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Example sentences for "effaces"

Lexicographically close words:
efery; efface; effaced; effacement; effacer; effacing; effect; effecte; effected; effectes
  1. The bourgeois effaces the knight; the Italian of the Renaissance has broken the leading strings of mystical romance.

  2. He effaces this name and writes it on the other roll after he has read further.

  3. It is exactly for this reason that there is nothing more inconsistent with the dignity of man than to suffer violence, for violence effaces him.

  4. He acknowledged an inward agitation with the vision in his eye of the tall, white figure against the pines, clad with the art which, in mysterious simplicity, effaces itself.

  5. And she had, in spite of all, known the love which effaces self!

  6. It tends to substitute its own action for the action of him whom it wishes to help; it somewhat effaces his personality, and makes itself in some sort his providence,--a formidable part for a mortal!

  7. Ecstasy, far from elevating man to God, abases him below man; for it effaces in him thought, by taking away its condition, which is consciousness.

  8. This bastard architecture, at once heavy and mannered, is, little by little, substituted for the beautiful architecture of the preceding century, and everywhere effaces the vestiges of the French spirit.

  9. Sometimes an artist effaces entirely his own individuality, as in Greek sculpture and Gothic architecture, and the mere name of the creator does not signify.

  10. He cares for the significance of his idea more than for his sleight of hand; he effaces his skill for his art.

  11. Now Plato, in correcting them, sets up a counter-doctrine which effaces reciprocity by removing the consequent.

  12. The utterance of this false tone often calls out the better music, and makes us admire the way in which good springs up in the very footsteps of evil and effaces them as things of nought.

  13. One glance back at their words effaces all before us.

  14. But when it was present, how did it write its image in the memory, seeing that forgetfulness by its presence effaces even what it finds already noted?

  15. Theft is punished by Thy law, O Lord, and the law written in the hearts of men, which iniquity itself effaces not.

  16. Society smiles in scorn, effaces the stain, and replaces the stone.

  17. He effaces the old distinctions; he establishes a sort of universal suffrage in spiritual matters; there are no select circles, no privileged persons.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "effaces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.