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Example sentences for "diffused"

Lexicographically close words:
diffrence; diffrent; diffunce; diffunt; diffuse; diffusely; diffuseness; diffuses; diffuseth; diffusibility
  1. On the other hand, when the sea exhibits in a high degree the phenomenon of diffused phosphorescence no disturbance can be too slight to cause the water to shine with that peculiar characteristic gleam.

  2. During the same expedition, a number of deep-sea phosphorescent crustaceans were dredged up, the phosphorescence being in some cases diffused over the whole body, in other cases localized to particular areas.

  3. Nevertheless, this lowly form is the chief cause of that diffused phosphorescence which is sometimes seen over a wide extent of the ocean.

  4. The cause of this diffused phosphorescence was long the subject of curiosity, and was long unknown, but more than a hundred years ago (in 1764) the light was stated by M.

  5. A singular and highly remarkable case of diffused marine phosphorescence was observed by Nordenskiƶld during his voyage to Greenland in 1883.

  6. We will return to that form of marine luminosity to which we first referred: what is known as the general or diffused phosphorescence of the sea.

  7. It is the property of all gases, as well as of the two (oxygen and nitrogen) composing the atmosphere, that when brought together they always are entirely mixed, each being equally diffused exactly as it would be if alone.

  8. So in the capillaries all over the body, the carbon and hydrogen supplied to the blood by the stomach, unite with the oxygen gained in the lungs, and cause the heat which is diffused all over the body.

  9. Copies of it in manuscript were multiplied, and rapidly circulated; translations were made into various languages, until the invention of printing enabled it to be widely diffused throughout Europe.

  10. It is now generally diffused through every considerable plantation in England.

  11. The light is evenly diffused and soft, and comes through unseen windows.

  12. The present writer differed from them, by ascribing their origin to supernatural revelation made to our first parents in the garden, universally diffused by the dispersion of the race, and transmitted to us by the traditions of all nations.

  13. Dolcino merely organized a movement which had been in progress for nearly half a century, and which was the expression of a widely diffused sentiment.

  14. Yet the ardent thirst of poverty and the belief that in it lay the only assured path to salvation were too widely diffused to be repressed.

  15. Largely through the Newtonian principle of the parallelogram of forces, the present masses, orbits, and velocities were analyzed into a more primitive process of concentration within a nebulous or highly diffused aggregate of matter.

  16. Pantheism appears in primitive religion as an animistic or polytheistic sense of the presence of a divine principle diffused throughout nature.

  17. Equally remote from the ordinary experience and emotions of a Roman would be the feeling of awe, gloom, and mystery, diffused through the great thoughts and imaginations of Aeschylus.

  18. The vital principle is diffused over the whole body, obedient to and in close sympathy with the mind.

  19. Unfortunately the profits thus earned by the economic effects of war are not diffused vertically throughout the whole nation from top to bottom, but rather horizontally along a shallow commercial stratum in every nation.

  20. There has been no other demonstration so splendid of the spirit which remains widely diffused among individual English working men and which at one time animated labour as a concentrated political force.

  21. This advantage, we are to understand, is diffused over a comparatively larger class than in England.

  22. But the too powerful effects of this agreeable delirium might be alleviated by descending into an immense garden, where an assemblage of every fragrant flower diffused through the air the purest odours.

  23. A sacred rapture was diffused amongst these reverend old men.

  24. Thousands of candles in the chandeliers and candelabra diffused a radiance as brilliant as that of day and, confused by the noise and waves of light which surged around her, she had drawn closer to her father, clinging to him for protection.

  25. The tallow candles burning low in their sockets, which it contained, and some pitch-pans in the corners, diffused but a dim light through the long apartment.

  26. It has been reserved for the power of oppression, in its active and diffused state, to give effect to the unhallowed innovation upon the rights of the South.

  27. She looked upward to the twinkling stars and it seemed to her as if God had relumed the heavens with a brightly diffused glow of love.

  28. Her blue and youthful eyes lighted up at the sight of the girl standing in the clear, diffused light of the many windows and backed by the spinning shafting.

  29. To Samarcand, its metropolis, we owe the art of transforming linen into paper, which the Sogdian merchants are said to have gained from China, and thence diffused by means of their own manufacturers over the western world.

  30. Under the loving assiduity of the Benedictine Monk, the ravages of war were repaired, the plantation throve, the river diffused itself in rills and channels, and hill and dale and plain rejoiced in corn land and pasture.

  31. You may recollect that, when their ancestors were defeated by the latter people in Sogdiana, instead of returning to their deserts, they suffered themselves to be diffused and widely located through the great empire of the Caliphs.

  32. Hence, the image of a star can never be seen or photographed with such an instrument, as an actual point, but only as a small, diffused mass.

  33. Of all the groups in the Milky Way the best known is that in the sword-handle of Perseus, which may be seen during the greater part of the year, and is distinctly visible to the naked eye as a patch of diffused light.

  34. Only small islands have ever been discovered which were uninhabited, and animals of a higher grade are as widely diffused as man.

  35. So far as chemical elements go, we may therefore take it for granted that the conditions under which life begins are very widely diffused in the universe.

  36. People who live near railway stations can thus get their time from it, and so exact time is diffused into every household of the land which is at all near a railway station, without the trouble of watching the sun.

  37. The transparent vapor at the mouth of the kettle is the true vapor of water, which is condensed into liquid drops by cooling; but after being diffused through the air these drops evaporate and again become true vapor.

  38. His influence is everywhere, like an odour, like an atmosphere, like a diffused flame.

  39. But Montaigne himself was the first of all writers to give palpable intellectual shape to this diffused spiritual temper.

  40. It is this particular tone and temper of mind diffused at large through a discussion of so immense a variety of topics that in the last resort one feels is the man's real contribution to the art of living upon the earth.

  41. It was probably the effect of the western sunshine, melting through the thinly diffused vapors that had swept between him and the object that he gazed at.

  42. As the liquor diffused a pleasant perfume, the old people doubted not that it possessed cordial and comfortable properties; and, though utter sceptics as to its rejuvenescent power, they were inclined to swallow it at once.

  43. Faraday first satisfied himself that the needle of his galvanometer was caused to swing through the same arc by the same quantity of machine electricity, whether it was condensed in a small battery or diffused over a large one.

  44. The phrase may indicate any hypothesis according to which the stars or the bodies of the solar system have been evolved from a widely diffused nebulous form of matter.

  45. Discoidal by derivation; -- applied especially to the placenta of man and apes, because it is supposed to have been derived from a diffused placenta.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diffused" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    diffused light; diffused matter