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Example sentences for "dungaree"

Lexicographically close words:
dunce; dunces; dune; dunes; dung; dungarees; dunged; dungeon; dungeons; dunghill
  1. Under his thin suit of dungaree Harty was rolling in sweat.

  2. The light was none too good for making observations at a distance, but there could be no mistaking the burly form in the dingy blue cap and coat and dungaree trousers.

  3. The other was a white, sandy-whiskered individual in a dingy blue coat and cap and much-worn dungaree trousers.

  4. Finally, his clothing consisted of a cotton shirt, that looked as though it had been in use for at least a month since its last visit to the laundress, a pair of grimy blue dungaree trousers, and a pair of red morocco slippers.

  5. I observed that when the Captain approached the man stirred uneasily in his shoes, 'twixt which and the foot of his blue dungaree breeches there lay visible the bare, yellow flesh of his ankles.

  6. In the excitement of making a quick get-away nobody will be looking into your faces, anyhow; they'll see your familiar dungaree suits and caps; some of them may even give you a hand to help you when you leap aboard.

  7. As she threw her arms around his neck she felt the rustling of a letter that lay loosely in the front of the dungaree jumper he always wore when at work.

  8. As his friend entered the room Dungaree Bill took one of the "monkeys" from his outstretched hand.

  9. There's the weight behind it," answered Dungaree Bill, puffing away at his short pipe.

  10. They arranged the cards; Dungaree cut, and the red-haired man dealt.

  11. Dungaree swore under his bushy black beard that no mortal should part them until he had exacted his tithe of vengeance to the uttermost farthing.

  12. Perhaps the knowledge that Dungaree was on his track induced him to do this.

  13. Do you think she has dungaree nighties, mother?

  14. He thought he was doin' a tremenjous thing when he give me this dungaree the other day.

  15. Even of dungaree, a new dress was a pleasant, almost exciting experience: albeit dungaree when new is more like petrified wood-pulp than anything else, and only ceases to scratch the wearer severely after many washings.

  16. The pink dress fell in soft folds, hiding the angularities that the dungaree horrors always accentuated.

  17. Torn and shapeless dungaree frocks were her portion in life, and though she hated them she regarded them as inevitable.

  18. She went with Aileen into her room when it was time to change into the old dungaree and go home: poor little Cinderella!

  19. A feeling that something was due to a day which evidently meant far more to the Macleods than it had ever done to her, had induced her to put on her new dungaree dress, and she was stiffly uncomfortable.

  20. Dungaree obligingly fades as soon as it is washed: when new it is a rather deep hard blue, and the wearer looked hot and red-faced, and crackled as she walked.

  21. It don't matter about me--an' I'd wear out anything but dungaree with the rough work outside.

  22. Anyhow, dungaree lasts twice as long as anything else.

  23. You have let him imagine that dungaree was the only thing to dress in.

  24. She was clad in a blue dungaree habit and straw sun-hat, and he marveled at the ravishing picture she made.

  25. Tresler drew a step nearer, and stood so close to her that her dungaree skirt was almost touching him.

  26. Since you chose to have a cold bath and stay there till your nose was as blue as a dungaree suit, and you looked liked a favourite for the Triple Pneumonia Stakes, it isn't to be wondered at that Pills had to have a chip in.

  27. Here there were men in swarms, for the most part greasers in dungaree suits.

  28. In answer, he lifted my hand and placed it over his dungaree jacket, I felt something hard, of irregular shape, beneath the thin cloth, the outline of a revolver.

  29. She was clad in buckskin shirt and dungaree skirt.

  30. She was habited in her dungaree skirt and buckskin bodice.

  31. Her trim riding-boots were displayed from beneath the hem of her coarse dungaree habit.

  32. She returned a moment later, and, drawing her chair beside that of the girl, seated herself and rested one soft white hand on those of her companion, which were reposing clasped in the lap of her dungaree skirt.

  33. The blue dungaree had been washed, but it was streaked and wrinkled in places, and still damp in spots.

  34. The funnel appeared above the hatchcombings, then a pair of shoulders incased in blue dungaree followed suit, and, finally, the tall figure of Miss Cynthia Archer emerged from the open hatchway and stepped lightly on to the deck.

  35. She was in the old blue dungaree dress, and stood silhouetted against the red sun of the morning like a young goddess.

  36. Somehow I had never thought of her in anything but that old blue dungaree dress.

  37. She was only a slight young girl, dressed in a blue dungaree not much the better for her stay ashore, but if I ever saw dignity personified, it was then.

  38. He was dressed in shabby clothing--shirt, dungaree trousers, and canvas shoes such as sailors work and go aloft in.

  39. Brown and blue dungaree overalls were likewise displayed--grimly, like men hanging in chains.

  40. Chinese coolies in blue dungaree tunics, wide straw hats and ditto shorts carried it in baskets slung from either end of bamboo poles balanced over their shoulders.

  41. Bow, Two and Three, have skull-caps of lemon yellow and dull gold thread, and blue dungaree jackets faded and threadbare.

  42. Silhouetted against the hot shimmer that boiled up from the street was a jaunty figure in a native, flapping muslin jacket, native rope-soled shoes, and dungaree breeches, carefully rolling a cigarette from a little bag of army Durham.

  43. No wonder my friend of the Fifth Army Corps and the dungaree breeches, alpargatas, and battered Panama and muslin jacket had suddenly disappeared.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dungaree" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.