myth-maker is very often a mere story-teller.

  77. The value of certain vegetable products (fruits, nuts, wild plants) as food must have become known at a very early time, and these would naturally be offered to the extrahuman Powers.

  78. The prohibition of the products of the grapevine to the Nazirite (Numb.

  79. These folk-tales are products of the popular imagination based on materials such as those described above.

  80. Deities proper came into existence as embodiments of the sense of an extrahuman government of the world by anthropomorphic beings; they are direct products of the constructive imagination.

  81. When we add that ancient local deities all took account of the products of the soil, it will not seem improbable that a great mass of stories should have arisen describing the adventures of the Spirit of Vegetation.

  82. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "products" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.