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Example sentences for "ideational"

Lexicographically close words:
ideally; ideals; idear; ideas; ideation; idee; idees; idell; idem; identic
  1. As sensory datum is material set for work of thought, so the ideational forms with which thought does its work are apt and prompt to meet the needs of the material.

  2. All this is given, presented, to our ideational activities.

  3. The instrumental function of the comparatively non-sensuous element of tone for all ideational work shows itself further as peculiarly important in memory which forms the passage from representation to thought.

  4. The name is thus the thing so far as it exists and counts in the ideational realm.

  5. The custom of couvade is clearly the result of an ideational association between husband and wife--one that is absolutely analogous to that between the two mothers of the married couple.

  6. Or, when we have an ideational process of an emotional nature, and ideas arise referring to objects that are present to us, we point to the objects, even though there be no intention of communicating the ideas.

  7. In addition to the ideational conflict for prestige between Chinese and Japanese, there is another realm wherein the two nations compete, using ideas not as ends but as means.

  8. In periods of relative ideational saturation or stagnation, the mechanics of constitutional law or the give and take of legislative barter may distract from the basic framework of values and objectives giving shape to the political order.

  9. And in how far do given kinds of expressive movements depend upon certain ideational types (c.

  10. The superiority of man accordingly consisted in his ability to form more intricate ideational complexes.

  11. One is therefore forced to conclude that back of this phenomenon there must be some purpose, some kind of an ideational content, although this may be of a primitive order.

  12. It is true that death appears in the ideational content but not with that prominence, bordering on exclusiveness, which characterizes such delusions in the true stupors.

  13. The law of benign stupor is a limitation of energy, emotion and ideational content.

  14. There is also, as we have seen, a rich ideational content in these cases, if one can get at it.

  15. Case 12), which is fully discussed in the chapter on Ideational Content, offers excellent examples of these principles.

  16. When we turn to examine the fragmentary utterances of stupor patients, we are surprised by the narrowness and uniformity of the ideational content.

  17. Sometimes there is a development of this symptom from others which seem to be ideational in their origin.

  18. An ideational content may be gathered while the stupor is incubating, during interruptions, or from the recollections of recovered patients.

  19. Psychiatrists are more or less aware of there being typical ideational contents in the different manic-depressive psychoses.

  20. We find in manic-depressive insanity a tendency for more or less specific ideational contents with different types of the psychoses.

  21. In treating the facts recorded in the accompanying tables as phenomena of inhibition no assumption is implied, it may be well to repeat, that the ideational images are forces struggling with each other for mastery.

  22. In this series it appears, on the whole, that each image has about the same chance in the ideational rivalry, with a slight preponderance in favor of the right.

  23. But an ideational object has ordinarily no sure command of the conscious field save under the influence of a volitional idea or some strongly toned affectional state.

  24. To what extent this diversity may be carried we make no attempt to determine; but, within the limits of our experiment, its value in the ideational rivalry seems to be indisputable.

  25. And a subject, who on one occasion vainly searched the ideational field for sixty seconds to find an object, reports: 'I had a feeling of something going up and down, but no object.

  26. Clearly an important addition was made to the active processes implied in the ideation of a resting object, and it would be singular if this added activity carried with it no corresponding advantage in the ideational rivalry.

  27. The table shows that the image of the object last seen had so far the advantage in the ideational rivalry that it remained in consciousness, on the average, almost three times as long as the other, the average being, for the first, 12.

  28. In this case, the suppressed ideational complex manifested itself in signing the name.

  29. Minds with confused ideational complexes hit little upon the particular characteristic of presented fact, and find everywhere only what they have in mind.

  30. Nowadays the case could hardly be recorded in so simple a way; we have learned that ideational type is a very complicated and itself a very variable matter.

  31. All the same, there are many signs of ideational type, if we are on the alert to seize them.

  32. In his laboratory at Montecito, California, Hamilton has from time to time kept anthropoid apes, but without special effort to investigate their ideational behavior.

  33. Naturally, during the course of my special study of ideational behavior observations were made relative to various other aspects of the life of my subjects.

  34. His preliminary paper does not enable one to make definite statements concerning either his methods or such results as he may have obtained concerning ideational behavior.

  35. But on the whole, I believe that the general conclusions of previous experimental observers have done no injustice to the ideational ability of monkeys.

  36. Since in only six of these ten control settings was the first choice correct, it is scarcely fair to insist that the animal was reacting on the basis of an ideational solution of the problem.

  37. All of the problems, however, are completely soluble by an organism of excellent ideational ability.

  38. It is of prime importance to analyze ideational behavior so that it may be accurately described and satisfactorily defined in terms of its distinguishing characteristics.

  39. The large room A, adjoining the cages, was used exclusively for an experimental study of ideational behavior by means of my recently devised multiple-choice method.

  40. He had from the first the ability to use a stick in this way, and the only difficulty with the test as a means of obtaining evidence of ideational behavior is that the possibility of imitation of man cannot be certainly excluded.

  41. The perceptual present is supplemented by the ideational present.

  42. In this ideational present, vividness, as James said, is proportionate to the number of discriminations we perceive within it.

  43. Receptual connotation represents a higher level of ideational faculty than mere denotation; but a lower level than conceptual connotation, or denomination.

  44. On the other hand, even if we tap the tree of language as high up in its stem as the pronominal roots of Sanskrit, what is the kind of ideational sap which flows therefrom?

  45. The thought-content of a sentence stands first of all, as we saw above, as a whole in our consciousness, but not yet as an ideational compound raised to clear apperception.

  46. From this it follows that these associations do not by any means consist of a combination of complex ideas, but of a combination of ideational elements, which may possibly belong to very different ideas.

  47. The word is the real ideational equivalent for the concept, that cannot be formed into an idea.

  48. There exist only changing and transient ideational processes; there are no permanent ideas that return again and disappear again.

  49. Just as ideas are not permanent objects, so they are not processes that take place independent of feelings and emotions, for the more indistinct ideational content of consciousness by means of its feeling-tone influences apperception.

  50. In the region of ideational combinations we have noted such influences of contrast in associative assimilations and dissimilations.

  51. And these themselves can always be reduced to assimilation processes, which have been divided up into a succession, partly because of hindrances, and partly because of the temporal arrangement of the ideational processes themselves.

  52. It changes abstract thoughts into concrete ideational processes that can be heard and seen.

  53. Now we have learnt that the essence of feeling was just this influence of the ideational content of consciousness upon the apperception.

  54. We have seen that in this way the different ideational compounds, the complex feelings, the emotions, and the volitional processes are all resultants of the psychical processes of combination.

  55. An important characteristic of feelings consists lastly in the fact that they combine themselves into an affective process, which as a rule is joined to an ideational process.

  56. Both of these laws apply to all compound unities of psychical phenomena, from the simplest ideational and complex affective processes up to the most complicated individual and general developments in psychical life.

  57. It is no wonder, therefore, that subjects whose ideational stores are scanty, and whose associations are based upon accidental rather than logical connections, find the test one of peculiar difficulty.

  58. Failure may result either from weakness in the power of ideational representation of objects, or from the inadequacy of the associations themselves, or from both.

  59. As sensory datum is material set for the work of thought, so the ideational forms with which thought does its work are apt and prompt to meet the needs of the material.

  60. For him the feeling of comicality is an "economy of ideational expenditure," and it is evoked by the sight of another person who in a given performance displays either a lack of mental activity or an excess of physical, i.

  61. Sâ.mkhya holds that our knowledge of things are mere ideational pictures or images.

  62. From these volitional variations on the one side, from the ideational disturbances on the other, only a few steps lead to those dissociations of the personality which are characteristic of many graver cases of hysteria.

  63. I intentionally had not given any attention to the pseudo-voices, inasmuch as they had not taken any relation to the ideational delusion.

  64. Aesthetic pleasures have physical conditions, they depend on the activity of the eye and the ear, of the memory and the other ideational functions of the brain.

  65. Nor can we suppose that particular ideational excitement to be entirely dissimilar to all others; wit is often hardly distinguishable from brilliancy, as humour from pathos.

  66. The olfactory perceptions only furnish a minimum contribution to the concepts which are formed out of ideational elements.

  67. The closing lines of the poem Mains point to a complete ideational standstill, to mechanical mumbling: ‘Ah!

  68. And if he is weak, if the inhibitive power of the will is not greater than the motor impulse proceeding from the ideational centre, he will burst out into speech, be the consequences what they may.

  69. The ideational associations which appear in developed language could never have reached the elaborate form which they have at present if there had not been social co-operation.

  70. Language and ideational processes developed together and are necessary to each other.

  71. First, original, elementary, perceptive experience as distinguished from ideational experience.

  72. The pleasure-pain aspect of experience or of ideational states.

  73. The older we become, the richer is our ideational life.

  74. We say "at one and the same time," because the terms identifying and differentiating are correlatives which denote two different and opposing sides of one and the same ideational process viewed logically.

  75. These judgments exist in the form of reproductive ideational processes, which, if logically explicit, become inductive inferences in the broader sense.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ideational" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; bright; conceptual; creation; discursive; fanciful; fecund; fertile; germinal; ideal; ideational; imaginative; ingenious; inspired; intellectual; intelligent; inventive; knowing; noetic; notional; original; originative; pregnant; productive; prolific; rational; reasonable; sane; seminal; sensible; speculative; teeming; theoretical; understanding