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Example sentences for "cuckoldom"

Lexicographically close words:
cubs; cucking; cuckold; cuckolded; cuckoldly; cuckolds; cuckoo; cuckoos; cucumber; cucumbers
  1. Were this misfortune viewed with proper eyes, Such ills from cuckoldom would ne'er arise.

  2. WHERE'ER suspicion dwells you may be sure, To cuckoldom 'twill prove a place secure.

  3. So--I have brought an old House upon my Head, Intail'd Cuckoldom upon my self.

  4. The Devil's in't if he been't fit for Heaven, when my Master has writ Cuckoldom there.

  5. No Matrimony; the Devil danced at the first Wedding there was, and Cuckoldom has been in Fashion ever since.

  6. Well then, neither do you know that cuckoldom is not a lucky chance, the produce of brains well furnished and better made than all the others.

  7. One of my neighbour's children revealed the cuckoldom of his father by a reply.

  8. I say honour, because you save your nest from the claws of that youthful demon named cuckoldom in the language of the Celts.

  9. What, at a cuckoldom of your own contrivance!

  10. Just as you'd have her; thinking on nothing but her dear colonel, and conspiring cuckoldom against me.

  11. Long embassies and journeys far from home Oft cuckoldom around induce to roam.

  12. The secret of his recent change of dress Was promised to be kept: and that unknown, E'en cuckoldom again might there have flown.

  13. In cuckoldom he took his full degrees; The horse he daily mounted at his ease, And so delighted with his bargain seemed, Three days, to prove it, requisite he deemed.

  14. On the contrary, Cuckoldom is the Basis of most of our Modern Plays.

  15. Let Mr. Dapperwit consider, What is that long Story of the Cuckoldom to me?

  16. Never doubt it; for if the spirit of cuckoldom be once raised up in a woman, the devil can't lay it, until she has done't.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cuckoldom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.