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Example sentences for "darst"

Lexicographically close words:
darnel; darning; darrein; dars; darse; dart; darte; darted; darter; darters
  1. Thou dost not love her sure, thou darst not.

  2. Though thou the werres darst wel undertake, After resoun yet temper thy corage; 160 For lyk to pees ther is non avauntage.

  3. O litel book, thou art so unconning, How darst thou put thy-self in prees for drede?

  4. Wiggen, I hope thou wilt do no more then thou darst aunswer.

  5. Darst thou detract and derogat from him, Being so lovely and so brave a youth?

  6. Dorstestow that I tolde hir in hir ere Thy wo, sith thou darst not thy-self for fere, And hir bisoughte on thee to han som routhe?

  7. Why darst thou glorifyen thee in the shyninge of any swiche thinges?

  8. As lat my litel child dwelle heer with thee; And if thou darst not saven him, for blame, 860 So kis him ones in his fadres name!

  9. This was thyn ooth, and myn also, certeyn; I wot right wel, thou darst it nat withseyn.

  10. Prattle an thou darst ene word more, and ais dab this 90 whiniard in thy wembe.

  11. Purueyr, Purueyer, puruey thee of more wit, darst thou presume to wrong my Lord Ateukins, being the chiefest man in Court.

  12. Ignoble & degenerate from Spanish bloud, Darst thou maintaine this to be charity?

  13. It is my ring the villaine desires soe importunatly: what untuterd slave art thou that darst inforce aught from this gentlewoman.

  14. If thou darst follow me I will conduct thee Unto the seate of death.

  15. Thou darst not Wat: let to night be to morrow.

  16. Michael Perez: Why how darst thou meet me again thou rebel, And knowst how thou hast used me thrice, thou rascal?

  17. Juan de Castro: Why art thou sent to me to be my officer, I, and commended too, when thou darst not fight?

  18. But I ain't givin' her no second chancet if she does somepin again where she ain't got darst to do.

  19. I sayed whether I have the darst to go home till half-past three.

  20. You're standin' up here in front of me and sayin' to my face you done somepin you knowed I wouldn't give you darst to do!

  21. Darst with a check to get the money for you and himself.

  22. Darst departed and Mr. Middleton sat engrossed in reflection upon the chain of unpleasant circumstances that had forced upon him the unavoidable and distasteful rĂ´le of a bribe-taker.

  23. Now fortune, if thou darst do good, protect me.

  24. Thou darst not draw, ye cold, tame, mangy Cowards, Ye drunken Rogues, can nothing make you valiant?

  25. False, and unthankful, (and in that deserving All humane sorrows) darst thou hope from me Relief or Comfort?

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "darst" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.