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Example sentences for "effecte"

Lexicographically close words:
effacement; effacer; effaces; effacing; effect; effected; effectes; effecting; effective; effectively
  1. And concerning suche matiers as ye latelie haue written in for the towne of Calays, I do not ne shall not cesse to do my best to reduce and bryng the same to suche good passe and effecte as shalbe thought most requysite and expedient.

  2. For the conducing whereof to effecte the kinges highnes hath specyall trust and expectacion in your graces approved wisedom and dexteryte and thus the holie trynyte.

  3. I shall therefore requyre your lordeship that insuing the teanour purport and effecte of the kinges saide graunte ye do see the saide Bartholomew admytted into the saide rowme when tyme shall requyre accordingly.

  4. Not dowbting but ye will diligentlie effectuallie and trewly put in execucion the teanour and effecte of your saide Commyssion in suche wise as shalbe most for your honestie & to the Kinges most profite and aduauntage.

  5. Whan they came before the iudges, the yonge man demaunded of hys mayster, what was the effecte of the scyence?

  6. By thys tale ye may lerne to knowe the effecte of the holy prayer of the Pater noster.

  7. Abradatas knowing his wiues tokens, and vnderstanding the effecte of her message, spedely came to Cyrus with two thousand horsemen.

  8. The same historie is written by Cato, in an oration which he made to his souldiours against Galba, contayninge in effecte as foloweth.

  9. I will not promise, but shall indeaour & hope to effecte y^e full desire and grant of your patente, & that ere it be longe.

  10. But I will leave it to you to consider what evill this leter would or might have done, had it come to your hands & taken y^e effecte y^e other desired.

  11. To effecte which, they resolved to rune a high course, and of great adventure, not knowing otherwise how to bring it aboute.

  12. And so these troubls prodused a quite contrary effecte in sundrie hear, then these adversaries hoped for.

  13. This is y^e effecte of his letters, other things being of more private nature.

  14. And hée hauyng aduertisemente of that Countrey and Lorde thereof, had sente him thyther to visite hym on hys behalfe, and to enforme hym of certayne secrete matters, the effecte whereof he hadde in wrytyng.

  15. My Lord of Norffolk hathe ben mevyd for Caster by my Lord Cardenall and the Bysshop of Wynchester, but it woll take non effecte .

  16. Item, I ffeele butt litell effecte in the labor off W.

  17. And this is all in effecte that I can write to you, .

  18. Whiche thynge to shewe in effecte in my selfe, although by fortune some waies I haue ben letted, yet by that whiche fortune cannot debarre, some waies again I haue declared.

  19. Also like secrettes are understoode of the enemies when for this effecte there were taken any prisoners.

  20. Paston and Howys, and that noon othyr attempte there in nor in noon othir cause in this my will to doo the contrarye to hem in effecte I require hem in Goddes be halve.

  21. And so (O life most deere) I shall performe the effecte to kepe the fayth whych last of all before thy face I did confirme.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "effecte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.