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Example sentences for "diffusibility"

Lexicographically close words:
diffused; diffusely; diffuseness; diffuses; diffuseth; diffusible; diffusing; diffusion; diffusive; dificultad
  1. This led to a study of the diffusibility of proteoses in general, from which we were led to conclude that these bodies possess this power to a greater degree than had hitherto been supposed.

  2. Chittenden and Amerman: A Comparison of Artificial and Natural Gastric Digestion, together with a Study of the Diffusibility of Proteoses and Peptones.

  3. It is not to be understood by this, however, that diffusibility is of no consequence in determining the rate of absorption.

  4. The extreme solubility and diffusibility of peptones, coupled perhaps with their marked diuretic action, lead to rapid elimination through the kidneys, and their consequent removal from the system.

  5. The view once held, that the rate of absorption from the alimentary tract stands in close relation to the diffusibility of the products formed, and that non-diffusible substances are incapable of absorption, is no longer tenable.

  6. Somewhat singular, however, was the result obtained with deuteroalbumose; this proteose showing a diffusibility considerably less than that of the proto-body.

  7. Graham studied the diffusibility of substances in solution through the parchment membrane of a simple dialyzer.

  8. This latter discovery led to the conclusion that diffusibility depends upon the condition, rather than upon the nature, of the material under observation.

  9. In a cicatrix, the diffusibility of the solution is impeded, and in an inflammatory or necrotic tissue, the changes in the quantity and quality of the fluids present, alter the action of the anesthetic.

  10. I believe that the latter, on account of its diffusibility and rapid absorption, escapes neutralization by the stomach acid, and passes into the blood as free Ammonia.

  11. The great diffusibility of the free Ammonia would be an additional reason for its rapid absorption.

  12. The latter measures the relative diffusibility and germicidal power of carbolic acid and various dilutions of the germicide to be tested upon Bacillus coli suspended in 1.

  13. Compare the diffusibility of H with that of O.

  14. The diffusibility of gases varies inversely as the square roots of their vapor densities.

  15. Compare the diffusibility of O and N; of Cl and H.

  16. Compare the diffusibility of CO2 and that of Cl; of HCl and SO2; of HF and I.

  17. The light which the lamp gave out, though it possessed intensity, was deficient in diffusibility as compared with that given out from ordinary flat flame gas burners, and this was another objection to it.

  18. His opinion as to the diffusibility of the light emitted from the burner differed from that of Mr. Nelson, as he considered the light possessed that quality in a high degree.

  19. Nitrate of soda also seems to increase the diffusibility of potash salts.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diffusibility" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.