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Example sentences for "elliptic"

Lexicographically close words:
ellipses; ellipsis; ellipsoid; ellipsoidal; ellipsoids; elliptical; elliptically; ellipticity; ello; ellos
  1. Another class of these objects are the annular and elliptic nebulae which are not very abundant.

  2. This is the best example of the annular and elliptic nebulae, which are not very abundant.

  3. His first discovery was that the orbit of Mars is certainly not a circle, but oval or elliptic in figure.

  4. By examining the inequalities of the other planets he found that they all moved in elliptic orbits, and that the radius vector of each described areas proportional to the times.

  5. In other words, the earth's axis is inclined so as to tilt its north pole away from the sun at perihelion, or when the earth is at the part of its elliptic orbit nearest the sun's focus; and to tilt it towards the sun at aphelion.

  6. One can explain the elliptic motion now mathematically, but hardly otherwise; and I must be content to state that the double fact is true--viz.

  7. Now the pull of the sun causes the whole orbit to slowly revolve in its own plane, and consequently these apses "progress," so that the true path is not quite a closed curve, but a sort of spiral with elliptic loops.

  8. Within the limited sphere of the earth's predominant attraction, for instance, extending some way beyond the moon, we may have a number of satellites that we never see, all revolving regularly in elliptic orbits round the earth.

  9. You know that the earth describes an elliptic orbit round the sun: and that an ellipse is a circle with a certain amount of flattening or "excentricity.

  10. Will an inverse square law of force keep a body moving in an elliptic orbit about the sun in one focus?

  11. The two points in the moon's elliptic orbit where it comes nearest to or farthest from the earth, i.

  12. The aquatic form has floating or submerged stems with oblong or elliptic leaves, which are glabrous and have long petioles.

  13. The glands of the involucres are elliptic or oblong, and even the seeds vary in shape.

  14. Abel applied his theory to the equations which present themselves in the division of the elliptic functions, but not to the modular equations.

  15. Abel proved the problem to be impossible; a solution involving elliptic functions has been given by C.

  16. In like manner the earth, and each of the planets, are made to move in an elliptic orbit round the sun by his attractive force, and perturbations arise by reason of the disturbing action of the planetary masses on one another.

  17. Many of those properties of Euclidean parallels, which do not hold for Lobatchewsky's parallels in hyperbolic geometry, do hold for Clifford's parallels in elliptic geometry.

  18. The constant [gamma], which appears in the formulae both of hyperbolic and elliptic geometry, does not by its variation produce different types of geometry.

  19. They are also called the polar and antipodal forms of elliptic space.

  20. In both elliptic and hyperbolic geometry the spherical geometry, i.

  21. The existence of a natural unit of length is a peculiarity common both to hyperbolic and elliptic geometries, and differentiates them from Euclidean geometry.

  22. The first class is equivalent to a quartic in four dimensions and is always rational, but the latter class has to be subdivided into the elliptic and the rational, just like twisted quartic curves.

  23. Saccheri distinguishes three hypotheses (corresponding to what are now known as Euclidean or parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic geometry), and proves that some one of the three must be universally true.

  24. The theory of parallels as it exists in hyperbolic space has no application in elliptic geometry.

  25. But another property of Euclidean parallel lines holds in elliptic geometry, and by the use of it parallel lines are defined.

  26. In this view of the subject, comets--even such as move in elliptic orbits--are not to be regarded as permanent members of the solar system.

  27. It is possible that a comet moving in a parabola or hyperbola, with the sun in the focus, may be thrown into an elliptic orbit by the disturbing influence of Jupiter or one of the other large planets.

  28. Goldschmidt to revolve in an elliptic orbit, the perihelion of which is exterior to the orbit of Mars, and the aphelion immediately beyond that of Jupiter.

  29. Now, at each passage of the earth through the elliptic stream, those meteoroids nearest the disturbing body must be thrown into orbits differing more or less from that of the primitive group.

  30. This comet has an elliptic orbit, and its period, according to Argelander, is 3065 years.

  31. Its elliptic orbit was calculated by Encke, who found its period to be only about three years and four months.

  32. The theory of a ring of nebulous matter revolving round the sun in an elliptic orbit--a theory somewhat different from that proposed by Olmsted--was found to afford a simple and satisfactory explanation of the phenomena.

  33. This distinguished astronomer supposes the group of meteors to have been thrown into an elliptic orbit by the disturbing influence of Uranus.

  34. Finally, if the matter of an elliptic ring should accumulate in a single mass, so as to occupy a comparatively small arc, its passage through perihelion might produce the phenomenon of a so-called temporary star.

  35. The shooting-stars of November, August, and other less noted epochs, are derived from elliptic rings of meteoric matter which intersect the earth's orbit.

  36. In the solution the value of an elliptic function is found by means of the arithmetico-geometrical mean.

  37. A number of cases are worked out in the American Journal of Mathematics (1907), in which the motion is made algebraical by the use of the pseudo-elliptic integral.

  38. In the motion which can be solved by the elliptic function, the most general expression of the kinetic energy was shown by A.

  39. This discovery enabled elliptic elements to be computed for it, when the surprising fact appeared that it was not moving in anything approaching the orbit either Leverrier or Adams had assigned.

  40. These observations enabled an elliptic orbit to be calculated which satisfied them all.

  41. And lastly, we repeat that if the centre of the chaos was almost empty, we do not see what induced the cosmic matter to fall into it in elliptic orbits.

  42. Klein's elliptic Geometry has not been proved to have a corresponding variety of space 39 41.

  43. Now if we imagine a two-dimensional elliptic space, the distinction between the sides of a plane becomes unmeaning, since it only acquires significance by reference to the third dimension.

  44. But Klein's method can only prove that elliptic Geometry holds of the ordinary Euclidean plane with elliptic measure of distance.

  45. In elliptic Geometry, two straight lines in the same plane meet in only one point, not two as in Helmholtz's system.

  46. Somewhat similar to this is the relation between the spherical and elliptic Geometries.

  47. It is plain that in the absence of the determination spoken of, the possibility of elliptic space is not established.

  48. Euclidean space, and having as the ordinary distance between two of its points the elliptic definition of the distance between corresponding points of the Euclidean space.

  49. This would leave elliptic space in the same position in which Lobatchewsky and Bolyai left hyperbolic space.

  50. Thus geodesics, which in spherical space may have two points in common, can never, in elliptic space, have more than one intersection.

  51. But motion, not space, really causes the change, and the elliptic plane is therefore not proved to be impossible.

  52. Klein has made great endeavours to enforce the distinction between the spherical and elliptic Geometries[56], but it is not immediately evident that the latter, as distinct from the former, is valid.

  53. He also enumerates smaller nebulous masses undergoing condensation and segregation into more regular forms; spiral nebulae in various stages of condensation and of aggregation; elliptic nebulae; and globular nebulae.

  54. Being unequal in width and irregular in outline, it might be elliptic or even angular in shape without being at all obviously so to us.

  55. Rows of spots running down to and forming the elliptic ornaments.

  56. Each row of spots runs down to and is connected with one of the elliptic ornaments, in exactly the same manner as each stripe in fig.

  57. Between one of the elliptic ornaments and a perfect ball-and-socket ocellus, the gradation is so perfect that it is scarcely possible to decide when the latter term ought to be used.

  58. Portion of one of the Secondary wing-feathers near to the body; shewing the so-called elliptic ornaments.

  59. Assuredly it receives no support from the observation of the effects of sidereal aggregation as exemplified in the formation of globular and elliptic clusters, supposing them to have resulted from such aggregation.

  60. The elliptic or steel spring did not come into use until about 1840.

  61. Very often the roof projected over, giving an elliptic shape to one side, and the projection of about six feet formed a cover of what was then called a long stoop, but which now-a-days would be known as a veranda.

  62. In this orbit a certain fictitious planet is supposed to move according to the law of elliptic motion.

  63. Schiaparelli's announcement that the orbit of the bright comet of 1862 agreed strictly with the elliptic ring formed by the circulating Perseid meteors; and three other cases of close coincidence were soon afterwards brought to light.

  64. The simplest method of presenting it starts with the second view of the elliptic motion already set forth.

  65. When one or more other bodies form a part of the system, their action produces deviations from the elliptic motion, which are called perturbations.

  66. A certain mean elliptic orbit, as near as possible to the actual varying orbit of the planet, is taken.

  67. This gave the elliptic inequality known as the "equation of the centre," and no other was at that time obvious.

  68. We first conceive of the planets as moving in invariable elliptic orbits, and thus obtain approximate expressions for their positions at any moment.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elliptic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.