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Example sentences for "actualization"

Lexicographically close words:
actual; actualisation; actualised; actualities; actuality; actualizations; actualize; actualized; actualizes; actualizing
  1. But how is an actualization begotten from that self-limited (intelligible)?

  2. Does the universal (Soul) also raise with herself to the intelligible world the inferior power which is her actualization (nature)?

  3. Fortifying myself within it, I arrive at that actualization which raises me above the intelligible.

  4. The sense-quality does not show the essential quality of every being, nor the difference or character of substances, but simply the thing that we properly call quality, and which is an actualization in the intelligible world.

  5. Real life (which is presence with the divinity) is the actualization of intelligence.

  6. It is this actualization of intelligence which begets the divinities by a sort of silent intercourse with the One; thereby begetting beauty, justice and virtue.

  7. But the actualization emanating from being--and everything necessarily has an actualization of this kind--differs from what produces it.

  8. We shall have to draw a distinction between an actualization of being, and an actualization out of the being of each thing (actualized being, and actualization emanating from being).

  9. Soul herself is the word and actualization of Intelligence.

  10. Even reasons would thus be called composite, and by their actualization form another alleged composite, nature, which aspires to form.

  11. The Soul, indeed, is the word and actualization of Intelligence, just as Intelligence is word and actualization of the One.

  12. The soul herself would ignore what she possesses if her faculties did not manifest by procession, for everywhere it is the actualization that manifests the potentiality.

  13. But towards what can the first actualization of the One tend, and attain, if, according to the dictates of reason, we conceive of that actualization originating from Him as light emanates from the sun?

  14. Appetite is the actualization of lustful desire, iv.

  15. Intellection would be movement or actualization on Aristotelian principles, vi.

  16. Actualization of soul in life, is the sole use of its existence, iv.

  17. The actualization of the life (peculiar to Reason), even without feeling, is not a blind movement.

  18. Thought as first actualization of a hypostasis is not in first principle, vi 7.

  19. That which is in actualization, and which cannot be in actualization for anything foreign, must be in actualization for itself.

  20. When thinking itself, Intelligence remains turned towards itself, referring its actualization to itself.

  21. The idea also belongs to the genus of stability, because it is the goal (or limit) of intelligence; but the intellectual actualization by which it is thought constitutes movement.

  22. Then the good of Essence is the actualization by which it aspires to the Good; that act constitutes its life; now this actualization is a movement, and we have already ranked movement among the primary genera.

  23. It is impossible for the potential to pass to actualization if the potential occupy the first rank among beings.

  24. The actualization is good because it proceeds from the Good; the determination, because it is a perfection that has emanated from the Good; and the combination of actualization and determination because it is their totality.

  25. As however we saw that actualization was identical with "being," in order to be called master of itself, actualization must have differentiated itself from being.

  26. Thus, since the actualization is more perfect than His being, and since that which is primary is the most perfect, that which is primary must necessarily be actualization.

  27. Neither need we hesitate to admit that the primary actualization has no "being"; but that actualization should be considered as constituting His hypostatic form of existence.

  28. Dialectic was for him a first stage in the actualization of the impulse to know, and bring knowledge to consistent expression.

  29. When the body perishes, and when it is no longer assisted by the soul which communicated life to it, nor by the actualization of this soul, how should life remain in the body?

  30. In this case the total science does not remain any less the same (when it is divided), and its division is only as it were the production and actualization of each of its component parts.

  31. The actualization of life, being all things, is not the first Principle; it flows from this Principle as (water) from a spring.

  32. If this object pass from one place to another, light would pass thither also, not because it turns back on itself or changes locality, but because the actualization of the luminous object exists and is present as soon as nothing opposes it.

  33. But this does not cause her to perish (for when she is incarnated in a body, and is particular, she exists only potentially; while she attains to actualization when she becomes universal).

  34. By thinking itself, Intelligence simultaneously thinks the Good; for it does not think itself as being actualized; yet every actualization has the Good as its goal.

  35. When intelligence is in actualization it can see in two ways, as does the eye.

  36. Speaking seriously, there is identity between knowing subject and known object in the actualization of knowledge.

  37. When an actualization radiates at a distance it must be admitted to exist there where it acts, where it exercises and manifests its power.

  38. Religion trained the activity of man into actualization on this planet, increasing by its means the dominion of the good, by purifying the water, by planting trees, by extirpating troublesome wild beasts.

  39. The view of the end to be obtained determines in each case the actualization of this idea.

  40. When in Pedagogics, therefore, we speak so much of the building up of a character, we mean the making permanent of a direction of the individual will towards the actualization of the Good.

  41. The result of the practice in virtue, or, as it is commonly expressed, of the individual actualization of freedom, is the methodical determinateness of the individual will as Character.

  42. The attainment of perfect manhood as the actualization of the Freedom necessary to mind constitutes the nature of Education in general.

  43. Ibn Daud does not give Aristotle's general definition of motion as the "actualization of the potential qua potential" (cf.

  44. Hence the process itself is the actualization of the potential.

  45. The soul then, according to Aristotle, is the realization or actualization or form of the body.

  46. The term entelechy which sounds outlandish to us may be replaced by the word realization or actualization and is very close in meaning to the Aristotelian use of the word form.

  47. For everything that comes into being after a state of non-existence requires motion to precede it, namely, the actualization from non-being.

  48. Moreover, this same light enables the sight to see the sun itself, which is the cause of the actualization in the sight.

  49. And since all design and every actualization of an end is connected with pleasure, we may farther explain the faculty of judgment by saying, that it contains the laws for the feeling of pleasure and pain.

  50. The actualization demanded for the first of these elements postulates the immortality of the soul, and for the second, the existence of God.

  51. In this supersensible world virtue is always adequate to happiness, and when man passes over into this he may look for the actualization of the highest good.

  52. It is the actualization of reason, says Aristotle.

  53. We find it in Aristotle himself, since the entire world is, for him, the actualization of reason, and reason is God.

  54. All government, human or Divine, is the enforcement of ideas by authority, and "Natural Law" is the actualization of the Divine idea by the Divine efficiency.

  55. He had defined soul as the first actualization of a body having potentiality of life with a determinate organism.

  56. But in the philosophy of Hegel religion is a part of God--a stage in the development or self-actualization of God.

  57. On the theory of the real distinction, is not the operative power itself an actual perfection of the substance, and therefore in some sort an actualization of the latter?

  58. Whether, then, we conceive the actualization as beginning in time or as proceeding from all eternity, it is self-contradictory to suppose the potential as capable of actualizing itself.

  59. It is intermediate between the operative power and the complete actualization which the power receives by the acts that spring from the latter as perfected by the habit.

  60. And if the action is in any true sense an actualization of the substance, we have, after all, a potentia and actus which are not in the same ultimate category.

  61. Faculty and habit form one complete proximate principle of those acts: a principle which is at once a partial actualization of the individual agent's nature and a potentiality of further actualization of this nature.

  62. How does it contribute positively to the actualization of the composite reality of which it is the material cause?

  63. Habit is thus at once an actuality or actualization of the operative power and a potentiality of further and more perfect acts.

  64. The final cause has a positive influence of some sort on the production, happening, actualization of effects.

  65. The power with which this self-actualization imbued me has been sculpturing my "I" into a form of my choosing ever more acceptable to me, and accepting of others.

  66. What condition of humanness is necessary in the nurse for the actualization of nursing's research potential?

  67. Unless nurses appreciate and give recognition to the dynamic meaningful breadth, depth, and future influence of their worlds the actualization of the potential thrust of the nursing professional will never be or become.

  68. The latter, shock to awaken surprise needs to be exactingly, uncompromisingly attended for the communicability of knowledge and the actualization of the phenomenon, nursing.

  69. I called this section "authenticity with the self: for actualization of nursing's potential.

  70. The actualization of humanistic nursing is dependent on the concurrent development of its practice and theoretical foundations by practicing nurses.

  71. The humanistic nurse values nursing as a situation in which the necessary conditions for such human actualization exist and is open to the possibilities in the intimately shared nurse-patient here and now.

  72. The state, the unity of the family and civil society, is the completed actualization of freedom.

  73. And such is the benignant Providence which will bear the Practical Christian Republic onward through all its struggles to the actualization of its sublime destiny.

  74. They bring something to the dialogue in which self-actualization occurs.

  75. The actualization of ourselves in relation to one another is both difficult and painful.

  76. A further evolution of this thought will make it clear, why the being of the true Church can only find its true actualization in the historical form of Catholicism.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "actualization" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    actuality; embodiment; extrapolation; fruition; projection; realization