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Example sentences for "actual"

Lexicographically close words:
actos; actress; actresses; acts; actu; actualisation; actualised; actualities; actuality; actualization
  1. For operations so delicate, meant to be so lasting in their effect, so important to the welfare of his new self, Davenport saw the necessity of a perfect design before the first actual touch.

  2. Now even in those cases of dual personality, though there is doubtless some change in facial expression, there is not an actual physical transformation such as Davenport's purpose required.

  3. The actual words were not taken down at the time; they were finely eloquent, and gained effect from the clear, deliberate utterance; but the nearest approach to them was recorded in a letter of J.

  4. Had fancy, and not observation, been the source, how comes it that nothing is told but what came within the range of actual vision?

  5. Even in its least aggravated form it is the same as that decreed against the actual shedding of blood.

  6. Hence has arisen that popular agitation, which men of rectitude and good citizens regard as an actual mistake.

  7. We forget the actual phrase, although not the cause, which brought the Abbé Lacordaire to the defendants' bench.

  8. Every kind of liberty that the people in the gradual development of their life can uphold is their due, and their progress in civilisation is to be measured by the actual and not the fictitious, progress they make in liberty!

  9. And this because every reactionary government, in succession for the past seventy years, thoroughly understood that Republicans were its only serious, actual and unceasing enemies.

  10. I had not denied it, and I was, if not the actual father, at least the putative sire.

  11. A faint suspicion of the painful scenes that must have preceded the actual crisis, the fearful catastrophe, overcame him; he regretted having touched unconsciously the curtain that hid so dark a family drama.

  12. Of actual life I saw about that time as much as a camel sees of the desert in a menagerie.

  13. That I do not know; but I do know that stories like that of the Marquis d'Harville and his wife occur almost daily in actual life.

  14. It ends by erecting that inferiority into a sort of actual superiority: it is a merit to be stupid, and miserable, and sorely put upon--of such are the celestial elect.

  15. Christianity finds sickness necessary, just as the Greek spirit had need of a superabundance of health--the actual ulterior purpose of the whole system of salvation of the church is to make people ill.

  16. This time I desire to put the question definitely: is there any actual difference between a lie and a conviction?

  17. What actual difference does it make to a civilized man, when there is a steel strike, whether the workmen win or the mill-owners win?

  18. In September, 1888, he began actual work upon the first volume, and before the end of the month it was completed.

  19. The story of the actual tragedy is all we have space for here.

  20. Do we even appreciate their actual extent, or thoroughly grasp the fact that this network of waterways covers half a continent, and reaches every corner of this vast Dominion?

  21. Athenian Academy, determined to gaze on the actual face of what has so strong a family likeness to it.

  22. Nor beneath their feet only: the relics of their worship, their sanctuaries, their tombs, their very houses, were part of the scenery of actual life.

  23. The book with its wealth of examples direct from actual life, will appeal to all who care for children.

  24. The actual plot can only be described as hackneyed.

  25. Furthermore, Mack of Rosengaard had offered his help in any deserving case of actual need.

  26. According to the rustic rhyme, it changes its tune in June, which is probably poetic licence rather than the fruits of actual observation.

  27. All that he knew was that the reflection was of a much younger man than his actual age: that was the consistency, even if moment by moment in each barrage of new light, his age and appearance seemed to vary.

  28. It was whispering that the vibrations heard by the man who was supposing it to be the actual sound of the fan were fallacious.

  29. The poor child was suffering from actual humility, however, not conceit.

  30. But it all failed to interest her, somehow: the detailed campaigns, the actual value of money, the soulless translations, the necessarily primary character of the beginnings of any study of modern language.

  31. DEAR ELLA: In spite of great uncertainty on my part and actual unwillingness on her father's, Lizzie has started for Smith.

  32. Couldn't I make the Alpha on the strength of having vacated this hearth and home eighteen times by actual count for its old committees?

  33. The actual conversation had lasted more than an hour, but the dialogue above is not an inaccurate summary.

  34. In the actual event Dundee had to be abandoned, nor was this a deliberate evacuation arising out of any regular military policy, but a swift retreat without stores or wounded, compelled by the force of the enemy.

  35. But no diagrams, however exaggerated, would convince so well as would the actual ground.

  36. But his account of the worthies of the Old Testament in the previous chapter has revealed a special adaptedness in faith to meet the actual condition of his readers.

  37. He is convinced that St. Paul is neither the actual author nor the originator of the treatise.

  38. To begin, we must understand the actual position of the founders of the two dispensations.

  39. This power of meeting man's actual condition confers upon the Son the prerogative of being the complete and final revelation of God.

  40. It requires not overt acts of actual wickedness to tarnish its brightness, and cast suspicion on its purity.

  41. Pritam Singh and he sincerely hopes that the Baha’i members attending will take an active share in its proceedings and will thereby be putting to actual effect the teachings of Baha’u’llah.

  42. Only actual enemies of the Cause are ex-communicated.

  43. They are to the actual Church what the poetry of justice is to the actual courts.

  44. But the moods of faith are the very pith and marrow of our actual experience.

  45. To endeavor to satisfy man, therefore, with descriptions of the actual is preposterous.

  46. Realism appeared just at the beginning of the century in a number of domestic tragedies that violated the established conventions by dealing with actual events, contemporary society, and humble persons.

  47. All these neo-Latin plays were read and not acted; and the actual acting, either of the classical plays or their humanistic imitations, was not established until the close of the fifteenth century.

  48. The element of conflict is as yet hardly translated out of the abstract terms of the morality into those of actual life.

  49. By this date, of course, although the principles of muzzle loading had not changed, actual loading of the gun was greatly simplified by using fixed and semi-fixed ammunition.

  50. The actual commander of artillery was usually a soldier; but transport and drivers were still hired, and the drivers naturally had a layman's attitude toward battle.

  51. It looked no worse than the Ohio and the Missouri, and like western rivers ordinarily; and there appeared but small hope for Arizona very speedily, until she availed herself to the full of its actual advantages.

  52. The ill-defined horror, and actual suffering of such a day, must be experienced to be appreciated.

  53. Practical Use of the Controlling Purpose We have yet to answer the practical question: when I sit down to write, of just what value will the controlling purpose be to me in the actual task of expressing my ideas?

  54. This temptation, like the former one, will be overcome if you take the trouble to phrase the actual material of your definition in one sentence that really includes both genus and differentia.

  55. And, at any point in the actual completed writing, you can easily determine by referring to the outline, whether you are gaining the effect that you desire and what progress you have made.

  56. And in the third place, as regards expression, the outline relieves you of the necessity of doing the constructive thinking of the subject, and enables you to apply all your powers to the actual saying of your message.

  57. Now to ask the unaided brain, unless it has had long years of training, to perform all this critical work during the actual process of expression, is nothing short of cruel--and almost sure of failure.

  58. There is the stout-hearted player who refuses to resign though his defeat is demonstrably certain, but continues to jog about the board, eluding actual capture; in life would he resign?

  59. If I lacked anything beyond, it would have satisfied me well enough to dream about it, instead of struggling for its actual possession.

  60. As far as your actual experience is concerned, the English summer day has positively no beginning and no end.

  61. The truth is that the actual finding of the purpose will require much less time, often, than the explanation of the process here has needed.

  62. Now this controlling purpose, including both the appeal to the understanding and that to the emotions, should be stated, clearly, before the author begins his actual writing, in one sentence.

  63. The castle which conservatism is set to defend is the actual state of things, good and bad.

  64. It will be more like herding sheep than actual fighting.

  65. It becomes, therefore, a fact of very great significance that the actual number of books published in English is less than that in French or German, and that the proportion of serious books is very greatly less.

  66. The actual impact of battle will be an affair of moments.

  67. In fact, it is more than an arrest even, the forces of differentiation have been driven back and an actual process of assimilation has set in.

  68. But "freethought," on the other hand, points to an actual difference in degree of employment of the faculty of criticism.

  69. Even as the horrors of age-long religious war could alone drive men to something like toleration in the religious life, there was needed the impact of actual discovery to win them to science as against scholasticism.

  70. It might take the form either of a guarded skepticism or of a monarchic theology, answering to the organization of the actual earthly empire; and the latter view, in the nature of the case, would much the more easily gain ground.

  71. What was lacking was the use of reason upon actual problems, whether of human or of natural science.

  72. For lack of other culture than Biblical, then, even the popular heresy tended to run into mysticisms which were only so far more rational than the dogmas and rites of the Church that they stood for some actual reflection.

  73. But for this there is no ground in any actual passage preserved from his works; and it appears to have been a mere misconception of his doctrine in regard to Fire.

  74. Nominalism was thus "driven to the shade of the schools," where it was "regarded entirely in a logical point of view, and by no means in its actual philosophic importance as a speculation concerning the grounds of human knowledge.

  75. This is not incompatible with their having opposed both Saracens (Claudius in actual war) and Jews, as Christian bishops.

  76. They do not need the actual contact, the handling and the caressing.

  77. And there should be some actual initiation into sex life.

  78. Sun and moon are dynamically polarized to our actual tissue, they affect this tissue all the time.

  79. The son gets on swimmingly for a time, till he is faced with the actual fact of sex necessity.

  80. And besides the actual gates, the marvelous wireless communication between the great center and the surrounding or contiguous world.

  81. There is nothing in the world that is true except empiric discoveries which work in actual appliances.

  82. But this is hard to transfer into language, as all our vision, our modern Northern vision is in the upper mode of actual seeing.

  83. Not only is this the case, but the actual dynamic impulse of the new life which rouses at puberty is alien to the original dynamic flow.

  84. But after coition, the actual chemical constitution of the blood is so changed, that usually sleep intervenes, to allow the time for chemical, biological readjustment through the whole system.

  85. The thought of actual sex connection is usually repulsive.

  86. For a full dynamic relationship it is necessary that there be actual contact.

  87. The period of actual death and race-extermination is not far off.

  88. I even imagine that ideal reader for whom one writes as yawning over these barren details with the life-like weariness of an actual travelling companion of theirs.

  89. And there mingled apparently in her regret for Pere Brebeuf a confusing sense of his actual state as a portable piece of furniture.

  90. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "actual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    actual existence; actual experience; actual experiment; actual fact; actual life; actual observation; actual operation; actual play; actual possession; actual practice; actual service; actual settlers; actual warfare