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Example sentences for "diffusible"

Lexicographically close words:
diffusely; diffuseness; diffuses; diffuseth; diffusibility; diffusing; diffusion; diffusive; dificultad; dig
  1. The essence is used to flavor certain pharmaceutical preparations, and is a diffusible stimulant which may be given internally in doses of 3-6 drops on a little sugar.

  2. This oil enters into the composition of "Cologne Water"; it is said to arrest falling of the hair and is a diffusible stimulant which may be given internally in doses of 3-5 drops.

  3. Gubler regards it as a diffusible stimulant.

  4. The latter advises the administration of the juice of the plant for snake bites till vomiting is produced; then follow with diffusible stimulants.

  5. In some instances a diffusible carrier is combined with the basic substances; in others not.

  6. In order to insure the penetration of the tumor in the live animal by this substance, however, he considered it essential to combine it with some other highly diffusible substance.

  7. Plant cells elaborate protoplasm from the carbonic acid of the air, water, and easily diffusible solutions of salts, obtained from the sea or from the soil.

  8. In small doses it acts as a powerful and diffusible stimulant, in somewhat larger ones it is narcotic, and in excessive doses it proves an active narcotic poison.

  9. Its action is that of a powerful diffusible stimulant and diuretic; it is also aphrodisiac.

  10. Oil of cajeput is a powerful antispasmodic and diffusible stimulant.

  11. Diffusible stimulants are general stimulants the effects of which are rapid but fugacious, as ether or alcohol.

  12. Diffusible stimulants and tonics should be given from the start.

  13. Though insoluble in water, it is extremely diffusible through it, and is very slowly deposited.

  14. They are readily diffusible through water, and are capable of forming with it a plastic ductile mass, which may be kneaded by hand into any shape.

  15. Used as a diffusible stimulant in flatulency.

  16. In scours, the surface evaporates too little of the moisture, and should be relaxed by diffusible stimulants in the form of ginger tea.

  17. Vin Mariani is a diffusible tonic, the action of which is immediate.

  18. Pus is diffusible through a diluted vitriolic acid, though mucus is not; the same occurs with water, or a solution of sea salt.

  19. Chemically the Horse radish contains a volatile oil, identical with that of mustard, being highly diffusible and pungent by reason of its "myrosin.

  20. In a parallel way the antiseptic diffusible oils of Pine, Peppermint, and Thyme, are likewise employed with marked success for inhalation into the lungs by consumptive patients.

  21. Erysipelatous pharyngitis is to be treated by the administration, by enema if necessary, of large doses of quinia, tincture of the chloride of iron, brandy, and diffusible stimulants.

  22. Some are readily adsorbable and are deposited in great concentration at the surface of the fibre, but for good weight it is necessary to use also the less adsorbable and more diffusible tans, which penetrate the fibre itself.

  23. There does not appear to be any reason why similar compounds which are soluble and diffusible (amino-acids?

  24. The reactions brought about by bacteria on substances which are soluble and diffusible are essentially "surface reactions.

  25. But it is probable that it is too diffusible and too rapidly absorbed to be entirely so neutralized; and besides, its operation when inhaled is the same as when ingested, which seems to point to an agency after absorption in the latter case.

  26. It is supposed by some that diffusible Stimulants act simply on the ganglionic system of nerves, being able through them to excite the functions of the heart, vessels, and glands.

  27. The constitutional remedies are derived chiefly from the class of diffusible stimulants.

  28. Thus, the most diffusible poisons prove most rapidly fatal, especially when introduced directly into the circulation by a wound in a vein, or when they are injected into the subcutaneous connective tissue.

  29. Graham called these jelly-like substances colloids; the easily diffusible substances he called crystalloids.

  30. Water and diffusible salts certainly pass into the vein.

  31. The soluble form of the carbohydrates is sugar; proteids can be changed into the, of course, chemically equivalent but soluble and diffusible the peptones; and fats and oils undergo a more complicated, but finally similar change.

  32. In order that a compound should diffuse through a membrane, it must be both soluble and diffusible, and therefore an essential preliminary to the absorption of nutritive matter is its conversion into a diffusible soluble form.

  33. Principally used in combination with mustard, as an external irritant, and internally, as a diffusible stimulant; two to six drachms.

  34. The depressing effect on the heart should be counteracted by the use of ammonia, digitalis, alcohol, camphor, or other diffusible stimulants, which have a physiological effect opposite to aconite.

  35. But any diffusible stimulus, as spirits, or opium, will soon exhaust it to the proper degree.

  36. The Turks remained in possession of the Acropolis till 1833, when Athens was chosen as the capital of the newly established kingdom of Greece; since that date the history of the city forms part of that of modern Greece.

  37. It is curious how much there is in association, and how a sort of latent, diffusible superstition mingles with all associations, especially those connected with the weather.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diffusible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.