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Example sentences for "cresol"

Lexicographically close words:
crescent; crescentic; crescents; crescere; crescit; cress; cresses; cresset; cressets; crest
  1. Treatment consists in making incisions into the swellings and syringing them out with 2 per cent compound cresol solution.

  2. The secretion and exudation should be washed off and a mild antiseptic applied, such as a 1 per cent solution of carbolic acid (1 ounce to 3 quarts of water) or 2 per cent solution of cresol compound in water.

  3. The projecting ends of the pins should be cut off close to the ligature, and the parts kept anointed with vaseline, to which 2 per cent of compound cresol has been added.

  4. A warm bran poultice, made by mixing bran with a hot 2 per cent compound cresol solution in water, should be applied on the swollen gland and kept in place by means of a bandage.

  5. For local treatment of wounds the usual antiseptics are indicated, such as 3 per cent compound cresol or carbolic acid, or one one-thousandth bichlorid-of-mercury solution.

  6. Compound solution of cresol is an excellent remedy at this stage.

  7. The poulticing should then be continued for two or three days, but the form of the poultice should be changed, by replacing the bran with absorbent cotton and pouring the compound cresol solution on the cotton.

  8. The crude cresol obtained from tar cannot be separated into its different constituents by fractional distillation, since the boiling points of the three isomers are very close together.

  9. Propylene is liberated during the reaction, and the phosphoric acid ester of meta-cresol which is formed is then fused with potash.

  10. By neutralising a boiling saturated solution of tri-nitro-cresol with ammonia, a double salt of ammonium and nitro-cresol crystallises out upon cooling, which is similar to ammonium picrate.

  11. Compound cresol may be used in a 1 to 3 per cent solution in water.

  12. The wound is to be treated with mild stimulant dressings, such as compound cresol solution, a weak solution of carbolic acid, tincture of aloes, etc.

  13. When there are too many animals to treat by means of hand dressings, the lime-and-sulphur dip or the tobacco dip may be used and are very effective, though the cresol dips are fairly effective.

  14. Cresol is miscible with glycerin of specific gravity 1.

  15. Cresol is insoluble in small quantities of pure 6 per cent.

  16. On a commercial scale, however, cresol (cresylic acid) is substituted for phenol.

  17. Cresol is not so easily sulphonated as is phenol; o-cresol when heated eight to ten hours at 90° C.

  18. Evidently the germicidal value of Ziratol is greatly exaggerated in the advertising claims and, in fact, does not exceed that of the official compound solution of cresol (Liquor Cresolis Compositus, U.

  19. Cleaning the poultry house by removing the floor, roosts, or any part of the house for the purpose of removing all filth, and spraying the interior with a three per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant, should be practised.

  20. For this purpose, use a three per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant, or a ten per cent water solution of sulfate of iron.

  21. Local treatment consists in keeping the wound clean by washing the part daily, or twice daily, with a one per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant.

  22. If the carcass is moved or opened, the ground should be thoroughly wet with a four per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant and covered with lime.

  23. The ulcers should be scraped or curetted and cauterized with lunar caustic, and the mouth washed daily with a two per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant.

  24. Stables where horses having pleuropneumonia have been kept should be cleaned and disinfected by spraying the floors, stalls and walls with a four per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant.

  25. A sick bird should be held in quarantine for several weeks after it has recovered, and receive a thorough washing in a two per cent water solution of a cresol disinfectant before allowing it to mix with the healthy birds.

  26. From the examination we conclude that Vapo-Cresolene is essentially cresol and corresponds in every respect to cresol U.

  27. As this indicated that Pix Cresol contained as its essential constituent the substance now sold as Chinosol, the laboratory purchased a new specimen of Pix Cresol from the Chicago representative of the Pix Cresol Co.

  28. Pix Cresol require no further comment: “Pix Cresol is an Absolutely Sure and Yet Perfectly Safe, Never Failing Destroyer of Pus (Staph.

  29. From its composition, it can only have the very moderate and ordinary antiseptic qualities of a dilute phenol or cresol solution, modified only to a very slight extent by the free alkali.

  30. This formula consists of the chemical formulas for camphor, cresol and phenol, written one after another, and from this one would conclude that Camphenol is a compound of camphor, phenol and cresol in molecular proportions.

  31. SO) applied to a product called Pix Cresol, manufactured by the Pix Cresol Chemical Co.

  32. As potassium sulphate was also found it was concluded that Pix Cresol was a preparation containing a mixture of oxyquinolin sulphate and potassium sulphate, which has also been known in the past under the proprietary name, “Chinosol.

  33. The water in these buckets is not meant for drinking, and therefore contains a little cresol to prevent prisoners drinking it.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cresol" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.