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Example sentences for "deportation"

Lexicographically close words:
depopulate; depopulated; depopulating; depopulation; deport; deportations; deported; deportees; deporting; deportment
  1. Several other persons having fled, were in their absence capitally condemned, but were not strictly looked after; and deportation was the punishment inflicted upon others.

  2. Add for deportation and colonization $100 each .

  3. But if gradual Emancipation and deportation be adopted, they will have neither to flee from.

  4. In consequence, therefore, they favored a gradual emancipation and deportation of the slaves.

  5. Feeling that the thorough incorporation of the blacks into the community of whites would be prejudicial to the interests of the country, he had no other thought than that of deportation as a correlative of emancipation.

  6. It pointed out the difficulties attendant upon the deportation of the free black and slave populations, and the danger to society of their emancipation without deportation.

  7. I am aware of the impracticability of an immediate or early execution of any plan that combines deportation with emancipation, and of the inadmissibility of emancipation without deportation.

  8. Blanco considered the time favorable for granting Rizal's petition and thus lifting the decree of deportation without the embarrassment of having the popular prisoner remain in the Islands.

  9. The exile was reminded of his deportation and taunted with trying to make himself a king.

  10. The use of that name by one of his companions on the railroad trip to Tarlac entirely mystified a station master, as appears in the secret report of the espionage of that trip, which just preceded his deportation to Dapitan.

  11. Had the threatened deportation been attempted, most serious trouble would surely have resulted.

  12. On November 29, when the fresh deportation was to take place, Secretary Conboy demanded that Mayor Francke give him and the others protection.

  13. But these wonderful folk appear to have withstood the trials of their deportation in a marvelous way.

  14. And, if deportation should prove impossible, what system could be devised whereby the two races could dwell together peacefully?

  15. All that we knew of sedition was the deportation of certain ring-leaders to Burma, where they were not likely to be regarded with any interest or sympathy.

  16. I remember, while still in London, the commiseration expressed with one of our seniors whose deportation to this dreary land was announced.

  17. According to this theory, Manishtusu's object would have been to weaken Akkad by the deportation of many of her principal citizens to the neighbourhood of Kish.

  18. The deportation of the king of Ur can hardly have been the result of a spasmodic raid, following one of the numerous provincial revolts which had at last proved successful.

  19. The invasion of the country, which resulted in the deportation of Ibi-Sin, no doubt freed Elam for a time from foreign control, and may well have led to the establishment of a number of independent states under native Elamite rulers.

  20. When the deportation of regulars not holding curacies was decreed, the consent of the vicepatron or audiencia, acting for him, was necessary.

  21. An illustration of the operation of this sort of banishment may be noted in the case of three Augustinian friars whose deportation was requested by their provincial.

  22. With these matters the audiencia did not concern itself unless deportation was involved, or the offenses of the priests constituted crimes against the civil government.

  23. The pathetic scenes of the deportation are almost indescribable.

  24. Two Interesting Incidents Two rather interesting incidents in connection with the Deportation which have come to notice, follow.

  25. Grand-Pré, will always typify the Deportation of the Acadians, the commencement of the period of exile and wandering.

  26. At the time of the Deportation of the Acadians, in 1755, most of the farm land, flanked by the dyked meadows, from the Gaspereau River to Kentville, held the villages and small hamlets of the people.

  27. The story of the judicial deportation of these three men had of course become known to the world long before the 1906 convention of the I.

  28. The Moyer-Haywood-Pettibone deportation was unquestionably one of the causes operating to split off the Western Federation of Miners.

  29. Tulsa, November 9th" (story of deportation of I.

  30. In accordance with the practice of the great Eastern despotisms, deportation followed victory--a clever though cruel device for securing conquests.

  31. But not even then did I get him to revoke the deportation decrees.

  32. Again, tutelage is terminated by adrogation or deportation of the pupil before he attains the age of puberty, or by his being reduced to slavery or taken captive by the enemy.

  33. Minor or intermediate loss of status is loss of citizenship unaccompanied by loss of liberty, and is incident to interdiction of fire and water and to deportation to an island.

  34. Again, deportation to an island, which entails minor or intermediate loss of status, destroys rights by cognation.

  35. The principles of the amendment, however, were agreed on, that is to say, the freedom of all born after a certain day, and deportation at a proper age.

  36. We should in vain look for an example in the Spanish deportation or deletion of the Moors.

  37. Their forcible deportation followed; and in their wanderings some of these “neutral French” even penetrated to the distant colony of Louisiana, where they settled on the banks of the Mississippi.

  38. The alternative of deportation was much surer, and self-preservation naturally sought the securest means.

  39. It has been claimed that the cruelty of deportation might have been avoided by exacting hostages of the Acadians.

  40. In 1762 the work of deportation was still going on, and five more transports arrived in Boston, but these seem largely to have been gathered outside the peninsula.

  41. The attacks made by the German U-53 immediately off the American coast and the deportation of Belgian civilians into Germany made more difficult the preservation of amicable relations.

  42. The deportation did not bring peace to Nova Scotia.

  43. Some twenty years before the fall of Samaria and the deportation of the ten tribes of Israel, Tiglath Pileser had effected conquests in Asia which carried him so far east that he probably touched the Indus.

  44. November 29 our government sent a protest to Germany against the deportation of Belgians.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deportation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.