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Example sentences for "cravings"

Lexicographically close words:
cravenly; craves; cravest; craveth; craving; craw; crawfish; crawl; crawled; crawler
  1. In fact, these cravings are illegitimate, but the craving for happiness is not illegitimate.

  2. What cravings can always be satisfied independently of external conditions?

  3. Two dogs dogged by cravings and two men suddenly in rapt attention around the copulating beasts.

  4. Both scenes, then and now, reminded him that instinctual cravings were such a compulsion in man and dog that for it, this frenzy, this euphoric escape, they would risk death.

  5. These cravings implanted in a healthy man or woman are in themselves beautiful and right.

  6. Permit me to counsel you to face the truth and not to fear it, that past a given age in your life and up to another the cravings of our lower nature are tremendously strong.

  7. The removal of restraint is to him a license to laziness; and the hope of reward, or the cravings of nature, will only induce him to labor sufficiently to supply these for immediate and limited relief.

  8. The instincts with which every child is born furnish desires or cravings which must be dealt with in some fashion.

  9. At one moment he satisfies the cravings of nature from the breast of his mother, and instantly rewards the boon with a violent blow perhaps on the very breast on which he has been hanging.

  10. In the first it is connected with the best and holiest feelings; in the second with the shadowy, turbulent, and unsanctified cravings of the individual will.

  11. But short of that large and ultimate vision we cannot accept illusion; we cannot admit that love is a delusion in some special and peculiar sense that men's other cravings and aspirations escape.

  12. The cravings of my stomach made me almost forget my duty to God, and by the absence of my friends He reminds me that I owe Him something and must come to Him.

  13. I shall always be favorably disposed toward you, and see to it that the cravings of your ambition are satisfied.

  14. And now and then persons are born possessed of the bestial appetites and cravings of primitive man, his fiendish cruelty and his liking for human flesh.

  15. The first time I saw you I said to myself: 'Here is one who bears a burden; the world can not satisfy the cravings of a heart like that; he will surrender it some day.

  16. I see you going out into a world which has nothing to satisfy the cravings of your soul.

  17. One of the most intense cravings of the primitive part of the subconscious is for an audience; a nervous symptom always secures that audience.

  18. Some of the cravings are found to be childish, and so out of keeping with our real characters that we could not possibly hold on to them as conscious desires.

  19. He would have had us think that early man never had lusts or fears, cravings for power, nightmares or fantasies, but that he meditated perpetually on the beneficent source of light and life in the sky.

  20. But when we come to the rule of life, the Aryan Path, by which we are to escape from the threefold base cravings that dishonour human life, then the teaching is not so clear.

  21. Could any one read them and thoughtlessly dismiss a poor laborer, not knowing whether he and his family have wherewithal to meet the cravings of hunger?

  22. We may assist these poor creatures for a time, but charity will scarcely bide the hungry cravings of so many for a very long period.

  23. In this generous and heart-searching surrender of religion, rightly made, the self achieves inner harmony, and finds a satisfying objective for all its cravings and energies.

  24. Here is the raw material both of vice and of virtue--namely, a mass of desires and cravings which are in themselves neither moral nor immoral, but natural and self-regarding.

  25. It means that our passional nature with its cravings and ardours, instead of making self-centred whirlpools, flows out in streams of charity and power towards all life.

  26. In the South Sea Islands, according to Ellis, "the cravings of nature, and the pangs of famine, often led to this unnatural crime.

  27. For the rest, Wulfrey left him to the satisfaction of his cravings and interfered with him not at all.

  28. In ministering to the cravings of the riever spirit that was strong in him it had also supplied their wants in overwhelming abundance.

  29. Carry all the cravings of vanity into the world of imagination.

  30. Coralie had been glad that Lucien should amuse himself; she had encouraged him in this reckless expenditure, because she thought that the cravings which she fostered would bind her lover to her.

  31. But artists want these cravings satisfied by means of art.

  32. In the first place, we love a story, that is no more than human; we want to know what it is all about, that is no more than rational; and figure subjects afford the most obvious means of satisfying those cravings of ours.

  33. The fatigued Junker had scarcely satisfied the cravings of hunger before he began seriously to think of doing like justice to those of drowsiness, and therefore ordered his servant to light him to his sleeping-room.

  34. While she satisfied her own cravings she made me eat likewise, whereto I was nowise loth myself, having eaten nothing for many hours but a few paltry raisins.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cravings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.