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Example sentences for "diaphoretics"

Lexicographically close words:
diapering; diapers; diaphanous; diaphoresis; diaphoretic; diaphragm; diaphragmatic; diaphragms; diaphysis; diaries
  1. In others, where the mild Diaphoretics were ineffectual, Sweating, with the G.

  2. Lind has recommended an Infusion of Garlick in Spirits as one of the best Stomachics and Diaphoretics he knows in cold wet Weather.

  3. Diaphoretics seem to increase only the first two kinds, viz.

  4. With this view, Cathartics are employed in constipation, Diaphoretics for dryness of skin, Cholagogues in torpid states of the liver.

  5. Volatile Diaphoretics may increase the cutaneous transpiration, and pass off by the skin, without the production of sensible liquid sweating.

  6. This probably is the rational explanation of the use of Diaphoretics and Diuretics in Fevers, Gout, and Rheumatism, and of purgative medicines in a great number of disorders.

  7. The operation of Diaphoretics is opposed to that of Diuretics, but it is not always so with purgative medicines.

  8. These Diaphoretics are all more or less uncertain in their action, as we have seen to be the case with Expectorants.

  9. Thus in some cases of diarrh[oe]a, and still more in diabetes, Diaphoretics are appropriate.

  10. Diaphoretics aid depletion of the blood by pouring water in the form of sweat from the surface of the skin and stimulating the discharge of waste material out of its glands, which has the same effect on the blood pressure.

  11. Diaphoretics Diaphoretics produce perspiration, such as tartrate of antimony, James's powder, and camphor.

  12. Diaphoretics are medicines given to increase the secretion from the skin by sweating.

  13. The treatment of rheumatism consists in the administration of purgatives and diaphoretics or sudorifics, accompanied by tonics, as bark, quinine, &c.

  14. In malignant scarlet fever a smart emetic should be given early, and mercurials and diaphoretics at once freely exhibited.

  15. Diaphoretics are very beneficial, and the patient should not be exposed to cold or wet, but kept rather warm, otherwise the eruption may be repelled, the affection thereby prolonged, and the constitutional disturbance augmented.

  16. Diaphoretics are of essential service in promoting the action of the exhalants, and thereby relieving the affected capillaries.

  17. Diaphoretics have been much used, upon the theory that by determination to the skin they correspondingly diminish the tendency to hyperæmia of the affected mucous tracts.

  18. Dover's powder, solution of the acetate of ammonia, and other mild diaphoretics are to be selected.

  19. The use of diaphoretics is indicated in nearly all diseases accompanied by fever and a dry skin, and particularly in febrile and pectoral affections.

  20. Diaphoretics and mild aperients may also be given, and a light, nutritious diet adopted throughout.

  21. The diaphoretics that are most efficient are warm water and steam.

  22. If under these circumstances the abdominal effusion increases, the remedies must consist of diuretics and diaphoretics rather than purgatives.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diaphoretics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.