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Example sentences for "drenches"

Lexicographically close words:
dremes; dremp; dren; drench; drenched; drenching; drenk; drery; dres; dress
  1. So spake she, and Zephyrus shook his wings adrip with fresh nectar and drenches the ground with their life-giving dew.

  2. Then, lest their long journey should cause them to fail, she bids the flames never die nor sleep and drenches the wood with that secret drug[132] wherewith Phaƫthon bedews his steeds and the Moon her bulls.

  3. Remember a horse cannot breathe through his mouth, therefore, liquid drenches are dangerous.

  4. So he takes upon him to set his face against watery drenches in dropsical cases?

  5. Care should be exercised in giving irritating drenches to sheep, especially if the drench be bulky.

  6. Small drenches can readily be given with a syringe (Fig.

  7. In giving bulky drenches it is most convenient to use a long-necked, heavy glass bottle.

  8. Putrid or decomposed slops, hot feeds, irritating drenches and drinking from filthy wallows are common causes of inflammation of the mouth in hogs.

  9. No bulky drenches should be administered.

  10. Liquids may be given as drenches when the dose is large, or they may, when but a small quantity is administered, be injected into the mouth with a hard-rubber syringe or be poured upon the tongue from a small vial.

  11. In drenching, swallowing may be hastened by pouring into the nose of the horse, while the head is high, a few teaspoonfuls of clean water, but drenches must never be given through the nose.

  12. Balls are preferred to drenches when the medicine is extremely disagreeable or nauseating; when the dose is not too large; when the horse is difficult to drench; or when the medicine is intended to act slowly.

  13. Changing Himself into Water, He drenches and submerges all, and assuming the form of Brahman, He creates all the diverse tribes of animate and inanimate creatures.

  14. O Brahmana, hidden in the clouds and encompassed by his rays, the sun drenches the seven islands with showers of rain.

  15. If there is tenderness or pain about the abdomen, apply hot fomentations constantly, and should there be much flatulence give occasional drenches of ammonia, carbonate of ammonia, or whiskey and water.

  16. The following drenches have been recommended for this affection:-- 1.

  17. In all cases, drenches should be very slowly administered.

  18. As for the common land toad, whose note sounds like a pure crystal bell in calm of the evening, he waits until all the eggs have emerged, he arranges them in a heap, then excited by somersaults, he drenches the lot of them.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drenches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.