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Example sentences for "dule"

Lexicographically close words:
dulci; dulcia; dulcified; dulcimer; dulcis; dulie; dull; dullard; dullards; dulle
  1. Darkness and dule is my portion now in this world.

  2. Robin, in dule I am so drest That luve will be my bane.

  3. Gordon, All wud wi' dule and ire: 'Fals lady, ye sall rue this deid As ye brenn in the fire!

  4. She smiled to me, my little Jean, Said she, "The dule and pain, O mither!

  5. The Traquairs of Montroymont (Mons Romanus, as the erudite expound it) had long held their seat about the head-waters of the Dule and in the back parts of the moorland parish of Balweary.

  6. Whereupon they separated, and Montroymont rode briskly down into the Dule Valley.

  7. Then said the Sultan, "By Allah, this youth deserveth naught save that I make him my partner and share with him my good, for he hath banished from us our dule and our dolours and eke on account of himself and his own sake.

  8. The dule steawnd theem 'at cut em deawn--the devil astonish those who cut them down.

  9. The dule steawnd theem at cut 'em deawn, say I!

  10. Tis dule to know not night from morn, But deeper dule to know I can but hear the hunter's horn That once I used to blow.

  11. Sancta Marie,' said he, 'Bessie, why makes thow sa great dule and sair greting for ony wardlie thing?

  12. Your steed was old and ye have got more, Some other dule you drie, O!

  13. Wash, O wash his wounds, his wounds in tears, His wounds in tears with dule and sorrow; And wrap his limbs in mourning weids, And lay him on the Braes of Yarrow.

  14. The boy took out his milk-white, milk-white steed, Unheedful of my dule and sorrow: But ere the toofall of the night He lay a corpse on the Braes of Yarrow.

  15. Lang maun she weep, lang maun she, maun she weep, Lang maun she weep with dule and sorrow, And lang maun I nae mair weel be seen Pu'ing the birks on the Braes of Yarrow.

  16. When she arrived in this country she was still in her first dule or mourning dress.

  17. Ere half an hour passes the governor shall know that a spy is within the castle, and the dule tree is your sure doom;” and Clem ran off to take measures for insuring his revenge.

  18. The upshot was that he gaed to the window an' stood glowrin' at Dule water.

  19. It is the blude o’ my ae brither And dule and wae is me!

  20. Now, Dickie, than The shame and dule is left wi’ me.

  21. XXIII There is dule in the kitchen, and mirth in the ha’, For the Baron of Brackley is dead and awa’.

  22. My fond heart will never forget; Though drear is the dule I haif suffer'd sin syne, That hour gars my heart beat warmly yet.

  23. Having placed the countess at this window, the earl made a signal to those assembled beneath the "Dule Tree," and in an instant afterwards the first of the unhappy captives was seen suspended by the neck, struggling in the agonies of death.

  24. The friends we love have appointed us * The grievousest parting-dule to dree.

  25. May be * 'Twill increase the dule foreign wight must dree!

  26. But oh, sir, I fear me I have wrought sore dule to thee this day, and sore dule to Scotland.

  27. Tis the story of an event which brought mourning and dule to many a fair lady's heart, in the far-off days of long ago.

  28. My kinsman of Buccleuch is Warden of the Marches, and responsible for keeping the peace, and sore dule and woe would come to my father's house were I to stir up strife now that we are supposed to be all one land.

  29. Sancta Marie," says he, "Bessie, quhy makis thow sa grit dule and sair greting for ony wardlie thing?

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dule" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.