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Example sentences for "cumenical"

Lexicographically close words:
cumbering; cumbers; cumbersome; cumbrous; cume; cumin; cuming; cumis; cummer; cummerbund
  1. The claim that an Œcumenical Council should be called to pronounce upon every new opinion was so extravagant that the prohibition found general approval.

  2. Yet in point of fact the term “Transsubstantiatio” had been first used in a definition by the Œcumenical Lateran Council of 1215 to express the ancient teaching of the Church regarding the change of substance.

  3. The work was intended to forestall the Œcumenical Council should it ever become an accomplished fact, and to frustrate as far as possible its harmful effects on himself.

  4. This work had a close connection with the Œcumenical Council.

  5. Since the latter were incorporated in the “Symbolic Books” of the Lutheran Evangelical Church and figure in the Book of Concord with the three oldest Œcumenical Creeds, the Confession of Augsburg, etc.

  6. Bologna, in 1533, that he would summon an [Œcumenical Council.

  7. But in modern times, since the civilized world has been divided into so many sovereignties, and immeasurably increased by our intrepid navigators, an Œcumenical Council has become a chimera.

  8. His name occurs in the Minutes of the First Œcumenical Council.

  9. Asclepas was present at the first Œcumenical Council of Nicæa, A.

  10. The first of these proceeded from the Roman Pontiff, the convener of the Œcumenical Council; the other was the cry of modern civilization, proclaiming its own power and its ideas of universal progress.

  11. His judgment is final and supreme, whether he pronounces it with or without the judicial concurrence of an œcumenical council.

  12. Moreover, the malcontents were taught from their childhood, and some of them have themselves taught, as authors and professors, the infallibility of œcumenical councils as a doctrine of the Catholic faith.

  13. Let her act in her own province, and do not make an œcumenical council out of the prefecture, and an infallible pope out of a prefect or a minister.

  14. This sentence was a general one, including all appeals from the Holy See to an œcumenical council.

  15. The authority of any Œcumenical Council is only final in so far as it is a witness of the traditional belief of the whole body of the faithful.

  16. The words of the Supreme Pontiff were derided, and abuse and calumnies of every description were heaped with a lavish hand on the acts of the Œcumenical Council.

  17. It began before the New Testament was written, and continued for nearly three hundred years before any œcumenical council was held.

  18. Moreover, the only certain criterion by which we know that a council is œcumenical is the sanction of the Pope.

  19. So far as the Popes are concerned, it is enough to refer to the unquestionable fact that they have expressly prohibited appeals from the judgment of the Holy See to an œcumenical council, from the time of Celestine I.

  20. The enthusiasm for the papal chair was such that the pope was encouraged to convoke an œcumenical council.

  21. An œcumenical Methodist congress was held in London in A.

  22. Eighth Œcumenical Council of the Greeks at Constantinople, § 67, 1.

  23. The so-called second œcumenical Council of A.

  24. Luther published a scathing polemic against it, and renewed his appeal, made two years before, to an œcumenical council.

  25. Besides these three new western churches and the one old eastern church, which all rested upon the common œcumenical basis of the old Catholic church, a variety of sects sprang out of them.

  26. This agreement was solemnly ratified at the =First Œcumenical Lateran Synod= in A.

  27. The idea prevailing until quite recently that this Symbol originated at the so-called second œcumenical Council at Constantinople in A.

  28. Rome urged the deciding of the controversy at an œcumenical Council, but did not carry his point.

  29. Huss appealed to the œcumenical council, and continued to preach.

  30. This heresy took its rise at that point in the development of Christology that was reached by the 6th œcumenical Council of Constantinople in A.

  31. Far from deriving its authority from the Holy See, the Œcumenical Council, it is affirmed, depends immediately upon Christ, and the Pope is no less bound than all other Christians to render due obedience to its decisions.

  32. Claude Viole boldly recommended the convocation of an œcumenical council.

  33. At the Disputation in question he had denied the authority even of Œcumenical Assemblies.

  34. The fourth œcumenical Council of Chalcedon in A.

  35. The Spaniards gave a very firm reply and Charlemagne then convened the famous œcumenical German Synod of Frankfort in A.

  36. A universally acknowledged organ is wanting, such as that subsequently found in the Œcumenical Councils.

  37. To Gregory also at a subsequent time he assigned the presidency of the so-called =Second Œcumenical Council at Constantinople in A.

  38. But at the next œcumenical Council at Chalcedon in A.

  39. The formula pleased the emperor so well that he decided to have it confirmed by an œcumenical Council.

  40. Forged epistles of Honorius were laid before the sixth œcumenical Council, by means of which it was misled into passing sentence upon him.

  41. Only a new œcumenical Council could vindicate him.

  42. At the =Second Lyonese or 14th Œcumenical Council of A.

  43. The principle and means of the reform of the church, in its head and members, was recognised by Gerson in his statement that the highest authority of the church is to be sought not in the pope, but in the œcumenical council.

  44. France and Germany, with five revolting cardinals, convoked an œcumenical council at Pisa, in A.

  45. Meanwhile the pope had summoned a council to meet at Rome, the =fifth œcumenical Lateran Council=, A.

  46. On all these Zwingli willingly abandoned his peculiar theories and accepted the doctrines of the œcumenical church.

  47. Here and there, too, antitrinitarian views found entrance, but the majority firmly adhered to the œcumenical faith of the church, or at least soon returned to it.

  48. The œcumenical council, as representative of the whole church, stands superior to the pope as administrative head.

  49. The negotiations about the removal of the ban were broken off, and Innocent escaped to France, where at the =First Lyonese or 13th Œcumenical Council of A.

  50. He called a council when three hundred years had elapsed since an [oe]cumenical council had been called.

  51. About the time of the opening of the Œcumenical Council, the firm of F.

  52. It is no small part of our œcumenical story to mark how far Rome became Greek and how far Rome refused to become Greek.

  53. Her Pontiffs have not wisdom enough to see how their œcumenical position has been raised by deliverance from the shackles of local sovereignty.

  54. Till that day some shadow of her œcumenical position had lived on.

  55. But the temporal headship of the part did not wipe out the œcumenical position as is done by the temporal headship of the whole.

  56. The œcumenical calling of Rome comes upon her as soon as she has become the head of Italy, perhaps more strictly in the very moment of her becoming such.

  57. Rome œcumenical in either of her seats has become a thing that is no longer.

  58. We have to deal with the œcumenical headship of Rome, whatever form the government of Rome herself may take.

  59. If I were lecturing on Roman history as such, instead of taking a glance of a moment, a glance of a mere thousand years or so, at Rome in her œcumenical position, I might carry out this thought into great detail.

  60. That change, so strikingly analogous to the gradual process by which Rome herself changed from influence to dominion, is, in our œcumenical survey, of far less direct moment than it is in the constitutional history of Rome herself.

  61. But the indirect œcumenical results of the change from commonwealth to Empire were vast indeed.

  62. But in our swift œcumenical survey we must be careful of tarrying to do homage even to the greatest of individual men.

  63. OE]cumenical Councils, if not absolutely unanimous, are supposed to attain that moral unanimity which the insignificance of a minority implies.

  64. The pretext was the pretended novelties introduced by the Œcumenical Council of the Vatican, which, they insisted, changed the character of the ancient Catholic Church.

  65. It was deemed expedient to convoke an Œcumenical Council.

  66. It was resolved, accordingly, to convoke the Œcumenical Council of the age.

  67. He pretended that if the Œcumenical Council was closed abruptly, it was in order to leave complete liberty of action to Napoleon III.

  68. There had already been eighteen Œcumenical Councils, that of Trent, held three hundred years ago, having been the last.

  69. For the first time, no bishop persisted in resisting the decisions of an Œcumenical Council.

  70. The hierarchy had not yet been restored in Scotland; so that country could send only three bishops to the Œcumenical Council.

  71. The day had gone by when the European sovereigns could be bidden to an Œcumenical Council.

  72. In whatever light we view the Council of the Vatican—the œcumenical of the nineteenth century—it strikes us as being, in ecclesiastical annals, the event of the age.

  73. Headed by the [OE]cumenical Patriarch, they demanded the maintenance of all the privileges that had been granted to them from the time of the Turkish conquest.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cumenical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.