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Example sentences for "wholesale"

Lexicographically close words:
wholehearted; wholeheartedly; wholemeal; wholeness; wholes; wholesaler; wholesalers; wholesom; wholesome; wholesomely
  1. Some concerns masquerading as brokers or commission merchants are really wholesale buyers on their own account.

  2. Usually these people buy from wholesale supply houses.

  3. His customers are usually commercial consumers, though he also sells wholesale supply houses.

  4. Wholesale supply houses, who specialize on supplying commercial consumers and nut stores.

  5. It was said that there had been a wholesale massacre of men, women, and children, and that hundreds of priests, and especially Jesuits, had been singled out for murder.

  6. We are horrified at the report of a single murder, yet, if viewed from the light of truth, what is war but wholesale murder?

  7. Stripped of all sentiment, war is organized and wholesale murder, a savage and awful paradox which proclaims the shallowness of civilization.

  8. They did mostly a wholesale business but if one knew how it was always possible to buy of them a cabbage or a head of lettuce or a few apples or a peck of potatoes.

  9. Neither the wholesale nor co-operative plans appeal to them.

  10. In Kilburn this afternoon there was a wholesale killing of a company of German infantry, who, while marching along the High Road, were set upon by the armed mob, and practically exterminated.

  11. London is starved and angered to such a pitch, that her hatred knows no bounds, and only blood will atone for the wholesale slaughter of the innocent since the bombardment of the metropolis began.

  12. He says that after repairing the puncture he took the village constable and three other men on his car and went back to the spot, where, although the trio had escaped, they saw that wholesale havoc had been wrought with the telegraphs.

  13. There had, in the northern suburbs, been wholesale butchery everywhere, so gallantly had the barricades been defended.

  14. The wholesale destruction of food, and particularly of wheat and meat, removed from the world's market a large part of its supplies, and had immediately sent up the cost of food everywhere, outside the United Kingdom as well as in it.

  15. It seems that after quelling the revolt at King's Cross wholesale arrests were made in Islington.

  16. As a result of this wholesale emigration, in London and the country the number of empty houses inordinately increased, and there were few well-to-do people left to pay the rates and taxes.

  17. Von Kronhelm is in evident fear of the excited London populace, and is endeavouring to cow them by his plain-spoken and threatening proclamations, and by these wholesale executions of any person found with arms in his or her possession.

  18. But the development of insurance against personal injuries, which is most characteristic of the times, is the wholesale insurance of the employer against liability to the employed for accidental injuries sustained in his service.

  19. Gross sound value means the wholesale price including freight, landing charges and duty; gross damaged value means the actual price obtained at a sale when all charges on sale are paid by the sellers.

  20. Henry Adams remarked (ironically as usual), "The wholesale piracy of Democracy was the single real triumph of my life.

  21. When she spoke with indignation of the wholesale removals from office with which the new administration marked its advent to power, he told her the story of the President's fundamental principle, and asked her what she would have him do.

  22. Not that Judaism is to follow the proselytizing methods of the Church, which aims to capture souls by wholesale conversion without due regard for the attitude or conviction of the individual.

  23. Yet such a wholesale condemnation could not long be maintained; it was too strongly contradicted in principle by the prophets and Psalmists, and quite as much by the apocalyptic writers and Haggadists of later times.

  24. Although none of those present had experienced the horrors of border warfare, there was not one but had heard, from their fathers, tales of burning, massacre, and wholesale destruction by the Welsh forays.

  25. As we all know, this is an age of prose, of machinery, of wholesale production, of coarse and hasty processes.

  26. There was, however, a kind of wholesale sanctity about the place which overshot the mark; it pretends to be one of the holiest spots in the world.

  27. It is a vast, coherent vision of things taken in by mind and eye from the Niebelungen Lied to the wholesale captivity of the French army, in the autumn of 1870, and when not thus conceived, incomplete.

  28. These were not yet for American soldiers in France, though their turn would come, and their wholesale need.

  29. Marie Louise was like a child in a wholesale toy-shop, understanding nothing, ecstatic over everything, forbidden to touch anything.

  30. The little pellet of gray hair spoke of feeble old age involved in this wholesale massacre with the vigorous manhood of the island; and here was a story of unsuspecting infancy amusing itself on the eve of destruction with its toys.

  31. Before this wholesale desolation could be effected Henry died, but Somerset obtained a renewal[117] of the grant to Edward VI.

  32. The retail trade within the town was restricted to their own members individually, and the wholesale trade coming to the town was reserved to themselves collectively.

  33. Such abuses exhibit the Gilds in a state of wholesale demoralisation.

  34. Thus far I have treated only of the chances in wholesale mercantile establishments, such as deal in dry goods, hardware, and so forth.

  35. I know one young man who had a good position in a wholesale hardware house, who gave it up to take a place at lower wages in a retail store.

  36. Some men went further, however, and demanded wholesale changes in Catholic belief and worship.

  37. Little wholesale business existed, and the merchant prince who owned warehouses and large stocks of goods was an exceptional figure.

  38. There were great wholesale merchants whose warehouses stored grain and all kinds of merchandise.

  39. When the plot failed, she invented the story of a great Huguenot uprising and induced her weak- minded son to authorize a wholesale butchery of Huguenots.

  40. It is difficult to see what this means if not the wholesale depopulation of a district in contrast to the enslavement of a few captives of war.

  41. And the one commerce which binds these ferocious tribes together is the slave-trade in its wholesale and most odious form.

  42. This general suspicion which overcomes them, this wholesale fear or panic which sweeps over them, they let out, of course, on the one platitude.

  43. He loaned himself passionately to all rumors celebrating the wholesale rape of women committed by the invaders of Belgium.

  44. All this would be a sharpening of pleasure by the consciousness of wholesale deceit, wholesale intimacy.

  45. To the former and to many of the latter the most indelible impression of the battlefield was what they called Massen-Druckebergertum or "wholesale skulking.

  46. Besides, this system of wholesale confiscations might reduce a family to beggary in a single day, so that all transactions were liable to extraordinary risks.

  47. They are large wholesale tea-dealers; whole shiploads of tea come consigned to them from China.

  48. This wholesale establishment, which had tea for its basis, was of undoubted respectability.

  49. They're getting an appetite for the wholesale drug-trade now, these big fellows are, and they're paving their way by lobbies at Washington and Albany and half a dozen state capitals!

  50. The wholesale druggist was in evident distress.

  51. Practically "engrossing" came to be considered buying wholesale to sell again wholesale.

  52. Wilkinson Cohn, he engaged a small room on the third floor with a window opening some six feet from the rear wall of a wholesale stationery, and one electric light discreetly placed to discourage the habit of reading in bed.

  53. Consider the elaborate contrivances for inflicting pain, and the apparatus so exquisitely adjusted to produce a wholesale carnage of the animal tribes.

  54. This tiny insect is hardly visible to the naked eye, yet so formed by Nature as to be a wholesale engine of destruction, its phenomenal productiveness being no less fatal than its equally phenomenal powers of locomotion.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wholesale" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.