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Example sentences for "diffusion"

Lexicographically close words:
diffuses; diffuseth; diffusibility; diffusible; diffusing; diffusive; dificultad; dig; diga; digamma
  1. The act of radiating, or the state of being radiated; emission and diffusion of rays of light; beamy brightness.

  2. Defn: One opposed to the diffusion of knowledge; an obscuriantist.

  3. The reprobation of the Strasburg preacher was echoed by other divines, and to this cause probably the Christmas-tree owed its slow diffusion throughout Germany.

  4. Since that time, or rather since 1830, its diffusion throughout the world has been so marvellously rapid that there is nothing to compare with it in the whole history of popular customs.

  5. Since however they first began, the AEgyptians thereby expressed the processe and motion of the spirit of the world, and the diffusion thereof upon the Celestiall and Elementall nature; implyed by a circle and right-lined intersection.

  6. They had a due diffusion of their roots on all or both sides, whereby they maintained some proportion to their height, in Trees of large radication.

  7. And this diffusion and spreading of its Branches, hath afforded the Proverb of Terebintho stultior, applicable unto arrogant or boasting persons, who spread and display their own acts, as Erasmus hath observed.

  8. Where the latter become the objects of zeal, a flavor of the soil mingles itself with the sentiments of honor, and a peculiar loyalty concentrates itself on the inner circles of duty, often with the narrowest capacity of diffusion beyond.

  9. He made his fortune, and having no family, spent it for "the diffusion of knowledge among men.

  10. These will be valuable object-lessons to the people, and help still further to carry out James Smithson's idea, "the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.

  11. For several years it was difficult to decide in what way Congress should use the money "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.

  12. When more "Settlements" are established in all the waste places, we shall have so many the more centres for the diffusion of intellectual and moral aid.

  13. On the other hand, the commodities which poured into Venice and Genoa from the East had to find a route for their diffusion through Europe.

  14. For this reason it is very necessary that among wage-earners there should be as wide a diffusion as possible of technical and business education, so that they may be able immediately to take control of big complex industries.

  15. The result is that, though those schools which they have created are good and organized on modern lines, on the whole there would seem to be less diffusion of child education than before.

  16. Future ages and generations shall behold the diffusion of its radiance and the manifestations of its signs.

  17. The contribution thou hast made for teaching is highly acceptable and it shall be eternally mentioned in the divine Kingdom for it is the cause of the diffusion of fragrances and the exaltation of the Word of God.

  18. Be engaged in the furtherance of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár and prepare the means for the diffusion of the divine fragrances.

  19. In the year 1805 was established, by a proprietary in the City, the London Institution, "for the advancement of literature and the diffusion of useful knowledge.

  20. Since the diffusion of civilization, many of the Indians have consented, and even desired, to exchange these presents for houses, implements of agriculture, and other useful objects.

  21. They have been accused as hostile to the diffusion of knowledge, yet no mention is made of any opposition made by them to the late remarkable spread of elementary schools.

  22. Heat, laws which govern the diffusion of, 93.

  23. Powers of diffusion indispensable, that each species may maintain its ground.

  24. I have reserved for the last some observations on the range and diffusion of the human species over the earth, and the influence of man in spreading other animals and plants, especially the terrestrial.

  25. Perhaps icebergs, transporting to vast distances not only stones, but soil with the seeds of plants, may explain this unusually wide diffusion of insular plants.

  26. Many of the general remarks which have been made respecting the influence of man in spreading or in checking the diffusion of plants apply equally to his relations with the animal kingdom.

  27. Karma is best known as a term of the Buddhists, who are largely responsible both for the definition and wide diffusion of the doctrine.

  28. And it is the discovery of this art of creation by him and its parallel diffusion among his contemporaries that I am endeavouring to make clear here.

  29. The question of guarding Europe generally from the danger of diffusion by pilgrims through the Red Sea was settled at another conference held in Paris in 1894.

  30. They afford, therefore, most striking evidence of a widespread diffusion of Babylonian culture.

  31. The very extent and general diffusion of these misdeeds rendered a corresponding chastisement impossible.

  32. It chiefly owes its diffusion there to the Romans, who received it from the Greeks, to whom it most likely immediately came from the country between the Black and Caspian Seas.

  33. But both religion and morals will find in the diffusion of knowledge a ground work upon which their loftier temples may discover an acceptable foundation.

  34. When treating of the geographical distribution of vegetables, we have to mark the general arrangements indicated, and the agencies that have evidently operated in promoting the diffusion of floral tribes.

  35. The agents that involuntarily officiate in the diffusion of vegetable products are the atmosphere, the waters, and many animals.

  36. But the revolution was not immediately followed by a liberal diffusion of parliamentary intelligence, for the newspapers of William's reign only give occasionally a detached speech.

  37. We are at least assured that this element cannot escape by gaseous diffusion from the minerals.

  38. Much of the ionisation in gases is again undone by recombination before diffusion leads to the separation of the ions.

  39. A little longer, indeed, in duration than the life which stirs a moment in response to the diffusion of the energy, but only very little.

  40. But, by historical accident, its center of gravity and of diffusion has lain with the English-speaking communities during the period when this bias made history and left its impress on the institutional scheme of the Western civilisation.

  41. Contention, with manslaughter, is indispensable in human intercourse, at the same time that it conduces to the increase and diffusion of the manly virtues.

  42. No one should be more aware of this than he who undertakes the 'diffusion of political knowledge' among the people of this country.

  43. Dear Sir: I address you in your quality of President of the Society for the Diffusion of Political Knowledge, and with reference to your speech and your letter to Mr. Crosby, published in the tracts issued by your Society.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diffusion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.