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Example sentences for "dimpling"

Lexicographically close words:
dimorphism; dimorphous; dimple; dimpled; dimples; dimply; dims; din; dinanzi; dinar
  1. Rosamond, dimpling with more thorough laughter than usual at this humorous incongruity.

  2. Lakla dimpling and blushing, I thrilled to the touch of her soft, sweet lips.

  3. The sea was crisping and dimpling under the wind.

  4. And with her quick, dimpling smile she would respond with some item of local news which took its humor chiefly from the telling.

  5. I don't care why you sing so long as you sing," said Essie, dimpling again.

  6. There is no right man--yet," she returned, laughing and dimpling till I almost wished there was not a dimpling stubborn girl in all the world.

  7. In a moment she was by my side, smiling and dimpling in a manner fit to set the heart of an anchorite a-thumping.

  8. Yes, of course I do," she returned, smiling and dimpling exquisitely.

  9. It was the business quarter, yet the air was gay with the dimpling of piano notes, and looking up one saw the bright sunlight fall on yellow stuccoed flats above the shops and the offices.

  10. It's pay," she cried, with pleasure dimpling about her lips.

  11. Diana laughed, dimpling with amusement at the maestro's indignation.

  12. The actress was dimpling and smiling, a spice of mischief in her soft blue eyes.

  13. I ought to tell you," Miss Bunting continued, dimpling a little, "that it will be sixpence extra if you have it up here.

  14. The bleakness of his suffering young soul peered forth from his deep blue eyes as he stared steadily across the dimpling sun-touched waves.

  15. He indicated with a sweep of an arm the flock of white-winged sail boats and motor launches which thickly dotted the dimpling water.

  16. She slipped an arm under his shoulders and raised him so he could look out upon the mountain-girt sea dimpling under the morning breeze.

  17. The dimpling grooves in his cheeks did not escape tante-gra'mère's black eyes.

  18. Mr. Jobson is not much inclined to poetry, I believe," lisped May Blossom, with a smile dimpling her beautiful mouth.

  19. Oh, that was put on purposely to impress you with my importance," said Dorothy, dimpling into a little girl again.

  20. It was an exquisite morning; the sea was dimpling and laughing in the sunrise, and great flocks of hungry white sea-birds were making for the Firth.

  21. How homelike the heathery hills, the dimpling bays, the luxuriant stretches of wood, the stately dwellings crowning the smooth green, sloping lawns!

  22. Polly, still dimpling with amusement over Mr. Bean's management of Aunt Jane, unfolded the sheet.

  23. Still dimpling with laughter, she ran across to the instrument; but as she turned back from the message her face was troubled.

  24. The sun shone on all the beautiful country, and on all the wreck and devastation, as it often shines on the dimpling ocean the day after a storm.

  25. And though only a little over sixteen years old, an innate spirit of coquetry had begun to show itself, and her dark, roguish eyes and dimpling smile often captivated the boys who belonged to what the school-girls called "our set.

  26. Patty nodded back with a dimpling smile, and Christine, seeing it, vowed afresh to gain the ability to do that sort of thing herself.

  27. I think I will," replied the girl, dimpling prettily.

  28. Oh, of course, I saw you were a cowboy," she said, dimpling again.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dimpling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.